Chapter 1584 Ten Reasons
Luoli: [You have left yourself too clean, it seems that I am pestering you all, and you have no responsibility at all.

The first point: This is not a gift, but a compensation agreement. You have to figure out why we have come to this point. Do you think this is a gift?

The second point: the third point in your agreement, no children, no pregnancy reaction at present, what do you mean by writing this?I was the one who was tricked into having an abortion by you, why didn't you say so?Party B requires Party A to compensate in monetary form, do you think you should not compensate?I was young and you lied to me to have an abortion, and then you said you wanted to live with me, I gave you a chance, I went to you so sincerely, and then you broke up with me afterwards, you want to break up with me like this, You still say that my request is too much?Don't you think it should?
The third point: Party A avoids the adverse effects caused by Party B’s continuous self-disturbance. Who wants to disturb you?It's because you have no way to explain to me. Don't you know what you did yourself?I don't want to bother you either, but I really hate you so much, I don't want you to get out of this relationship so easily.

There is also the following item, and I will emphasize one more point: this is not a gift, but a compensation.

The fourth point: meet the requirements of Party B and end the romantic relationship between the two parties. The end of the romantic relationship is what you want to end. From my point of view, I have always wanted to be with you well. I have worked so hard, but you have never You have recognized me, you have always put me in a humble position in the relationship, and you are the one who wants to end the relationship.

The fifth point: the third way of giving, don’t talk about it with me for a few more working days. After ten working days, I still don’t know what tricks you are going to change. The deadline is tomorrow.

Sixth point: The entire fourth article, after I separate from you, I wish to be separated from you, and I will still harass you after we separate?I have nothing to do on my own free time?I saw you as if I ate flies, and I still harass you every day, am I so boring?I'm so young, I'm pestering you, a second-married half-old Xu father, who can't take responsibility in the relationship, what's the point of me pestering you all day long?

Seventh point: Party B discloses Party A’s personal information without Party A’s permission. I’m free, but I still want to disclose your information?I want to have nothing to do with you from now on!
Eighth point: The purpose of the agreement you mentioned is that there is an agreement between us. I will send you this compensation agreement. You can save the WeChat screenshot. If you really want to sign a paper version, you can also print it , Regarding hiring a lawyer, I know you have a lawyer friend, and I am not afraid. First of all, the law protects the disadvantaged. Do you think I am the disadvantaged or you are the disadvantaged in this matter. You hire a lawyer, and you can spend money if you are willing , if you want to show your ugly face by hiring a lawyer, I am also willing to accompany you.

I think it's better for us to settle down as simply as possible, and live our own lives in the future without disturbing each other.

Ninth point: Then I can promise you the four items you mentioned. For me, I really don’t want to contact you again, and I don’t want to know any information about you. You asked for compensation. If we We broke up peacefully, and I still want compensation from you?You have no skin, no face, no shame, but I still have face!I will not ask for compensation again, this can be guaranteed, and I can also state it in the agreement.

Your purpose is to want us to have an agreement, but your agreement is too long-winded and not objective at all, so use mine as the standard, simple and clear.

Point ten: I can do what you asked for. Tomorrow is Friday, the date you promised. As a man, you must keep your word. 】

(End of this chapter)

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