The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 96 Summoning Function Enabled

Chapter 96 Summoning Function Enabled

Watching his cousin Luo Huan heading towards the army.Luo Tong stood there alone in a daze.In his mind, he kept thinking about what he should do.

At this time, Luo Huan had already returned to the army, and began to put on his own armor.The armor worn by the [-]th armor-piercing army is not the same as other Wei Wang imperial guards, but five-color battle armor.

Instead, they have their own exclusive battle armor, which is divided into 36 Tiangang armor and 72 Earth evil armor.Therefore, among the imperial guards of King Wei, the one hundred and eight armor-piercing troops are definitely a special existence.

Just when Luo Huan finished changing his armor, Luo Tong also returned to the team.And came to Luo Huan, got off the horse, and made a hug with Luo Huan.Then they nodded to each other.

Although Luo Tong didn't say anything, Luo Huan already understood.My brother has already made a choice.So he looked at Luo Tong with encouraging eyes, then stretched out his hand, and held it tightly with Luo Tong.

At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in Li Tai's mind.The voice said to Li Tai: "Congratulations to the host, the historical famous general Luo Tong has been recognized as the master. Since the host has the historical famous general's recognition as the master, the system now enables the summoning function for the host. Please check the host in time."

No matter what, Li Tai never expected that he would receive this notification tone out of the blue.Why Luo Tong suddenly decided to recognize himself as the master, Li Tai knows without asking, it must be because of Luo Huan.

But what Li Tai didn't expect, Luo Tong's recognition of the master actually enabled him to activate the summoning function.This made Li Tai feel extremely happy.

Li Tai hastily activated the Qiankun wormhole system, and began to check the function options of his retainers.At this time, there was another card in Li Tai's retainer system.The character shown on the card is Luo Tong.

Now Li Tai already has seven cards in the function options of his retainers.They are Zou Fengchi, Chi Ying, Li Chunfeng, Sun Qiang, Luo Song, Luo Huan and the newly formed Luo Tong.

After looking at the function options of the vassals, Li Tai shook his hands and clicked on the summoning function.What caught my eye was an introduction to the summoning function.

The summoning function can summon well-known troops not in this time and space to fight for the host for a long time.The condition for enabling this function is to get the recognition of a famous historical general.Every time a famous historical general is added, the host can summon one more team.

After seeing this introduction, Li Tai couldn't help making up his mind.It seems that I should make Xue Rengui and Gao Kan my retainers as soon as possible.

After all, both of them are famous players in history.As long as they can recognize themselves as masters and become their own retainers.Then I will have two more well-known teams not in this time and space to help me fight.

But those are things for later, what Li Tai is eager to see now is which team he can summon, a famous team in history.

After Li Tai clicked on the summon function interface, a card appeared on the interface.It is written on the card that there are more than [-] soldiers, numbered as a thousand men, all of which are well-equipped and neatly armored, and those who attack every attack without fail are called "trapped camp".

This time Li Tai was overjoyed. He never expected that what he could summon would be the famous trap camp in history.That was a very famous army during the Three Kingdoms period.

But being happy, Li Tai still thought of another question.That is, is this troop a one-time call, or can it be called multiple times.

If he can only be summoned once, then Li Tai can only save this camp and call him when he is most needed.It can even be said that these camps are only used when one is at an absolute disadvantage, or even to save one's life.

If it can be summoned multiple times, then Li Tai is prepared to use it once in this battle against Li Xiaochang.Let's also take a look at how strong the summoned camp is.

Finally Li Tai finally found it, and there was a row of small characters written on the bottom of the card.It is written that during the Three Kingdoms period, the special forces were trapped in the camp and could be called many times.Each call has a cooldown of one year.The power needed to summon is worth [-] points.

After Li Tai saw this line of small characters, he couldn't help but secretly nodded in his heart.Although it is not as I thought, it can be summoned without limit.But at least it is not a disposable product that can only be used once.

It's just that this 8 points of influence does feel a little painful to Li Tai.After accumulating during this period of time, Li Tai now has nearly [-] influence points.

So, this power value is for Li Tai.It is definitely something that is in short supply, and Li Tai is not willing to use it until the critical moment.

"My lord, the vanguard of Li Tai's Royal Guard of Wei is less than ten miles away from Lizhou. Please make a decision as soon as possible." Chi Ying said to Li Xiaochang.

"No matter what, we can't let King Wei's forbidden army have an accident before going to Bashu. Otherwise, it's hard to explain to the court. After all, I'm not ready yet." After thinking about it, Li Xiaochang said to Chiying.

"My lord, I have already told you that we can kill this vanguard army quietly. Then use our people to pretend to be them, and continue to go to Bashu to seek thieves. Then we can explain it." Chi Ying persuaded Li Xiaochang road.

Chi Ying would propose such a plan to Li Xiaochang, which can be called absolutely a good strategy.But the premise is that the other party does not know that all of this is what Li Xiaochang did.

On the contrary, if the other party knows all this, it is Li Xiaochang who is playing tricks behind the scenes.Then not only could he fail to complete the plan.It will also expose your identity in advance.

Of course Li Xiaochang would not have thought that he would be discovered by others for being so covert.And what he was worried about was that if someone slipped through the net, then he might be really in danger.

After all, the current Li Xiaochang is not yet fully prepared.If the fact that he is preparing to rebel is now exposed, then he will bear Li Shimin's boundless anger.So Li Xiaochang dared not make up his mind.

In fact, Li Xiaochang didn't know that he was being played like a monkey right now.Not only did he snatch Gu Beihua, but the other party already knew everything about it.Li Shimin was also well aware of his plans to rebel.

And no matter which side it is, there is no reason to reveal Li Xiaochang's identity.It's because the other party is waiting, waiting for an opportunity to uproot Li Xiaochang.

"Although Mr.'s plan is a good plan, this king feels that the risk of doing so is too great. It's better to let them die in the land of Bashu. This king doesn't believe it anymore, relying on his mere few thousand people. It can still be This king's [-] troops are no match for him." In the end Li Xiaochang still made a decision not to take action against King Wei's imperial army in advance.

Maybe it's Li Xiaochang's timidity, or Li Xiaochang's cautiousness.In short, his choice can allow him to struggle for a few more days.However, the final outcome will not change in any way.

(End of this chapter)

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