The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 944 All Cosmic Wormholes Open

Chapter 944 All Cosmic Wormholes Open

So Li Tai directly called Wu Meiniang out, and pierced the eyebrows at the same time as Wu Meiniang.Ingested the future plane into the storage space.

As three planes appeared in the storage space, the fusion of the three planes also started.Seeing that three independent continents began to slowly connect, and finally formed a new earth.

The new Earth was three times its original size, with oceans connected to each other.A perfect connection between continents and continents is done.

However, the fusion speed was not as fast as said, it took nearly a day.At the moment when the fusion of planes ended, the morning bell rang.

With the arrival of early morning, abnormalities appeared in all the space wormholes.It has been discovered that there are extraterrestrial creatures killed from the space wormhole.

Although the space wormhole suddenly opened, the future plane is also concerned.But they never expected that there would be alien creatures killed through the wormhole.

So for a while the whole plane entered chaos, but fortunately this kind of chaos only happened in the future plane.There is no difference between history and the ancient plane.

But now Li Tai couldn't ignore it, so Li Tai gave the order decisively.Order the technological fighters from the ancient plane and the Tang soldiers from the historical plane to kill the past in the space wormhole of the future plane.

Be sure to block all alien creatures within the scope of the wormhole, and not allow any of them to rush out of the wormhole.

Following Li Tai's order, the ancient and historical planes moved.At the same time, Li Tai announced the news of the alien creature's attack to the world through the satellite of the future plane.

When the future plane received this news, everyone was also shocked.But now there is no time for them to be in a daze, all they have to do is to quickly join the army against the invasion of alien creatures.

All of a sudden, the three planes launched a battle against the aliens, which was beyond the expectation of those aliens. They planned for an unknown period of time before attacking the earth again with the help of the wormhole.

But now, the moment they stepped out of the space wormhole, they received a fatal blow.This is something they didn't expect.

All of a sudden, the exit of the space wormhole became a dead zone, and no alien creature could break through this dead zone and enter the earth smoothly.

However, with the passage of time, a large number of alien creatures launched a fierce attack on the earth through the space wormhole.

There is not only one space wormhole on the earth, it can be said that there is an independent space wormhole on every continent on the earth.

This means that what Li Tai has to resist now is not only the space wormhole in the land of Kyushu.It is seven space wormholes that appeared simultaneously on the seven continents of the world.

Fortunately, the technological warriors in the ancient plane were not completely lost in the Shang and Zhou battles.This gave Li Tai absolute fighting power.

Together with the army of the Tang Dynasty and the army of the Shang Dynasty, they became the main force in this fight against alien creatures.Beating the alien creatures is losing ground.

And the military of the future plane did not stand aside and watch the fun.He also actively joined the battle.

For a time, there is no country on the earth, and there is only one title, that is, the earthlings.As a person on earth, what we have to do now is to protect our homeland.

Although the technology of alien creatures is more advanced than that of the earth, even the technology of the ancient plane cannot compare with it.

But after all, space wormholes are limited, and alien creatures that can come to the earth through wormholes are also greatly restricted.

This has caused the alien creatures to be unable to form a scale, which has greatly affected their combat effectiveness.

So even if their technology is relatively advanced, they will not be able to successfully occupy the earth in the end.Finally, after paying a heavy price, the alien creatures stopped the transmission to the earth.

This made everyone heave a sigh of relief, but Li Tai didn't dare to take it lightly.Because no one knows when, alien creatures will attack the earth with the help of space wormholes.

Therefore, Li Tai must close these space wormholes, and the only way is to completely close these wormholes.Only then can the passage for alien creatures to reach the earth be cut off.

However, Li Taike is not prepared to completely isolate the earth from the universe.Li Tai wants to develop the technology of the earth and let the technology of the earth reach a certain level.Only in this way is the earth qualified to survive in the universe.

Just when Li Tai didn't know how to close the space wormhole, the universe wormhole system in Li Tai's mind turned out to be different.

Before Li Tai figured out what was going on, he felt that the space wormhole system had escaped from his mind.And a huge space wormhole formed above his head.

This can't help but surprise Li Tai, because the diameter of this wormhole is large enough.There is a radius of more than ten kilometers, if alien creatures enter the earth from this wormhole.The consequences would be unimaginable.

But now Li Tai can only watch helplessly, after all, Li Tai has no way to close other wormholes.How can this huge universe wormhole be closed?

But Li Tai is not someone who just sits and waits for death, he immediately ordered the technology fighters to return to defense.Not long after, tens of thousands of troops appeared in front of Li Tai.

And Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun personally led a large number of technological fighters to Li Tai to guard this space wormhole.

However, Li Tai noticed a difference at this time, because he felt that the expressions on the faces of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu were not so tense.

This made Li Tai think of one thing, which he had always suspected.Is there anyone behind all this manipulating.

If someone is really manipulating all this, that person should have appeared at this time.Therefore, Li Ke's originally hanging heart was not so nervous.

So Li Tai told Wu Meiniang around him what he thought.Ask Wu Meiniang to go quickly to gather the Imperial Guards and Momen disciples.

Because at this time, the only one worthy of Li Tai's trust is the Tang army who has followed him in the north and south for decades.And those ancient technology fighters, although powerful in combat, couldn't gain Li Tai's trust.

Just when Wu Meiniang went to notify the Tang army, the universe wormhole began to spin rapidly.And sent energy waves to the whole earth.

As the energy wave gradually expanded, it actually attracted all the impulses from the seven continents.In the end, it actually merged with the Qiankun wormhole.Make the universe wormhole, which was already huge in diameter, several times larger than before.

Looking at the vast wormhole in front of him, Li Tai no longer had the original worry in his heart.Instead, it is a kind of expectation, anticipating what the truth of the matter is.

Because Li Tai already felt that all the mysteries were about to be revealed.The answer to this mystery includes why I came to Datang, and why I have to shoulder so much.

 Because some vocabulary violates taboos, the last few photos have been blocked.The ending originally prepared by Dragon Soul needs to be revised.I hope you can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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