The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 928 Successfully Opening the Hidden Mansion

Chapter 928 Successfully Opening the Hidden Mansion

In the end, all the gold and silver treasures in the entire front hall were filled into the hidden compartments at the feet of the twelve bronze statues.But the bronze statue remained unchanged.

"Gao Ping, could it be that you made a mistake. So much gold and silver have already been filled in. But why is there no movement at all?" Shen Yunfei asked Gao Ping.

At this time, even Gao Ping himself didn't know how to answer Shen Yunfei.I even had some doubts about my own conjecture.

But at this moment, something changed in front of the bronze statue.Three depressions appeared on the originally flat green brick floor.

However, apart from these three depressions, the others are not the slightest difference from the original.This can't help but make everyone feel puzzled.

But Gao Ping showed a smile on his face, and said to Li Tai: "Your Majesty, it seems that I have read correctly. Now, as long as you lift the giant cauldron over, all the organs will be activated."

Then Gao Ping ordered someone to lift the giant tripod over, and placed the giant tripod on it according to the sunken position.The three legs of the giant tripod fit perfectly in the depression.

As the giant cauldron was put in place, everyone heard a burst of mechanical roar.Then the twelve fellow disciples began to sink slowly, and finally disappeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the stone gate behind the twelve disciples also opened automatically.It opened the way from the front hall to the main tomb for everyone.

When Luo Huan saw the stone gate open, he immediately led the armor-breaking army into the stone gate.Afterwards, everyone followed closely behind and couldn't go in.

After entering the main tomb, a huge coffin appeared in front of everyone.Moreover, there seemed to be something slowly rising around the coffin.

This made Luo Huan very worried, so he immediately protected Li Tai.I'm afraid that some mechanism will be activated later.

But in the end, no mechanism appeared, but the twelve bronze statues slowly rose up around the coffin.

And at the foot of each bronze statue, a huge stone pier rose.At the same time, the stone door on the stone pier was also opened.

It turns out that this stone pier is the hidden compartment at the foot of the bronze statue, that is to say, all the gold and silver treasures filled in are stored in the stone pier.

Seeing this moment before him, Cao Zhen said with a smile: "It's true that every loss must be gained. If the emperor was reluctant to part with these gold and silver just now, we really wouldn't be able to come here."

"If I hadn't come here, how many people would have been able to resist the temptation of gold and silver. This is the mystery of the Qinhuangling Mausoleum." Li Tai nodded and said.

After Li Tai finished speaking, he began to look at the entire main tomb.Because this should be the legendary hidden house.

But what Li Tai never expected was that apart from the coffin and the twelve bronze statues that had just been raised, there was nothing else in the main tomb.

"Mr. Mo, it seems that all the secrets should be in this coffin. This coffin should be the Hidden Spirit Palace." Li Tai said to Mo Tiannan.

Mo Tiannan nodded, and then stepped forward to check the only coffin in the main tomb.Soon Mo Tiannan was on the coffin and found the mechanism to open the coffin.

The organ that opens the coffin is actually a keyhole.You only need to insert the key into the keyhole, and you should be able to open the coffin.

And the key to open the coffin is the Juzi Token in Li Tai's hands.So Li Tai immediately took out the giant order and handed it to Gao Ping beside him.

Before Gao Ping came to the coffin with the Juzi Token, he inserted the Juzi Token into the keyhole.Then start to rotate slowly.

As the giant order slowly rotated, there was a sound of mechanical movement in the coffin.Then the coffin began to slowly open.

When the coffin was completely opened, Li Tai hurried to check it out.Coming closer, Li Tai found that there was no corpse inside the coffin.Instead, there are a lot of parchment and a jade box.

Li Tai casually picked up a piece of parchment, only to see that the parchment turned out to be a blueprint.Li Tai took a closer look, and couldn't help feeling extremely shocked in an instant.

Li Tai would never have imagined that the records on the parchment turned out to be mechanical drawings.And it's a very advanced machine.

Moreover, the advanced level of these machines is even more advanced than what Li Tai knew.In other words, it has far exceeded the technology of 2088.

"How is this possible? How could there be such a precise drawing?" Li Tai picked up a piece of parchment while talking to himself about his quality.

After checking several times in succession, Li Tai finally believed what he saw.The entire parchment in the coffin is actually a product of cross-age technology.

Finally, Li Tai took out the jade box in the coffin, and slowly opened it to heal.A gleaming iron object appeared in front of Li Tai.

Li Tai stretched out his hand and took out the ironware from the jade box, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at it carefully.It turned out that this turned out to be the sacrificial weapon of the Wu clan, the grip of the Tiger Soul Knife.

And there is a letter in the jade box, Li Tai read it after opening the letter.Can't help feeling even more surprised.

Because this secret letter turned out to be a map, and on the map were written the three big characters of Chi You's Tomb.

"I didn't expect the sacred artifact of the Wu clan to be in the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum." Li Tai said to himself.

"Your Majesty, you said that this jade box contained the blade of the Tiger Soul Knife?" Mo Tiannan asked Li Tai in surprise.

After Li Tai nodded, he handed the jade box to Mo Tiannan.Then I put all the parchment in the coffin into my storage space.

Of course, there are the twelve bronze statues, and the gold and silver belongings under their feet.They were also put into the storage space by Li Tai.

Then he opened his mouth and said to everyone: "This is not a place to talk, it's better for us to leave as soon as possible. If we have anything to say, we can talk about it after we go out."

After Li Tai finished speaking, he ordered Luo Huan to lead the way.Follow the way you came, and go outside the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin.

When I came here, there were many traps and traps, but when I went back, it was not so troublesome.

Even the city that had already turned into a sea of ​​Shura's blood, after opening the city gates with the white marble Taiji diagram, returned to the prosperous age of the world.

So it can be said that the road was unimpeded, and they left the Qinhuangling Mausoleum very smoothly.Came to the location of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

At this time, Meng Zhan was leading the hidden spirit army to guard here, and he couldn't help being very happy to see Li Tai leading people out.

So he hurriedly stepped forward two steps, and said like Li Tai: "The emperor has been away for two days, but I really made my subordinates very anxious."

"The things here are over now, and you don't have to stay here to guard anymore. Come back to Chang'an City with me." Li Tai patted Meng Zhan on the shoulder and said.

"Everything depends on the emperor's arrangements." Meng Zhan said after saluting Li Taishen, and then led the hidden spirit army to follow Li Tai, and left the entrance of the Qinhuangling Mausoleum.

He also ordered all the entrances to be sealed so that no one would stray into the Qinhuang Mausoleum.After all, not everyone has the ability of Momen disciples, there is no difference between going in and going to die.

After leaving the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin, Li Tai let everyone rest in Yinling Village for another day.Early the next morning, he took people back to Chang'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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