Chapter 924
"The attack of this puppet warrior is too strong, so what should we do if this continues?" Mo Tiannan said.

"There must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. There is no impassable river in this world." Li Tai said to Mo Tiannan.

Afterwards, Barrett was set up again, shooting several bursts at the top of the city wall.Several more puppet warriors had their heads smashed.

But there are hundreds of puppet fighters on the city wall, if Li Tai alone can fight like this.I really don't know what year and month it will be.

So Shen Yunfei ordered the disciples of the Shen family: "Use metal shields to set up defenses, and a safe position must be opened outside the corridor."

Following Shen Yunfei's order, the Shen family disciple took off the combined shield from his body.Then he raised his shield and walked out of the corridor.

These shields are all made of aluminum, so they are very light to hold, and their defense is very strong.Soon a fortification was built outside the corridor.

Seeing that the fortifications had been set up, Luo Huan ordered the armor-breaking army to rush out of the corridor.Then, under the protection of the disciples of the Shen family, they moved closer to the city wall.

Once within range, he began shooting at the chains of the drawbridge on the moat.Soon the iron cables on the suspension bridge were interrupted, and the suspension bridge was also erected on the moat.

Then the disciples of the Shen family protected the armor-breaking army and entered the city gate.Once you entered the city gate, you were completely out of the attack range of the puppet fighters.

However, the huge stone city gate is not so easy to open.After Luo Huan checked it, he found that the city gate had an opening mechanism.

It's just that with Luo Huan's understanding of mechanism techniques, he couldn't find a way to open it for a while.So Luo Huan chose another method, which was to use ropes to climb up the city wall.

The armor-piercing army wears special soft armor, so it has a certain defense against crossbow attacks.In addition, sticking to the city wall will not be attacked by crossbow arrows.

So Luo Huan led the armor-breaking army to the city wall quickly, and the puppet soldiers on the top of the city wall became decorations.Soon they were defeated one by one by the Armored Sundering Army.

Even so, it took a whole stick of incense to completely control the entire city wall.However, there are still huge waves of mercury rolling in the moat.

In other words, even if they occupied the city wall, they would die in the poisonous gas emitted by the mercury.It can be said that the design of this mechanism has reached a level close to perfection.

It's a pity that Momen's disciples are all wearing chemical-proof suits. After the puppet fighters are destroyed, the mercury in the moat will not be able to do any harm to Momen's disciples.

Afterwards, Jing Wanjun and Gao Ping brought people to the city gate and began to conduct a detailed inspection.Soon, he found the mechanism to open the city gate, and opened the city gate smoothly.

After the city gate was opened, Mo Sect disciples entered the city wall smoothly.Everyone felt that within the city wall should be the mausoleum of Emperor Qin's Mausoleum.

Even though everyone was prepared, they couldn't help being completely stunned, because this place is like a real city.

On both sides of the road are merchants doing business.And one by one is so lifelike, just like a real person.

Looking at those lifelike merchants and common people, Luo Huan asked Cao Zhen, "Could they be puppet fighters too?"

"Probably not, if they are puppet fighters. I'm afraid they have already started to attack us." Cao Zhen shook his head and said.

I heard that these pottery figurines in front of me are not puppet warriors.Everyone's hanging hearts can be regarded as real letting go.

Just when everyone was about to move forward, Sheng Qinghan, who had been silent all this time, said, "Your Majesty, there are definitely strange things in this town."

Hearing Sheng Qinghan's words, Li Tai asked, "Why do you think there are strange things in this town?"

"Your Majesty, I have seen this scene in the classics of the Sheng family. I remember it very clearly. The classics call this picture a sea of ​​blood in the prosperous age."

"And now this scene is called the prosperous world. There is another scene that is Shura in the Sea of ​​Blood." Sheng Qinghan said.

"Didn't I think that this entire city would be a large formation?" Li Tai asked Sheng Qinghan, looking at the prosperous street scene in front of him.

"Your Majesty, this prosperous world is not a killing formation. It is a very delicate trapping formation. If you are not careful, you will be trapped in the big formation."

"And once you're trapped in the big formation, I'm afraid you'll never want to leave here." Sheng Qinghan nodded to Li Tai.

"It's not just Patriarch Sheng who knows, where is the uniqueness of this prosperous blood sea?" Mo Tiannan asked Sheng Qinghan.

Sheng Qinghan said: "It is recorded very clearly in the classics that the method of trapping people in this sea of ​​blood in this prosperous age is neither a spinning top nor a trap."

"It's the illusion that captivates the mind. People who enter the formation. It is easy to be confused by the illusion and regard this place as a real town."

"And he will have a strong sense of belonging to this town, so that he will stay in this town willingly. And the final result of staying is only one, and that is to die in the blood sea Shura."

"Does Master Sheng have a way to break the formation?" Mo Tiannan nodded and asked Sheng Qinghan.

"Here I have a meditation mantra of Sheng Jia. As long as you recite this meditation mantra silently in your heart, you will not be deceived by this prosperous world."

"But one thing to keep in mind is that you can't touch anything you see. Once someone touches anything in the city, the entire trapped formation will be activated instantly."

"And what was activated at that time was not the prosperous age of the world. It was the opposite Blood Sea Shura." Sheng Qinghan said.

Hearing Sheng Qinghan's words, Li Tai said, "Then you should quickly pass on the meditation mantra to everyone. At the same time, Patriarchs must restrain their disciples, and they must not touch anything in the formation."

After everyone spoke, they began to make arrangements.Now Momen disciples are no longer illiterate craftsmen.

Not to mention that everyone is full of knowledge, but literacy is definitely not a problem anymore.So quickly keep the meditation mantra in mind.

And began to be led by various families, followed Sheng Qinghan into the town.After turning left and right for nearly an hour, I finally reached the end of the town.

This can't help but make everyone let go of their hanging hearts.But at this time, changes began to take place in the entire town.

The house began to slowly collapse, and the fire began to burn slowly.The ground also began to sink continuously, and the loss of the originally prosperous human world instantly turned into a Shura hell.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Qinghan shouted loudly: "Hurry up and protect the emperor out of the city, the sooner the better, to avoid accidents."

Hearing Sheng Qinghan's words, Luo Huan took the lead and opened the city gate with the armor-breaking army.The protected Li Tai and the disciples of the Mo Sect left the town.

Just as the last Momen disciple walked out of the city gate, the city gate was closed directly.At the same time, desolate cries came from the city.

(End of this chapter)

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