The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 937 A Race Against Time (1 More)

Chapter 937 Race Against Time (Part [-])
"Now that things have come to this point, you don't need to pretend to be hermits in this deep mountain cave. You'd better go back to Chang'an City with me." Li Tai said to Patriarch Wang Ao and others.

"Your Majesty can go ahead. After I clean up, I will go to Chang'an City to meet the Emperor. Then I will stay with the Emperor to serve." Ancestor Wang Ao said to Li Tai.

After Li Tai nodded, his body slowly disappeared in front of everyone.When Li Tai reappeared, he had already returned to Chi You's tomb.

After Li Tai's figure disappeared, Patriarch Wang Chan said: "It seems that the emperor has already noticed something, but I don't know if the emperor can think of it. Who is the person behind it?"

"Now the emperor can't think of that person is the best, otherwise it may not be a good thing for the emperor. The five sages have planned for thousands of years, and there is really no room for the slightest mistake in this matter." Ancestor Wang Ao said.

"It's just a matter of time. Sooner or later, the emperor will know everything. And that time will also be the last moment."

"So what we have to do now is to go down the mountain to assist the emperor, and let the emperor open the heaven as soon as possible. Only then will we have a greater chance of winning." The Holy Mother of Lishan said.

After everyone nodded, they left one after another, and each went back to the cave to prepare to go.After all, as Li Tai said, it is no longer interesting to pretend to be a hermit in the mountains.


Appearing in Chi You's tomb, Li Tai said to everyone, "We guessed right, they have already rushed to Chang'an City now. It's time for us to go back."

Everyone nodded upon hearing Li Tai's words, but no one asked Li Tai anything.Because they know in their hearts that there are some things that they can't help if they know it.

Today's Li Tai can be said to be able to travel through time and space, and it is not a problem for Li Tai to travel thousands of miles in an instant.So Li Tai directly collected everyone into the storage space.

Then, using the teleportation option, he directly left Chi You's Tomb and returned to Chang'an City.But when Li Tai left Chi You's tomb, he left a heavy bomb in the tomb.

After Li Tai left, the bomb exploded violently.The entire cave was blown into ruins.Even the mountains collapsed.

This is exactly what Li Tai needs to do, that is to make the entire Chi You's tomb disappear completely.After all, there are some things, it is better to do a good job in the aftermath.


After Li Tai returned to the palace, someone summoned Xu Liang to the Daming Palace to meet him.Then he brought Wu Meiniang and Wu Shun sisters to Daming Palace.

After arriving at Daming Palace, Li Tai called Li Shimin, Changsun Wugou, Li Zhi and Wu Ze together.Not long after, Xu Liang also arrived at Daming Palace.

After everyone arrived, Li Tai said, "This time I went to Chi You's tomb and discovered many secrets..."

Then Li Tai told everyone what happened in detail.This surprised Xu Liang, after all, he had never been involved in this matter from the beginning to the end.

Although Xu Liang was the army commander of the Tang Dynasty who sacrificed wine, he couldn't help Qinhuang's tomb and Chiyou's tomb.So Xu Liang did not participate in these two operations at all.Now that Li Tai had explained the matter to him, how could he remain calm and not be shocked.

"Li Tai, it seems that thanks to your benevolence, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to gather the essence of the planes. At that time, it will be even more difficult to merge the three planes." Li Shimin nodded and said.

"Father, my son finally understood one thing during this trip. That is why the father and the queen will live forever. They are called the eternal kings and lords, and the most virtuous queens in ancient and modern times." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

"Why, is there something about our husband and wife here?" Li Shimin looked at Li Tai with a puzzled look and asked.

"Father, you and the queen mother are not ordinary people. Your previous lives were the Holy Lord Fuxi and the Holy Mother Nuwa." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

Li Tai didn't say anything about genetic inheritance, but about past lives and present lives.After all, there are times when explanations that are too complicated will make the other party seem less clear.

After that, Li Tai explained the mission of Li Shimin and eldest grandson Wugou to Li Shimin and eldest grandson Wugou in detail.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wugou who was sitting on the side said, "If what Gao Jue said is true, then there are probably many unknown things in it."

"So the road ahead will be even more difficult. Gao Jue, you must be careful. I am afraid that if you are not careful, you will be lost forever."

Li Tai nodded to his eldest grandson Wugou and said: "The queen mother is right, I feel that there must be an ultimate boss hidden behind it."

"It's just that up to now, Erchen hasn't thought about who this person will be. So I can only take one step at a time."

Li Tai's words made everyone nod their heads, after all, they didn't know who their opponent was.No matter how much planning you do, it won't help.

At this moment Xu Liang was shocked and said to Li Tai: "Your Majesty, I have been worried about one thing. That is how the people in our historical plane will survive after the fusion of the planes."

"After all, no matter whether it is a future plane dominated by technology, or an ancient plane with more advanced technology, they are all extremely developed planes, and the people of the ancient plane may not be able to adapt to that kind of life."

"I have already thought about what you said, so it is necessary to let the people of the historical plane be familiar with high technology in a short period of time. Even if you can't become a high-tech talent, at least you must understand high-tech." Li Tai nodded and said.

"I don't know how the emperor plans to deal with this matter. After all, we don't have much time left." Xu Liang said.

"Yes, nearly two years have passed since ten years. So we must complete the popularization of technology within six years. Because after six years, Zhenjiang is going to start the opportunity for plane fusion." Li Tai said to Xu Liang .


In the next period of time, the whole world underwent earth-shaking changes.All kinds of new things that no one in the world has ever seen have sprung up in the whole world.

And according to Li Tai's request, the territory captured by the five expeditionary forces.They all adopted an immigration policy, that is, to move all the people to live in Datang.

Because in this way, Li Tai can guarantee the most primitive side of the earth.Because the most primitive side of the earth is the real treasure for the future interface and the ancient interface.

Because whether it is the ancient plane or the future plane.The earth has been seriously damaged, which is the negative impact of technology.

These influences do not exist in the ancient plane, so the sky is still blue, the water is still clear, and the trees on the mountain are lush.

(End of this chapter)

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