Chapter 1256 Herding sheep overhead! (10)

"What do you want?" At this moment, An Xiaofei was so scared that she couldn't cry anymore.

Li Yanfeng was only heard angrily saying: "I want him to return my wife to me!"

Regardless of Li Yanfeng's broken emotions, An Xiaofei desperately pulled his hand away: "Yanfeng, you figure it out! I'm married! I'm married! You will ruin my family like this!"

Li Yanfeng turned around and asked: "Then what about him! Didn't he ruin my family? We were engaged! Have you forgotten!"

"Yes...I haven't forgotten, have never met my parents, have you?"

"Didn't you say yes, I came back from a business trip, did you take me to see them? Didn't you say that you can make decisions on their behalf? The bride price was given to you, and you also met my parents and relatives. Now why! I You can tell me what is wrong! Why are you making such a joke with me!"

"Yanfeng, I'm sorry... I really didn't expect things to turn out like this... It's because I didn't break up with you in advance, I'm sorry..."

Upon hearing this, Lan Weiwei asked suspiciously, "Zhao Jiale has been with her for so long, yet he didn't realize that this girl has a boyfriend?"

"Zhao Jiale often works overtime and sometimes lives at home. It's not difficult for her to hide it from Zhao Jiale. It's also possible that they don't communicate often."

Li Yanfeng looked at An Xiaofei, nodded, and suddenly realized: "No wonder, I haven't been able to contact you in the past few months. I thought something happened to you... So you got married behind my back!"

An Xiaofei cried and begged: "Yanfeng, I beg you, please go, I really don't want to be bumped into by my husband."

"An Xiaofei, I misread you! Just pretend I'm fucking blind!"

Lan Feifei saw that Li Yanfeng didn't intend to tangle with An Xiaofei anymore. Once Li Yanfeng left, it would prove that he had given up on An Xiaofei and couldn't let An Xiaofei succeed like this, so she opened the car door in time, and Lan Weiwei wanted to stop her. , but did not stop: "What do you want to do?"

"No! You can't let him go like this." Lan Feifei said unwillingly.

The moment Lan Feifei opened the car door, An Xiaofei realized that there were other people here. Just as she was about to leave, Lan Feifei stopped her: "Stop!"

She looked back at the furious Li Yanfeng, and said to his back, "Stop, both of you!"

Lan Feifei's voice was so intimidating that people didn't feel like they had stopped listening, only to hear her continue asking: "You said, you are her boyfriend."

Seeing that it was Lan Feifei who came, An Xiaofei was terrified, and her face suddenly became ugly: "Lan...Miss Lan..."

"Shut up!" Lan Feifei hated her in the first place, but now she just feels disgusted that she dared to marry Zhao Jiale without breaking up.

At this time, Lan Weiwei also got out of the car, and An Xiaofei's expression was almost desperate: "Tang... Mrs. Tang?"

Perhaps, An Xiaofei was also wondering why these two women showed up in the hospital.

Li Yanfeng heard An Xiaofei's panicked voice, and looked back at Lan Feifei: "What's wrong?"

Lan Feifei still had her trademark smile: "Let me introduce myself to you. I am... the ex of your girlfriend's husband and the mother of two children."

"Ex?" Hearing the word "ex," Li Yanfeng turned his head and looked at An Xiaofei in disbelief: "You married a man with children? An Xiaofei, you really can do anything for money." You kept telling me not to destroy your family, but you went to destroy other people's families!"

(End of this chapter)

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