The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 9 Golden Finger Cosmos Wormhole System

Chapter 9 Golden Finger Cosmos Wormhole System

"The formation in this courtyard was also learned by King Wei from a dream. I don't know if King Wei's master has ever said what the name of this formation is." Xu Maogong asked Li Tai.Asking this sentence also means that Xu Maogong has believed Li Tai's words.

In this era, Li Tai's excuse is definitely very convincing.Coupled with his own erudite knowledge, no one would doubt that he learned art in his dream.This also made Li Tai, no one would be surprised if anything earth-shattering happened to Li Tai in the future.Because they knew that Li Tai's master was Jiang Ziya.

"This formation was not taught to me by the master, but I saw it accidentally. In the library of the master, there are many ancient books covered with thick dust. This large formation is recorded in one of the ancient books , the name of this large formation is written on it, which is called the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. It’s just that I can’t make out many things in the formation. So I only learned the shape of the large formation, but not the reality of the large formation.” Li Tai said.

Li Tai didn't surprise everyone when he mentioned the nine-curved Yellow River Formation.Because at this time, the novel Feng Shen Yan Yi has not yet appeared.So Jiang Ziya is still a martial saint in everyone's mind.It is not the person who is in charge of hitting the god whip.

"The name is quite appropriate. This grand array is full of vigor and soul, with nine bends and eighteen bends. It is difficult for anyone to walk in. It's just that His Royal Highness, the materials used to align are too simple. If it is built with strong materials , this large formation can be compared to a hundred thousand troops." Xu Maogong said in surprise.

"Since Uncle Xu feels that this large formation is very useful, my nephew will give the map of this large formation to Uncle Xu. Uncle Xu may still need it later." After Li Tai finished speaking, he shared yesterday's The sketch drawn in the evening was handed over to Xu Maogong.

Although it was a simple sketch, it outlined the entire maze in detail.This made Xu Maogong hold it in his hands like a treasure, and he was very grateful to Li Taina.

"Luo Tong, aren't you ready to admit defeat? A man can afford to win and lose, and a hero is a hero if he dares to act. Behavior like yours, don't call him a hero. What is the difference between a hooligan and a hooligan?" Qin Qiong stood At the window, he shouted loudly to Luo Tong and the others in the maze.

At this time, Luo Tong had long since regretted it. He never thought that Li Tai would be able to produce such a powerful thing.Let him walk around inside for several hours, but he couldn't find the way out.I regretted that I didn't face failure like a man at that time.

But no matter who Luo Tong is, he is definitely a rotten talker.So he shouted to the upstairs: "I, Luo Tong, am not someone who can't afford to lose. I'm just joking with our future big brother. Who knows that our big brother can't make jokes. Let us suffer So many sins."

Luo Tong's words made Qin Qiong and the others roar with laughter.It is said that Luo Tong is desperate to save face and suffer.But regardless of Luo Tong's fusion of sophistry, he still decided to face failure.Admit that you lost.

"It seems that I wrongly blamed you brothers. In that case, I, Li Tai, would like to apologize to you brothers. Please go upstairs to tell the story." Li Tai said downhill.Then he ordered people to trap Luo Tong and the others in the labyrinth and withdraw them.

When Luo Tong and the others came upstairs, they were all like drowned chickens. It can be said that it was extremely miserable.Seeing that Li Yuan was also here, they stepped forward and kowtowed to Li Yuan.

"I, Luo Tong, would like to admit defeat. From now on, Li Tai will be my big brother. If anyone dares to bully Li Tai, he must pass me first." Luo Tong clenched his fists and said with a serious expression.It can be said that Luo Tong has already convinced Li Tai at this time.This "big brother" was also called out from the bottom of my heart.

Afterwards, several other minor princes also stepped forward to express to Li Tai that they were willing to recognize him as a big brother.Everyone thought that Li Tai would be happy to be his big brother, but unexpectedly, Li Tai said: "Being your big brother is just a joke, let a bunch of kids older than me call me big brother. Wouldn't they be laughed at? Say I, Li Tai, know no respect."

"But if you don't become our big brother, others will laugh at us for not keeping our promises. So you must be our big brother." Luo Tong said to Li Tai.

This is the child, who was arguing a lot just now.In the blink of an eye, it became like this.Only children can have such a pure heart. Everything they say and do comes from the heart, without the slightest affectation.

"I often heard from my father that there were 46 friends in Jialiulou who were sworn brothers. Why don't we follow the example of the elders today and have a friendship of eight obeisances." Li Tai said.

After hearing Li Tai's method, everyone felt that it was very suitable, so they all nodded in agreement.Finally, after everyone reported their ages, Qin Huaiyu was the eldest brother, followed by Xu Liang, Cheng Tieniu, Yuchi Baolin, Yuchi Baoqing, Luo Tong, and finally the six-year-old little Li Tai.

Under the witness of the elders, the seven brothers imitated their fathers and became brothers with different surnames in Tiance Mansion.In the near future, the names of these seven brothers with different surnames will be known to everyone in the Tang Dynasty.Achieved the immortal myth of Datang.

"Today, the seven of you became brothers with different surnames in front of me, and you will get along like seven brothers in the future." Li Yuan said to the seven children.Then he led everyone out of Tiance Mansion.

The adults left, but the children stayed together.Luo Tong said: "Although Lao Qi is the youngest, we six elder brothers must look up to Lao Qi in the future."

Qin Huaiyu and the others also nodded in agreement.And told Li Tai that from now on, everyone will center on Li Tai and obey Li Tai's orders unconditionally.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Li Tai's mind.This voice said in Li Tai's mind: "The host has successfully possessed its own power, and has met the conditions for activating the Qiankun wormhole system. Whether the host will activate the Qiankun wormhole system immediately."

Li Tai didn't expect that he would also get the golden finger owned by all the protagonists who traveled through time.This made Li Tai very happy, so he immediately agreed and opened the Qiankun wormhole system.

"The Qiankun wormhole system is starting up, and it will take 12 hours to start up. After 12 hours, please check the functions of the Qiankun wormhole system. Now it is entering the system start-up phase, and the Qiankun wormhole system cannot be used during the start-up phase." That mechanical voice , sounded again in Li Tai's mind.

Seeing him leaving in a daze, Luo Tong asked in puzzlement, "Do you think it's a bit shameful to be the seventh child, or else we'll call you big brother in private."

It turned out that Luo Tong thought that Li Tai was in a daze because he was unhappy because he didn't become the eldest brother.That's why he said this to Li Tai.But how did he know that Li Tai at this time was already intoxicated by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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