Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 203 The Heaven-Suppressing Emperor

Chapter 203 The Heaven-Suppressing Emperor
Town God's Mansion!

The golden photo signboard is so conspicuous, shining with a kind of light, which makes people look up.

This is the First Grade Divine Clergy Palace.

From now on, this is also Chutian's territory.

The priest's mansion covers a vast area, which is not much worse than his fairy mansion.

Chu Tian who stepped in could only hear Taibai Jinxing explaining to him.

What is the priesthood of Zhentian?

"My lord, now that you are a first-rank priest, even an old man can't compare to it. This Tianshen Mansion was originally established by the first emperor of the first generation."

"Emperor Zhentian has great powers. When the turmoil in the fairy world disrupted the status of the Heavenly Court, and even the Jade Emperor couldn't help it, it was the Emperor Zhentian who solved the troubles in the Heavenly Court!"

With a serious face, Taibai Jinxing explained the origin of this godship.

Only then did Chutian understand.

The initial priesthood of this level of priesthood is terrifyingly powerful, and can help the heavenly court to calm down the chaos in the chaos of the heavenly world.

Without the strength of the Immortal Saint, it would be very difficult to do this.

It's no wonder that the position of the Heaven-Suppressing priesthood is expensive as a first-rank priesthood, and the pressure on his shoulders is not small.

Of course, this is for the chaos in heaven before.

Now that the Heavenly Court has settled down, the post of Zhentian is dispensable.

This has been preserved until now.

There are not many things that Chutian needs to do.

It's just within this shrine, raising flowers, planting grass, training a few servants, and playing with a few little maids.

Of course, this is not what Chu Tian thought.

It was what Taibaijinxing said in front of him.

"Adults generally don't have much time. Now that the fairyland is peaceful, you can rest assured that you can take a good rest in this divine palace every day, and you don't need to go to the heavens early."

"My lord, just remember that you have promised us the Jade Emperor, and please do it, otherwise, the Jade Emperor will definitely punish you!"

Three billion heavenly offerings a year.

The Jade Emperor had already agreed that if Chu Tian couldn't do it, he would be expelled from the heaven.

These 30 billion immortal coins are very heavy, but Chu Tian is not worried at all.

He also had a treasure hunt that didn't work.

This high-level treasure hunting mission will definitely bring him a lot of goods. It is impossible for Chutian to be short of money.

As soon as he raised his hand, Chu Tian said very casually; "Tell the Jade Emperor, I will guarantee to send the fairy coins he wants, and there will be no difference."

"Yes, Emperor Zhentian is right."

"Emperor Zhentian?"

Hearing this name, Chu Tian curled his lips, and said with a really proud face: "From now on, this is not Emperor Tian Tian, ​​but my Emperor Chu Tian's territory, this is my Divine Palace of Emperor Chu Tian."

Such arrogant words, but Chutian is qualified to say such words.

Taibai Jinxing in front of him nodded repeatedly, with a flattering face; "Yes, the emperor is right. From now on, this is the emperor's territory. Naturally, the name of this place is also given by the emperor."

Taibai Jinxing deserves to be the number one sycophant in the fairy world.

This flattery came over, which made Chu Tian very useful.

Looking at the Shenfu in front of him, he thought about when Xiaodie and Pan Shan would come over to help him take care of the Shenfu.

In addition, he also made a sign of manpower, how could it be possible that his generation of Chutian Emperors did not have men.

He wants to go to the generals of the gods.

Millions of heavenly soldiers, follow his orders!
When he controls these generals and heavenly soldiers, what will happen to the Great Immortal Family in the Immortal Realm? He is a first-rank priest, the Heaven-Suppressing Emperor.

Which fairy family provoked him, and led the heavenly soldiers to kill him directly.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian smiled.

With a bright smile on his face, a voice came from not far away.

"Ah bah, what is Tiantian Emperor, you bastard, you are not worthy of the title of Tiantian Emperor, you, Grandpa Pig, and I are not convinced, what ability do you have, dare to get this Tianshen Mansion, look at you, Grandpa Pig, and I The rake will destroy your divine palace!"

There was a loud sound outside the door, the marshal of the canopy was not convinced, and he really made a big fuss here.

This made Taibai Jinxing's complexion change, with an ugly face, and said to Chu Tian; "Suppressing God, this canopy was demoted to the mortal world before, and he met many people later. His senior brother is the great sage of the demon world, so he dared to do this!" Rampant, let me report to the Jade Emperor now."

"I will never let him mess around!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Taibai Jinxing wanted to leave.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he said calmly, "Don't be so troublesome. Is it true that my generation of Emperor Suppressing Heaven is really afraid that he will fail?"

Chu Tian pouted, without any fear at all, and walked out the door directly.

One can see at a glance that Marshal Canopy is making a fuss outside the Shenfu. This Marshal Canopy is very arrogant, and he really doesn't pay attention to him.

Actually making trouble in front of his shrine.

Seeing that Shenfu shuddered, the entire signboard was shaking.

Chu Tian's face pulled, and he yelled loudly: "You dare to make a scene in front of my first-rank priest's shrine, do you not want to live?"

So what about Marshal Canopy.

He is now a first-rank priest, much higher than the canopy marshal with the seventh-rank priesthood in front of him.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, Marshal Canopy couldn't get rid of his anger at all. When he raised the sacred weapon in his hand, the nine-tooth nail palladium, the nine-tooth nail palladium stomped on the ground, shaking the entire shrine.

Marshal Tianpeng was obviously very dissatisfied with the previous Jade Emperor Hall.

"You Grandpa Pig, I will smash your Shenfu today, what do you want?"

This canopy marshal is really underwhelming.

Chu Tian wanted to give him a good beating, but his face pulled and he clenched his fists, but he didn't wait for him to make a move.

Instead, there was a loud sound in the sky.

"You are a little marshal of the canopy, and you dare to conflict with other people's Yipin Tiantian Emperor. Marshal of the canopy, you are guilty!"

Marshal Tianpeng's face pulled, and he was upset when he heard this voice; "Who dares to be so crazy in front of Grandpa Zhu, you, you are the Tianlong King of Tianhe, why are you here?"

"I, the Heavenly Dragon King of Tianhe, am in charge of the fourth Haihe Dragon King Clan. This Tier [-] Heaven-Suppressing Great Emperor is also the person our Nine Heavens Dragon Clan wants to win over. You have a canopy, and you dare to be arrogant here because you want the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan to take revenge on you! "

Hearing the other party's words, Marshal Tianpeng's face was ugly and pale.

And this time Tianhe Tianlongwang didn't say anything, another person came directly, and he clearly brought hundreds of gods here.

The middle-aged man holding the pagoda had a cold and haughty face. He stared at him with a cold face; "Marshal Tianpeng, what do you dare to do, you are the first-rank priest, and you are the one who can charge. Do you want me to take you away with a pagoda?"

Marshal Tianpeng's face was extremely ugly. He really didn't expect that so many people would come to curry favor with this first-rank priesthood.

It's no wonder that, as Chu Tian is a first-rank priest, the title of Heaven-Suppressing Emperor will surely spread throughout the entire heavenly court.

Now is a good opportunity to win over Chutian.

Just relying on the priesthood of Chutian, it is a first-rank priest, but it is a great priesthood in the heavens except the Jade Emperor!

If you don't please Chutian, can you still please a seventh-rank small canopy marshal?

(End of this chapter)

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