Chapter 233 That Person Is Always You (1)

Lin Jiao was pouring a glass of water for Father Lan in the ward, when the phone vibrated, she turned on the phone, looked at it, and said to Father Lan, "I'm going out to answer a call."

Father Lan raised his head and glanced at her lazily: "What's wrong?"

Lin Jiao said while putting on her coat: "It's about the company, you can rest at ease now, I'll make a call and ask what's going on."

Father Lan nodded upon hearing this, "Go."

Lin Jiao closed the door of the ward carefully, and carefully peeped out the window. Seeing Father Lan lying on the bed, she answered the phone with peace of mind: "What's the news?"

"The successor of Lan's enterprise has been determined by default."

"Who?!" Lin Jiao asked impatiently.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if she was considering her words, Lin Jiao couldn't help being anxious: "Speak up! Hello? Can you hear me!"

The man said in a steady voice: "You can hear me, Mrs. Lan, the heir of Lan's enterprise is Missy."

Lin Jiao couldn't believe it, and shouted at the phone: "What! You said it was that bastard! Did you make a mistake!"

"This decision was made by the chairman himself, so there will be no mistakes."

Lin Jiao said unwillingly: "Then shares!?"

"You and Miss Lan Feifei each have 15.00%."

After a pause, Lin Jiao eased her emotions: "Okay, I know, this matter... you pretend I don't know."


Lan Feifei noticed that Lin Jiao was on the phone from a long distance away, she seemed very angry, walked over and asked cautiously: "What's the matter, Mom?"

Lin Jiao looked around for no one, and pulled her towards another part of the corridor, "Come here."

Lan Feifei walked and asked, feeling more and more mysterious about Lin Jiao, and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so mysterious?"

Lin Jiao didn't stop until she reached a deserted place, her face was very solemn: "The heir of Lan's enterprise has been appointed by default."

This news really surprised Lan Feifei. After all, she had just returned to China, and she never thought that her father would draw up a successor so quickly: "So soon?"

Lin Jiao was looking at Father Lan at the time. She was just a girl who had an extramarital affair with him and was willing to be humiliated as his mistress. Later, she walked into his family step by step and followed him for decades. Lan Weiwei, who grew up abroad, at this time she no longer has anger, but more resentment towards Lan's father. She hates herself, why did she marry him impulsively at that time, and she hates him for not giving this relationship wholeheartedly. In the past ten years, what he had been thinking in his heart was that he was still his ex-wife, and he... was just him, a woman who had dedicated all her youth to him, but he had never dedicated all of himself to her. He has always been reserved, even for his own daughter, not all of his love, he still has to set aside half to give birth to other people's children, Lin Jiao said desperately: "Our mother and daughter together only have 30.00% of the shares , I didn't expect him to be so unfeeling, even to be so partial to you!"

Lan Feifei was also shocked when she heard the news: "What! 30.00%! Mom! How is this possible! Dad can't just leave us 30.00% of the shares!"

She didn't have the extra rationality to estimate Lan Feifei's unwilling roar. She leaned against the wall, her eyes full of despair. Yes, she didn't get love in this life, let alone a happy ending. "Everything has been implemented now." , not reconciled... what's the use of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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