Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 244 The Daoist Way

Chapter 244 The Daoist Way

As soon as Chu Tian turned his head, his eyes fell on the other two Zhang family members.

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family looked astonished. They never expected that the top 3 position on the list would be directly taken down by Chu Tian.

Obviously, the two immortal emperors were so angry that they were about to explode.

They have prepared a lot of time for this Daoist Discussion, thinking that one of the top 3 positions must be theirs.

But now, neither of the two immortal emperors took down one, and they were all taken by the kid in front of them.

Not to mention this kid in front of him is hateful, this Daoist is too untrustworthy.

How dare you change the rules casually.

was also bought.

The Emperor Wuliang's expression changed, he pointed at the sky angrily, and shouted: "Sage Daoist, I, Emperor Wuliang refuses to accept it. I didn't say anything when he won a position. Why did you give him all the top three positions."

Emperor Futian clenched his fists and looked angrily; "As a sage, if you do this, won't you be afraid of chilling my heart of cultivation?"

In the sky, there was a loud sound, and the tone of this Taoist saint was a bit arrogant.

"I do things naturally for my own reasons. The second level I set up has a strong Dao heart. He is willing to spend a lot of fairy coins, which is enough to show his firm Dao heart. I am not wrong!"

This Taoist saint really knows how to talk nonsense.

This made the two immortal emperors want to explode, and they became furious.

"Damn it, you, as a Taoist saint of a generation, dare to act so recklessly. I am not convinced. I will destroy your hall today."

"I, Emperor Futian, am also the master of a Taoist temple, so what about your generation of Taoist saints, I will slaughter your Taoist disciples in your Taoist temple."

The faces of the two immortal emperors pulled, and it was an instant shot.

Seeing the two immortal emperors make a move, many people's faces changed drastically, and they tried to avoid it.

Even the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were in a hurry. They came to Chu Tian's side and wanted to leave with Chu Tian.

"My lord, let's go quickly, they are going crazy."

"Well, brother, you and him go first, and I will pay attention to the rear."

When the two brothers and sisters came over, they didn't know that Chu Tian didn't move. Looking at the Immortal Emperor in front of him, he curled his lips with a calm expression.

Because he knew very well that Dao Sheng would not let these people mess around.

These saints are not real saints.

He also wanted to see if the strength of this Taoist saint was qualified for him to learn.

The two immortal emperors went crazy and wanted to completely destroy this place.

In the sky, the voice of the Taoist sage came, and it carried a series of heavenly and Taoist methods.

"This Holy Land dares to cause trouble, it's up to you!"

"The Dao body is complete, only my ancestor Xuanyuan the Great, the way of heaven is destroyed, the sky is destroyed, the three realms are destroyed, the fire is run, the water is run, the thunder is run, and the wind is run, and it is as urgent as a law!"

The divine thunder is rolling, and this thunder is much more terrifying than ordinary divine thunder.

Water, Fire, and Wind, even more mixed with three strands of courage, smashed directly at the two immortal emperors.

The faces of the two immortal emperors changed, and they wanted to resist, but the strength of the Taoist saint was that they could resist.

That whole body trembled, all injured by immortal fire and immortal thunder.

In an instant, half of the Dao body was destroyed, and the two immortal emperors spit blood from their mouths and flew out.

Lying on the ground, unable to get up.

Dao Sheng's voice was very indifferent: "For the sake of fellow cultivators, I will let you go, get out, and don't let me see you again."

The sage's aura is astonishing, and it is so easy to deal with the Immortal Emperor.

Chu Tian sighed, but felt a little excited about Dao Sheng's Heavenly Law.

This is really Xuanyuan's Taoism.

It is comparable to the ancient true Buddha Dharma.

He must get the true biography of this saint!

The two immortal emperors were driven away, and the immortal monarchs and Taoist disciples in front seemed to have never happened.

Turning his head, he said to Chu Tian and Zhang's two brothers and sisters, "The Daoist has been waiting for the three of you for a long time, please come in with me."

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family came to their senses and noticed the terrifying strength of Dao Sheng.

Both siblings were excited.

It was their long-cherished expectation and dream to meet Dao Sheng.

Zhang Xue's expression was the happiest.

However, his eyes glanced at Chu Tian in front of him, and his face changed several times.

Zhang Xue, who bit her lower lip, couldn't help but said softly when she got to Chutian; "I'm sorry, I want to apologize for what happened earlier. I shouldn't disbelieve you. You gave me this chance. Me and I Brother will never forget your kindness."

Zhang Xue apologized very simply.

Only let Chu Tian listen to it, curled his lips, glanced at the girl in front of him, but didn't say much.

Because he knew that this girl still believed that Taoism was supreme.

He didn't want to agree with this point, looked at the girls in front of him, and said indifferently: "In your heart, you still think that Taoism is the first, right?"

Zhang Xue froze, her face was complicated, she just nodded her head not wanting to deceive Chu Tian.

She was originally the successor of Dao Zun, a member of the Dao Fa Xian family in the Eastern Heaven Realm,

In her eyes, Dao Sheng is the supreme.

Chu Tian looked at the girl in front of him with a serious face and said, "I don't want my servants to believe in other people. If you still want to continue to worship the Taoist, then you don't have to follow me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian raised his foot and walked forward.

With a wry smile, Zhang Xue took a deep look at Chutian and followed him.

She lowered her head and really didn't dare to say anything nonsense.


Under the guidance of Xianjun Daoist.

Chutian finally arrived in the hall where the Taoist saint of this generation resides.

In this sanctuary of holy leisure, no one else is there.

The Daoist likes to be quiet, and he doesn't even want to take care of the trivial matters in his own temple, leaving them to the Taoists.

He only seeks the way of heaven.

Dao Sheng's appearance is even older, which is different from what Chu Tian thought. This is the face of a young man, less than thirty.

The Taoist body of the Taoist is the inheritance of Xuanyuan.

The Dao body appeared with a solemn aura, and Xuanyuan's aura was shocking, very sharp, different from that of the Tathagata Buddha.

On the contrary, with a sharp edge!
Noticing that the three entered the room, the Daoist's eyes fell on the Zhang family in an instant.

The movement of those eyes moved the Zhang family a little bit.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are the descendants of Dao Zun, and I already know about your Zhang family, but it's a pity about Dao Zun."

Daoist words with a sigh of relief fell on the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family.

Looking at the Daoist in front of him, Zhang Xue couldn't help it long ago: "Master Daosheng, our Zhang family has something to ask the Daoist, the Xuan family is always against our Zhang family, I want to ask the Daoist, because our Daoist master face."

"Tell the Xuan family to stop!"

Zhang Xue looked over expectantly.

She put all this on Daosheng.

Unfortunately, Dao Sheng shook his head, and directly rejected her request: "I feel very sorry about Dao Zun, but the reincarnation of life and death depends on his own ability."

"This can only be blamed on his lack of strength. The Xuan family did nothing wrong. What the Xuan family did is also in line with the conclusion of reincarnation!"

(End of this chapter)

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