The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 915 Chapter 915 So This Is Just the Beginning (1 More)

Chapter 915 915 So This Is Just the Beginning (Part [-])
Now Li Tai has finally completely eradicated the cancer of the aristocratic family.And the separation of military and government has been implemented throughout the country, and education for all has been carried out.

Li Tai believes that it won't be long before the entire Tang Dynasty will enter a prosperous and prosperous age.As long as the common people have culture, they will no longer be instigated by people with ulterior motives.

As long as people have food in their homes, there will be meat on the table.And who wants to take risks with their heads in their hands?At that time, there will be no more rebellions in Datang.

At this time, Li Tai finally became the strongest emperor.Completed the goal that many emperors from ancient times to the present have not completed.

But for Li Tai, he felt that he suddenly lost his goal.I don't know what I should do next to bring more benefits to the people of the world.

Just when Li Tai was thinking wildly, a mechanical notification sounded in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for becoming the strongest emperor in the Tang Dynasty."

"The force value has reached its peak, the Qiankun wormhole system has completed its final upgrade, and the fourth function of teleportation has been officially opened. Please check the host in time."

The Qiankun wormhole system has finally opened up all options. This is what Li Tai had hoped for dozens of times, and today it finally came true.

Li Tai clicked on the Qiankun wormhole system and found that the wormhole system has undergone major changes.The original four basic options are storage, exchange, summoning, and teleportation.

All have been lit up, and what is different from the past is that the four options all emit golden light, which is completely different from the previous light.

Li Tai clicked on the storage option, and a new option description appeared in front of Li Tai.After Li Tai looked at it carefully, he couldn't help feeling extremely puzzled.

The original storage function has changed, and the original space limitation has disappeared.And it can also be materialized.

As long as you and he are willing, you can materialize the storage space at any time.And it can be put away again at any time.At the same time, there is no longer a limit on the survival time of living organisms.

This made Li Tai feel a little puzzled, not knowing what the specific meaning of this function is.After all, now that Li Tai is the monarch of the Tang Dynasty, land is not a rare thing for Li Tai.

So this change seemed a bit tasteless to Li Tai.Li Tai couldn't help shaking his head.

Then Li Tai clicked on the exchange function again, and a new description of the exchange function also appeared in front of Li Tai.

At the same time, it also made Li Tai's ignorance of storage options, and a thorough understanding of its true meaning.Because the exchange option has changed from exchange items to exchange production lines.

The exchanged production line can only be placed in the storage space.This is also the true meaning of storage space changes.

What Li Tai couldn't even imagine was that the production line exchanged turned out to be a fully automated production line.The power used is also the longest lasting nuclear power.

And it is also equipped with intelligent robots for production.It can be said that the entire production line is completely an advanced automated production line that does not require human control.

This made Li Tai feel a little uneasy. He didn't understand why the Qiankun wormhole system suddenly became so powerful.

When Li Tai clicked on the third summoning option, Li Tai couldn't even close his eyes.He even opened his mouth wide in surprise.

All the troops summoned by the original summon option have changed.The original Xuedizi and Baima Yicong have disappeared without a trace.

Instead, the space-time troopers that Li Tai has only seen in the movies.As well as the gene team and the mech team and so on.

This made Li Tai have a bad premonition even more.I feel that things are probably not that simple, and it may even have something to do with my coming to this time and space.

So Li Tai immediately turned on the fourth function option, teleportation.The function of teleportation made Li Tai understand everything. It turned out that it was not accidental that he arrived in this time and space.

I saw that the introduction of the teleportation function clearly stated that when the host activates the teleportation function, the host can be teleported to any place where the host has appeared before.

And it is not limited by distance, time and space, and plane.In other words, Li Tai can use the teleportation function to return to the 21st century he once lived in.

It is also possible to use this function to teleport to the moment when he came to Datang.But this was not enough to shock Li Tai.

What shocked Li Tai was the red text at the bottom.This line of red text is very clear.


After Li Tai finished reading everything, the countdown card started to move.Time is slowly passing by every minute.

Just as Li Tai was surprised, a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.This memory told Li Tai everything.Including why Li Tai came to this time and space.

It turns out that in 2088 AD, the 95-year-old Li Tai could finally completely control the space wormhole.It can be regarded as completely connecting the earth with the universe.

However, this also brought catastrophe to the earth. Taking advantage of the opening of the earth's space wormhole, alien civilizations broke through the space barrier and began to invade the earth.

At this time, it was too late for Li Tai to close the space wormhole.Because the alien civilization has used this space wormhole to build more space wormholes on the earth.

While human beings resisted the invasion of alien civilization, huge casualties occurred.The vast majority of the earth has been carved up by alien civilizations.

As a result, the earth has become a colony of alien civilizations, and the area truly ruled by the earth people has become smaller and smaller.In the end, only the ancient country of China remained.

In the end, Li Tai became the only savior of all mankind, because only Li Tai can use the space wormhole to complete the journey back to 2018.

Only by going back to 2018 can we stop Li Tai from that time.Let Li Tai warn all mankind to stop research on space wormholes.

Finally, with the help of all human scientists, Li Tai activated the space wormhole again.Prepare to transport yourself back to 2018.

But when Li Tai entered the space wormhole, he found that things were not that simple.Because Li Tai felt in the wormhole that there is not only one space wormhole on the earth.

And a long time ago, space wormholes were opened.At that time, the ancient Chinese nation had fought against the invasion of alien civilizations.

So even if Li Tai doesn't study space wormholes, sooner or later the earth's space wormholes will be opened.In other words, whether Li Tai studies space wormholes or not, the fate of the earth being colonized cannot be changed.

And because Li Tai stayed in the space wormhole for too long, he only had a wisp of spirit and incomplete memory left.

And it was this spirit and incomplete memory that sent Li Tai back to the first year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty.Because this time is the most prosperous period in Chinese history.

Only at this time, Li Tai can use the space wormhole to complete the plane fusion.Only after the fusion of the planes is completed, can the earth be freed from the fate of being colonized by alien civilizations.It is even possible to become the ultimate overlord of the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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