Chapter 202 Contract Cancellation (10)

"Oh." Lan Weiwei answered a word lightly.

Seeing this, Xia Ning couldn't help being stunned, obviously very dissatisfied with Lan Weiwei's reaction: "Hey? What's your reaction?"

"Then how do you want me to react?" Lan Weiwei asked back.

Xia Ning couldn't help being dizzy: "At least you should... have a little reaction, right?"

Lan Weiwei also followed in a halo: "You see him as soon as you see him, what does it have to do with me?"

"It seems that you really have no interest in this person."

"From now on, as long as it's a man, I'm not interested in anything!" Lan Weiwei said.

Xia Ning noticed something was wrong, and stared at Lan Weiwei in disbelief: "You don't like women, do you?"

"Pfft..." Lan Weiwei couldn't help spilling the mineral water she just drank.

In the evening, Xia Ning went out as scheduled, and Lan Weiwei was a bit bored staying in the room by herself, just looking for something to do, when the phone rang, she looked at the caller ID: Tang Ruochen.

Lan Weiwei got up to answer the phone, just as she walked to the front of the French windows, she happened to see Tang Ruochen downstairs by the station, as if waiting for her.

Didn't you just let yourself go?What are you doing now?Is he still refusing to give up?But the big president of Tang's enterprise can't go back on what he says, can he? ?
Therefore, Lan Weiwei answered the phone suspiciously, pretending to be distant, and said, "Hello? Who?"

Sure enough, the other end of the phone froze for a while and didn't speak for a long time.

Lan Weiwei repeated again: "Can you hear me?"

She actually asks who is she?Is it intentional?Or is she... so disgusted that she deleted all his contact information?

"It's me, Tang Ruochen."

Tang Ruochen's cold voice came from the phone, and Lan Weiwei pretended to be surprised: "Oh, it's you, teacher, what's the matter?"

"I'm downstairs, you come down." After speaking, Tang Ruochen didn't care whether she answered or not, and hung up the phone directly.


Before Lan Weiwei finished speaking, there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

So Lan Weiwei simply changed her clothes, looked around again, and was about to find something to defend herself, but it was too small... It was far from enough to deal with Tang Ruochen, and it was too big, which seemed impolite. After thinking about it, Lan Weiwei Wei went downstairs empty-handed.

When she came down, she was wearing a woolen coat, and the cold wind was blowing. Tang Ruochen went downstairs after she was wearing so little, walked up to her and asked, "Is it cold?"

"Ah?" Apparently Lan Weiwei didn't react.

With the hot breath coming out of his mouth, Tang Ruochen took off his scarf, Lan Weiwei couldn't help being stunned by his gentle and careful movements, and then watched his hand getting closer and closer to her, and finally kissed him Wrapped around her neck, Lan Weiwei didn't struggle or push him away from the beginning to the end.

In the end, the two stared at each other for a few seconds, Lan Weiwei took the lead to turn his head away, he couldn't look at him like this, he couldn't have a good impression of him, so he quickly realized, "What do you want from me?"

"You left something with me, I'll bring it to you." Tang Ruochen was as calm as ever, and after speaking, he opened the car door and handed her a bag.

Lan Weiwei opened the bag, and saw that there was a comb and a few bottles of skin care products in it, and they were not often used. Lan Weiwei closed the bag, no matter what, she should say thank you, and looked up: "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

Then the two stood awkwardly on the spot for a few more seconds, Lan Weiwei was trembling in the wind, according to the most basic courtesy, he should be invited upstairs for a glass of water, but due to the complicated relationship between the two of them, plus Now that he is lonely and widowed again, Lan Weiwei doesn't want to have any trouble with him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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