Chapter 454 New Year's Eve (7)

Today's meal was hot and cold at the table. After Lan Weiwei finished eating in a hurry, she was about to leave. Father Lan wanted to keep her for New Year's Eve, but he also knew that she and Lin Jiao and the others would celebrate New Year's Eve together. He couldn't make it through, and didn't want to affect her mood, so he sent her to the door and said, "Let's go, go back early, it's better to have him with you this year than to be here, besides, I don't worry about it."

Lan Weiwei knew who he was referring to, Tang Ruochen.

Maybe some things happened recently, Lan's father didn't know about it, and Lan Weiwei didn't intend to tell him that it would affect his New Year's mood, so he tried his best to smile and look happy, "Well, you should go back to Dad sooner."

Lan Weiwei drove aimlessly on the road, only to feel that every year it gets deserted. What is the difference between this New Year's Eve and her deserted night? I wanted to go to Jinheng to drink all night, but I used to come here with Xia Ning When I walked to the door, I realized I was alone. Lan Weiwei sighed, and was hesitating whether to go in. He happened to see Tang Ruochen and a few men walking out of Jin Heng. They seemed to be negotiating some kind of contract. She thought, New Year's Eve He was negotiating the contract all night, but there really was him.

Tang Ruochen was on the plane the day after tomorrow, and was going to the United States. He had nothing to do these two days, and he negotiated another contract in China. After saying goodbye to this group of people, he was about to go home when he found Lan Weiwei standing not far ahead. Looking at him quietly, he saw that she was wearing a little thin, so he walked over and said hello: "You are here."

"I was planning to come here for a drink. I happened to see you discussing business. I wish you a happy new year in advance." Lan Weiwei said.

"Didn't go back to Lan's house." Tang Ruochen asked casually.

"Go, come back after eating." Lan Weiwei said with her head down.

Tang Ruochen paused when he heard the words, then glanced into the distance and said, "Let's go."

"Oh." Lan Weiwei responded casually, and suddenly realized: "Let's go? Where are you going?"

"My family needs a part-time worker." After speaking, Tang Ruochen turned and walked in front of her.

Lan Weiwei angrily followed behind and said, "Didn't you give me a vacation? You never forget to order me around during Chinese New Year, do you still have humanity!"

Suddenly Tang Ruochen came back to his senses, and asked expressionlessly, "What did you say?"

Lan Weiwei couldn't help shivering, and changed the subject: "No, it's nothing."

So, the two walked one after the other on the road, Tang Ruochen drove his own car in front, Lan Weiwei drove behind, and they returned home together.

When opening the door, Lan Weiwei said, "You are still busy during Chinese New Year."

"En." Tang Ruochen responded without saying a word.

"It seems that the more successful a person is, the harder it is behind him. I can't imagine that you are so busy."

Tang Ruochen was quite helpless by Lan Weiwei's innocent face. He was busy during the New Year because he didn't want to make his life so deserted. When he came to her, he seemed full of inspirational and positive energy.

"Tonight is New Year's Eve, and I thought I would spend it alone. Since we met each other, why don't I go prepare some wine and let's celebrate?" Lan Weiwei said as he was about to enter the kitchen, but was stopped by Tang Ruochen .

Tang Ruochen directly refused, "No."

Lan Weiwei couldn't help being stunned, and asked puzzledly, "Why!"

"Because you will go crazy with alcohol." Tang Ruochen said expressionlessly.

"You! Am I that bad at drinking!" Lan Weiwei asked unwillingly.

"I don't know." Anyway, every time I meet her drinking, I go crazy.

"I'll drink a little so I won't get drunk." Lan Weiwei said.

Besides, she came out to drink tonight, why would she come if she doesn't drink?Really clean!

(End of this chapter)

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