Chapter 276 Return of the Lost Daughter (4)

However, what she overlooked was that when the bodyguards went down, it was enough to prove that there were people in the Lan family, and Lan Weiwei must also be inside, so Tang Ruochen would definitely be attracted here. : "Wei Wei!"

For a moment, everyone was numb, especially Lan Feifei, whose bloody palm print appeared in front of the person she loved, and there was a unconscious Lan Weiwei on the ground, even if it was too late to hide, she could only cry , looking at Tang Ruochen with an aggrieved face, but Tang Ruochen didn't even look at her, because all his attention was on one person.

He promised to protect her and never let anyone hurt her again, but he didn't see her for a long time, and saw her lying on the ground with her head bleeding, how could he not feel distressed!
Lin Jiao was so frightened that she didn't dare to take a breath. As a woman, how could she not see that Tang Ruochen had fallen in love with her, but she had won all her life, and was she really going to lose to a wild child who was once defeated by her feet!How could she be content with this!
She has won all her life, won that woman, how can she lose to her child!Even if you harm your own children, you will lose everything!
Tang Ruochen hugged Lan Weiwei, leaving only one sentence, "From now on, the domestic assets owned by Lan's enterprise will no longer be named Lan."

This time, Dr. Shen didn't come, he really couldn't bear her getting hurt again, Tang Ruochen sat behind the car seat, hugged her tightly, and wiped the blood carefully, after the blood dried up, her hair was Sticking, for fear that she would fall asleep like this, she cautiously called out her name, "Wei Wei?"

Even the driver was a little shocked for a moment. He had been with Tang Ruochen for so many years, and he had never seen him call someone's name so gently, and so carefully...

When Lan Weiwei heard someone calling her name, she just felt that she was lying in a warm embrace. She was so tired, she seemed to be looking for someone to rely on, but she realized that there was no one else worth going to besides herself. Relying on it, it's been a long time since she felt such a warm feeling, she subconsciously shrank into Tang Ruochen's arms, and when she realized that Lan Weiwei had responded, and in her own arms, Tang Ruochen couldn't help being a little excited, and called her name again : "Weiwei?"

Lan Weiwei couldn't help raising her eyebrows, the voice was so familiar, she endured the severe pain in her head, raised her head with effort, opened her eyes, but saw Tang Ruochen's face, he was staring at her, eyes full of self-blame And distressed: "Be patient, I will be home soon."

Lan Weiwei said with difficulty: "Why...."

Tang Ruochen gently stroked her face, and heard her continue to say: "Why...why is there always you by my side every time I encounter danger?"

He said that if possible, he was willing to protect her for the rest of his life. Tang Ruochen looked down at her quietly without speaking.

"Where's Xia Ning?"

"She was sent home by my people." Tang Ruochen said.

Lan Weiwei felt the pain in her head, and let out a slight sound: "Hiss..."

After a long time, Tang Ruochen saw her crying in pain, and softly reprimanded her: "From now on, you are not allowed to go back to Lan's house alone. If it hurts too much, don't talk, and you will be home soon."

Lan Weiwei looked at the front with resentment, and asked coldly, "Where are those two women?"

Tang Ruochen just replied flatly: "It won't end well."

(End of this chapter)

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