Chapter 257
The Hua family's convoy formed a long queue.

Take Chutian to the resting place this time.

This convoy is mighty, with such a grandeur, it really attracted a lot of onlookers.

Chutian has never experienced such conspicuousness.

This feeling is good, and now he is sitting in the car, as long as he coughs lightly, everyone in the Hua family will fight coldly.

That honest look is quite different from the previous attitude.

If I had known this earlier, I should have shown more strength and made these Hua family members more honest.

Now the Hua family is very honest, they dare not say anything more, they show respect, and bring Chutian to the hotel.

In a six-star super hotel, the entire hotel is directly contracted out.

This kind of international six-star is really magnificent.

As soon as he entered, Chutian saw dozens of waiters, who were already waiting at the door.

He bent down and greeted him respectfully; "Young Master Chu is welcome to our hotel. This hotel is dedicated to serving Young Master Chu alone!"

It was clearly ordered by the Hua family, and Chu Tian was very happy about this kind of ostentation.

This is how he has the status of a generation of gods and heroes.

In the future, whether in the mortal world or in the fairy house, he will have some servants to accompany him, so he doesn't need to deal with anything.

This kind of life is what he wants most.

When Chu Tian stepped into the hotel, there were always beautiful waitresses who stepped forward to help Chu Tian shine his shoes and tidy his clothes respectfully.

The beautiful waitress is very eye-catching.

With a smile, there are two dimples: "Young Master Chu, in this hotel, you can tell us anything you need. We are the maids of Young Master Chu today."

"Whether you're thirsty or can't find a place, Young Master Chu can give you instructions."

This kind of service is really considerate.

Only Chu Tian nodded with a smile and felt the smile on Chu Tian's face.

On the other hand, Zhang Xuelian pursed her lips, she was really sullen, and when she glanced at the pretty waitress, she had extremely jealous eyes.

When the Hua family saw Chu Tian's satisfaction, the head of the Hua family put down a sentence: "Young Master Chu, you rest here for a while, we will contact the Xia family now, and when the time comes, the competition will start, and we will send someone to notify you."

The Hua family wanted to take care of some trivial matters, so they said something to Chu Tian and left the hotel.

In the entire hotel, there were only Chu Tian and Zhang Xuelian.

This huge one-hundred-story building was all taken over by the Hua family.

It was entirely his territory, and Chu Tian had never been so proud since he was born.

I am also very curious about this six-star hotel and plan to take a good look at it.

I just want the beautiful waitress to take him here for a stroll.

Outside the hotel, there was a sound of discussion.

"Have you heard that the Hua family dares to make a bet with the Xia family, whoever loses will compensate the other party. In the local area, the company's total assets are hundreds of billions."

"No way, the Hua family has such confidence, dare you bet?"

"No, the Hua family is really crazy. This time the Xia family is bound to win, and the Hua family will only lose miserably."

"The foundation of the Xia family is much more stable than that of the Hua family. How can the Hua family compare?"

Several people were discussing, then walked into the hotel.

It was obvious that the visitors would wave their hands as soon as they walked into the hotel, and said in a loud voice, "Come here quickly, we're going to reserve the entire hotel. This time, we came here specially for the confrontation between the two families."

"Have you heard, this time we were invited by the Xia family to rent out the entire hotel, and the Xia family will naturally pay for it."

As soon as the two spoke, the people in the hotel were stunned.

The beautiful waitress couldn't help but walked forward and said with a smile on her face, "I'm sorry, both of you, the hotel is now occupied."

"What, who is one step ahead of us, damn it, there is only such an international six-star hotel here, which is worthy of the status of our master Yuan."

"Our Lord Yuan was invited to work for the Xia family, do you understand the rules?"

The faces of the two were unhappy, and they were clearly the followers of a man behind them.

This man, with a fairy-like demeanor, seemed to be a kind of old god. He raised his head and glanced at the beautiful waiter in front of him.

Instead, their eyes lit up, and when they curled their lips, they all laughed directly; "Yes, the quality of the waiters here is really good. I don't want to go anywhere today, so I'll just live here."

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, the two dog legs immediately knelt and licked.

"Yes, Master Yuan, only this 6-star hotel is worthy of your status."

"Master Yuan, just wait and leave this matter to us. Damn it, we have reserved this hotel. We will kick out the people in the bakery hotel. The Xia family will take care of everything. "

The faces of the two were arrogant, and when they spoke, it only made the waitress in front of them look ugly.

They all smiled wryly; "This hotel has really been taken over by other people, I'm really sorry."

The faces of the two dog legs sank.

The middle-aged man in front of him also had an ugly face in an instant. No matter what his status is, he will get whatever he wants wherever he goes.

This time, he will definitely win this game. Their original family is a thousand-year-old family in the east, and it is also a top 10 family in China.

Who dares to offend him, stepped forward, Yuan Huo looked over coldly, stared at the beautiful waiter in front of him and said: "I, Yuan Huo, was invited by the Xia family, and the Xia family promised me that as long as I help them win this duel victory or defeat."

"You can meet any of my conditions. Do you know the rights and status of the Xia family in this eastern area?"

Hearing this name, the beautiful waiter nodded.

Yuan Huo pouted and smiled, and when he raised his hand, he really grabbed it directly.

"Now that you know, you should obediently listen to me. I want your hotel today and you. Haha, who dares to stop me."

The beautiful waitress had an ugly face, and when she saw the other party's ugly face approaching, she backed away in disgust.

"Sir, I'm sorry, please show some respect."

Yuan Huo's complexion changed, and he looked angry. When he saw the woman in front of him resisting, his eyes burned with anger: "Dare you not follow me, under the fire of the sky, you have to turn into a bone and seek death!"

Every time he raised his hand, he wanted to summon a blast of fire, to burn the waitress who hated him to death.

Chu Tian couldn't stand it anymore.

I thought he was already arrogant and arrogant enough.

But I didn't expect that there would be someone more arrogant and crazier than him!
This guy was actually dissatisfied at all, and he wanted to attack ordinary people. The beautiful waiter's pretty face turned pale with fright.

Chu Tian stepped forward and started directly.

"It's a mere skyfire, and it's also wanton here, break it for me!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian melted the wind with one hand, and in an instant, the sky fire that Yuan Huo beckoned to shattered directly.

This made Yuan Huo stunned, and stared at the past with ugly eyes.

I want to see which blind guy dared to ruin his business.

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward of ten thousand coins, the first one in life, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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