Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 209 Tianhe Competition

Chapter 209 Tianhe Competition

"I want a hundred generals to be selected as the generals of my shrine, to be my first-rank priesthood, the subordinates of the heaven-suppressing envoys!"

Like a bomb, it exploded directly among the crowd.

For Chutian, this is definitely a blockbuster.

For a god general under the first-rank priesthood, this kind of status is beyond the imagination of ordinary god generals.

To be favored by a first-rank priesthood is definitely something with a bright future.

This is definitely something that everyone wants to beg on their knees.

Unexpectedly, such a great opportunity was placed in front of them.

This made all the gods and generals in Tianhe boil immediately.

"This, isn't this true? I, I wasn't dreaming, right? My lord, the first-rank priest, actually, actually came to our Tianhe to provoke his generals."

"That's right, if a god general in the hands of a rank-5 priest can become a trusted confidant around him, there is definitely a chance to be directly promoted to a rank-[-] god general."

"Trade 5 Divine General, you, you are not kidding, this is not higher than Marshal Canopy."

"You know what a fart. In front of the first-rank priesthood, Marshal Canopy doesn't count as a fart."

Some people's faces changed, and they all took a deep breath.

That's right, what is Marshal Canopy in front of the rank one priesthood!
They can only become the confidantes of the first-rank priests, and they will be able to ascend to the sky in one step!

There was a lot of excitement in the eyes of the god general, not to mention, the two twin goddess generals in front of Chutian looked at each other with the happiest expression.

Looking up, I couldn't help the excitement in my heart, and said directly; "One, first-rank priest, no, I don't know what qualifications you have to choose a god general."

The two female twin generals looked over eagerly.

Chu Tian looked around, curled his lips, and said in a loud voice, "I don't look at people's background, your identity, your position, or your background in picking people."

"It doesn't matter whether you practice the way of demons, Buddha, or the Tao, as long as you become a member of my Chutian, I will treat you equally!"

The people around were stunned, they really looked strange, they had never seen such a word from a priest.

Treating them equally, Chu Tian is probably the only one in the entire Heavenly Court.

"However, there is one thing. I want you to be extremely powerful and have amazing talents. Therefore, I want to set up a ring here, focusing on fighting in the ring. If you defeat three opponents, you can become one of my legendary generals. "

As soon as the words came out, all the gods would be stunned.

This really doesn't look at their rank, their background, or their cultivation.

Just look at their strength.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, some young generals looked happy and bright.

Originally thought that they were not qualified to compete, but now, Chu Tian's words directly expressed that everyone has the opportunity to compete.

As long as you have this strength, you can become one of the generals under the first-rank priesthood.

The crowd was full of excitement.

Chu Tian's words gave them a lot of hope, and thousands of generals were all boiling.

The group arena match that challenged the gods was also hosted by Marshal Tianpeng, and it will start soon.


Before Tianhe, among the fairy grass.

This place is vast, and there are more than ten rings.

Enough to compete with thousands of gods.

Chu Tian sat on the immortal platform, which was built out of thin air, and was suspended in the air, allowing Chu Tian to observe the situation ahead very well.

Marshal Tianpeng was beside him, and he lowered his head. At this moment, Marshal Tianpeng had a respectful expression on his face.

To Chutian, it was a kind of respect: "My lord, the ring has been set up, please start."

Chu Tian nodded and looked around, thousands of Tianhe gods and generals were in front of him.

When did he, Chutian, have such awe-inspiring prestige? Not long ago, he was a mortal in the world, but now, he can control the fate of a group of heavenly generals.

Among these Tianhe gods, there are really many immortals with cultivation bases.

Now, these people all looked over seriously, and looked at Chu Tian expectantly.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, the voice was loud, and it was really a very loud voice; "Tianhe arena, start now!"

Thousands of god generals were all boiling directly.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian had a little smile on his face. This feeling is really good. Now he is in charge of the fate of thousands of generals.

More than a dozen arenas began to compete round after round.

Chu Tian's gaze was drawn to him, and the first thing he cared about was the previous twin entrusting the goddess general.

I really didn't expect that these two goddess generals are really good.

This strength has reached the level of Xianjun's early stage cultivation.

The two goddess generals hold double swords in their hands, the weapons are exactly the same, and they are both fairy weapons.

With the movement of the two swords, the might moves Tianhe.

It almost always takes less than ten seconds to defeat two opponents.After directly defeating the ring, the two goddesses looked arrogant, and when they raised their heads, their aura was really not weak.


Chu Tian couldn't look away, looking at the two goddess generals with a pensive look on his face.

The voice of Marshal Canopy next to his ear also came directly.

"My lord, these two are Ru Rong and Ru Fang. Both of them are in the same early stage of immortal monarch, and their family backgrounds are both good. Her father was also born in Tianhe God General, ranking the 8th rank God General."

"Both daughters have their father's male and female swords. Together, they can even reach the late stage of Xianjun!"

Hearing this, Chu Tian frowned slightly, unable to look away from the two girls.

This line of sight also falls not far away, and the two goddesses will be in the eyes.

Feeling Chu Tian's gaze, the two goddess generals were really excited.

The two girls were originally not far from Chutian, and the ring was very close to Chutian.

Knowing Chutian's identity earlier, of course they want to show off their strength.

"Fangfang, my lord is looking at us, hehe, this lord must be very interested in us, we don't want to let this lord down."

"Well, Lord Yipin, I didn't expect that he would be so young. He is simply my idol, and I must become his confidant."

The two women looked at each other, nodded, and looked at the next enemy with a serious face.

Soon, two great gods will take the stage, both of whom are the early stage strength of the two immortals.

Seeing the two great generals only made the faces of the two women sink, it was obviously a kind of pressure.

The strength of the two women joining forces is amazing, but their own cultivation is only in the early stage of Xianjun.

Going it alone is really no big deal.

Marshal Tianpeng, seeing the concern in Chu Tian's eyes, couldn't help but said; "Of course, these two goddess generals have one move and four swords at once. Not to mention their amazing strength, even as a sword dance, they are very appreciative. My lord, do you want to see him?"


Chu Tian's face became curious, Marshal Tianpeng saw it, he immediately raised his hand, and spoke directly to Ru Rong and Ru Fang in front of him.

"My lord has an order. The four of you will join forces in a two-on-two duel. Whoever wins will be promoted to be your master's general."

As soon as Marshal Canopy spoke, the faces of the four people in front immediately changed, and they became excited.

The two girls Ru Rong and Ru Fang are the happiest, because the two swords in their hands can resonate, which is definitely of great benefit to them.

"Thank you sir!"

The two girls raised their heads and faced Chu Tian with sweet smiles on their faces.

Can't help but throw a small electric eye in the past.

Instead, Chu Tian was taken aback.

"Fang Fang, did you see that this grown-up is shy?"

"Hee hee, but it's interesting, let the adults see, our four swords resonate."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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