Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 238 Only One Title

Chapter 238 It's Just a Title

There are countless invitations to the Daoist Discussion Conference.

But there are only three places available to really get the chance to meet Dao Sheng.

The two checkpoints will eliminate thousands of immortals, including the Taoist immortals in the Eastern Heaven Realm.

There are quite a few people who came to participate in this Taoist Discussion Conference.

When he arrived at the grand hall of the Daoist Saint, Chu Tian could see the front of the hall at a glance.

There are so many people in the market, and the crowded immortals don't say anything.

Some immortals mount immortal beasts, and there are not a few of them.

Before this holy temple, it was full of excitement.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhang Ren couldn't help sighing: "The Taoist sage is famous, even if our Zhang family is the most powerful, when our master Daozun is still there, we can't compare with the Daoist lord."

Zhang Xue also nodded, with a kind of respect on his face, and a kind of admiration for the Taoist saint.

In the Eastern Heaven Realm, as long as there is a Daoist immortal, there is no one who does not admire the Daoist himself.

Zhang Xue was even more so, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes: "The Daoist is the true saint of our Daoist journey. He has succeeded in winning the Dao many times, and no one can compare with him."

"In my opinion, among the four heavenly realms, only our Taoist saint is the most powerful, and the other saints are simply impossible to compare with!"

After finishing speaking, there was a cold snort, and the girl had an arrogance on her face, which was her deep admiration for the Taoist saint.

Chu Tian curled his lips when he heard this, and said calmly: "He is just a generation of saints, Taoist saint is just a title, and those who are capable can know it, and the same is true for demon saints and Buddha saints. "

"As long as someone can surpass him, he can get this title, it's just a title!"

These words fell into Zhang Xue's ears, and her face pulled.

Although Chu Tian was the one who helped her, it still made her unhappy to say that they were Daoist saints.

"How can you outsiders understand the strength of Lord Daosheng? You are also a cultivator in other immortal worlds. You should be very clear about the strength of saints in your immortal world. The strength of our Taoist saints is comparable to that of the saint Buddha."

Hearing this name, Chu Tian curled his lips, with a faint smile on his face; "So what if I am like the Holy Buddha, do I have to bow my head and bow my head, I can tell you that when the Tathagata is in front of me, I have the same attitude, no one Don't want me, Chutian, to submit to anyone!"

Zhang Xue: "..."

Zhang Xue didn't even understand why the guy in front of him had such confidence to speak such human words.

How should I put it, these are several generations of saints, and no one in the fairy world is aware of the horror of the saint's strength.

The guy in front of him, what qualifications does he have to say that a saint is nothing more than that?

After a glance, Zhang Xue's eyes fell on her brother, Zhang Xue still had a curious face, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, who is he?"

Zhang Ren also shook his head, he was very unclear about Chu Tian's understanding.

"I don't know either, but all I know is that his identity is definitely not ordinary. He came this time for the treasures of the Dao Sage to win the Heavenly Dao, and there are countless immortal coins in his hand."

"Look at his self-confidence, he is also confident about this Taoist level!"

Zhang Ren's words only made Zhang Xue curl her lips, and she really didn't believe it; "How could it be possible to easily get to the top of the list at the Taoist level? I think he might not even be able to pass the first level."

"Sister, don't say a few words, how can I say, this adult is also someone who helps us."

Zhang Xue clenched her fists, her expression changed several times and she said, "I know, he helped me, and I came here this time to repay the favor. I will do my best to help him get the top spot."

Zhang Ren nodded.

The two brothers and sisters had planned to join forces to help Chu Tian get the top three positions.

This can be regarded as Chutian's favor.

It's a pity that they didn't know at all, would Chutian really need someone to help him get the top 3?


Entering the temple, it is different from the Tathagata Temple in the West Heaven Realm.

This Dao Holy Temple is extremely vast and huge.

After all, this is a small island built out of thin air, and the scope here is endless.

Accommodating thousands of people, don't be too easy!
Inside the central hall, it was also boiling.

There was a lot of voices, a large number of people, and noisiness. For this checkpoint, these people came prepared.

Here, there is almost no fairy below the Da Luo Jinxian.

Among them were many immortal monarchs and several immortal emperors. In the temple ahead, an immortal monarch and Taoist came forward.

Raising your hand directly stopped the crowd from making noise.

This Xianjun Taoist is also the host of the first level, as the spokesperson of the Taoist.

No one, dare to be small.

The Xianjun Daoist who raised his head looked around and said with a smile on his face; "We, Daosheng, welcome everyone to participate in this Dao Discussion Conference. Daosheng, I know everyone's purpose this time, but we, Daosheng, have always rules."

"The Tao is not passed on to many people, but only to those who are destined."

After finishing speaking, Na bowed deeply, and apologized to the people around him.

The people who came here couldn't wait a long time ago. They all came for the sake of Taoism, so they naturally knew the rules this time.

"Okay, let's start the first level quickly. Is it the same as usual, Seize the Talisman?"

"Where is the spell, take it out quickly."

Xianjun Daoist, with a faint smile, felt everyone's eyes, and that fiery gaze, and waved his hands without talking nonsense.

Immediately, many Taoists came over with pieces of talisman paper.

Lift these talismans aloft.

When the spell was displayed, it was a terrifying fairy power.

These spells are all made by Dao Sheng himself, very special, no one else can imitate them.

The number of spells is limited, and this time is also a chaotic contest of fighting spells.

"Talk about the rules. The talisman was made by Dao Sheng himself. This talisman is unique and cannot be imitated by others. I will release 100 talismans this time. Only one person can get one of these [-] talismans."

"After 30 minutes, if you can get the charm, you can enter the second level. There is no limit to the means of obtaining the charm!"

As soon as the Xianjun Daoist spoke, the people around him laughed brightly.

Especially the last sentence, people couldn't help but burst out laughing, and asked directly; "It means no limit, does it mean that even if you kill people and seize treasures, you can do it?"

Xianjun Daoist nodded without any hesitation: "This depends on everyone's strength. If anything happens, our Daoist will help solve it."

"Master Daosheng said that those who have the ability to get the spell are the ones he is willing to pass on to the heavens and the Dao, and the Daoist Lord will not pass it on to the weak!"

This first hurdle is obviously to select the 100 strongest people.

Eliminate incapable immortals.

This makes it impossible for everyone to refute. After all, this is the rule of the Taoist sage, and every time the Taoist sage talks about the Tao, this is the rule.

This is something that everyone is familiar with.

(End of this chapter)

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