Sheng Chong's lovely wife: The professor's husband is the president

Chapter 179 You Don't Love Me, Someone Wants Some! (16)

Chapter 179 You Don't Love Me, Someone Wants Some! (16)

Suddenly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Lan Weiwei's forehead, and she cautiously took a look at Tang Ruochen's expression. Usually, he would deliberately alienate himself in the classroom in a serious manner, and nothing good would happen. Shall I take a look too?He must know it's me without even looking!

"Sorry, teacher, I'm late." Lan Weiwei said angrily.

"Why are you here so late?" Tang Ruochen asked knowingly without turning his head.

Why did I come so late, teacher, don't you know better than anyone else?However, Lan Weiwei weakly said three words, "It's late."

"Why did you get up late?" Tang Ruochen pressed.

At this time, many people in the class were already snickering. After all, it was a bit embarrassing to be questioned about getting up late in public. Lan Weiwei said displeasedly, "Getting up late is getting up late."

Unexpectedly, Tang Ruochen was far more... rascal than she imagined, so he said calmly, "Then just stand at the door."

At this time, the laughter in the class became louder.

So, Lan Weiwei stood alone at the door under the eyes of everyone. Tang Ruochen stared at the computer screen as if nothing had happened. After a few glances, it turned out that the classroom was too quiet. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. It's bright, or you've eaten too much sweet potato, please go to the bathroom, don't disturb the class."

Hearing this, Xia Ning's smile froze completely, the slightest bit of laughter was gone, Lan Weiwei couldn't hold it back anymore, but Tang Ruochen was less than two meters away from her, and didn't dare to make any movement, holding back her laughter Twitching, I couldn't help it in the end, and pinched my arm to barely feel better.

It's not that Xia Ning didn't see that Lan Weiwei was laughing at her, thinking what's so funny!Taking advantage of Lan Weiwei's convulsions, Tang Ruochen hadn't started his lecture, and asked, "What's wrong with Lan Weiwei? His whole body seems to be convulsing? Could it be illness?"

Now, instead of Lan Weiwei's smile completely froze on his face, even Lin Hao was watching the show with relish, Tang Ruochen glanced back at Lan Weiwei when he heard the words, and saw her standing in front of her in a daze , looked at him dumbfounded, as stupid as he looked!

"Why, standing here is not happy?"

It makes you happy to stand here!No matter how unhappy you are!My heart is not happy!Up and down the whole body is not happy!

When the words came to her lips, Lan Weiwei actually only said one word: "En."

I hope he still has a little humanity, and after seeing her show weakness, he can show a little love and let him go back to his seat.

Who knows, Tang Ruochen just said expressionlessly: "Then stand in the office."

Now, Lan Weiwei completely froze on the spot, isn't he clearly feeling sorry for himself!

"What? Do you still want to stand here for a day?" Tang Ruochen asked.

one day! ! !Why didn't he say a year? ? ?
Lan Weiwei shuddered, frightened away even the thought of scolding him in an instant, and said quickly: "Teacher, I'll go to the office and stand facing the wall."

Dead pervert!Tang Ruochen!Don't face!Did she, Lan Weiwei, burn down his villa or blow up his car!Still robbed his company!What a deep hatred, as for such a public revenge!Open your eyes and talk nonsense!This shameless!Scoundrel!

Lan Weiwei gritted her teeth and walked out of the classroom, only to hear another burst of coaxing laughter from the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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