Chapter 990 Conspiracy or derailment? (2)

At this time, Zhao Jiale called: "It's Meng Changze. The Meng family has been coveting Tang Corporation for a long time. I'm worried that they want to use Su Na to steal information. You stayed away all night last night. Could it be that you were with Su Na? "

"If Meng Changze wants to control Su Na, he can't really make Su Na pregnant with my child."

"I'm going! So you really went to steal fish last night? You should have said it earlier! I know a lot of beautiful girls at Jinheng, let me introduce a few to you! What are you looking for Su Na! The breasts are not big. big!"

Speaking of Meng Changze, Tang Ruochen was [-]% sure that he and Su Na had absolutely nothing that night!If Meng Changze wanted to control her, it would be impossible for her to conceive his child!

Tmd Now even Zhao Jiale doubts himself, Tang Ruochen is really powerless to explain, remembering the disgusting scene in the morning, for some reason, at this moment he especially wants to explain to himself: "I didn't do anything."

"Did I hear you right? You actually explained it to me? Your so weak. Did you really do something?"

"What did you say."

Tang Ruochen's cold voice came from the phone, and Zhao Jiale hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter what I say, what matters is what your wife Lan Weiwei says..."

"In less than a month, Su Na will be pregnant. This child is my child in name."

"You want to use this child to prove your innocence?" Zhao Jiale sighed secretly. Su Na is really a woman who can do whatever she can to achieve her goal. If he remembers correctly, this is her second pregnancy. Not Tang Ruochen's child...

Tang Ruochen stopped talking nonsense to him, "Find someone to keep an eye on her during this time, so there shouldn't be any accidents."

"Don't worry, Meng Changze won't let her have any accidents. As long as you don't go to the hospital for a relative test, she, Su Na, won't let this child have any accidents!"

Tang Ruochen hung up the phone, and went directly to Tang Xiaoxuan's bedroom next door. This room was full of toys, which were all arranged by Lan Weiwei himself. He sat on the bed alone for a moment, lost in thought, when he heard movement outside the door.

Knowing that Lan Weiwei was outside the door, he wanted to open the door for her, took two steps, hesitated, the bedroom was very quiet, time passed by, Lan Weiwei didn't come in, and he didn't open the door either.

In the end, Lan Weiwei couldn't help but pushed the door open and entered. Tang Ruochen took the phone she threw over, only to hear Lan Weiwei say: "Someone sent you a message, saying that I'm afraid to miss you at night!"

After finishing speaking, she was about to go out, but was carried back by Tang Ruochen, "You are so generous, why are you kind enough to come here and give me a cell phone?"

Lan Weiwei exhausted all her breastfeeding strength but did not break free from his embrace, so she could only stand there motionless with a blank expression on her face.

Tang Ruochen called her name: "Wei Wei."

Lan Weiwei said sadly: "I called you last night, did you hug her like this and not answer my call?"

Tang Ruochen hugged her and did not let go: "Such an accident, only once, and it will never happen again in the future."

Lan Weiwei tried to break his hand away, but when she lowered her head, tears dripped on the back of his hand, "Let me go, I'll go back to rest."

"You are here, how can I be willing to let you go back."

"I don't want to hear you say these words again! Disgusting! Disgusting!" Because she would think of when he and Su Na said these words!
"Disgusting." Tang Ruochen repeated her words: "That's only disgusting to you."

At this moment, Lan Weiwei almost collapsed, turned around and cried to him, "Enough is enough!"

His kisses hit her overwhelmingly, Lan Weiwei struggled desperately, but her strength was no match for him, she clenched her teeth tightly, turned her head away, and avoided his kisses: " let me go... disgusting, so dirty!"

(End of this chapter)

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