Chapter 89

No matter what, Li Tai never thought that it was not the Jiang family's 72-way deadly gun that really made Luo Song famous.It is the long-lost Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun.

Looking at Li Tai's surprised expression, Luo Song said: "You heard me right, General Chang Sheng created the Seven Detective Snake Coiled Spear himself. Today, Master will teach you the Seven Detective Snake Coiled Spear. .”

At this time, Li Tai finally understood why Luo Song decided to pass the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun to him.The reason is that in his hand, this gentian silver gun.

"Master, please rest assured that the unique knowledge in the hands of General Chang Sheng will never be shamed in the hands of this disciple. This disciple will let the Seven Detective Snakes turn their guns and once again become famous in ancient and modern times." Li Tai held the gentian silver spear in his hand, Said swearingly.

"Since God has chosen, let the Gendan Liangyin Gun recognize you as the master. This means that the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun will definitely shine again in your hands." Luo Song said to Li Tai.

Then Luo Song demonstrated to Li Tai, the routine of the Seven Detectives and Snakes.Seeing the five tiger soul-breaking guns flying left and right in Luo Song's hands, Li Tai felt the power of the seven-detecting snake coiling guns.

Li Tai, who came from later generations, of course knew that the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun was born in Tuo, the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Gun of the spear prodigy Tong Yuan.So among the Seven Detective Snake Pan Guns, there is more or less the shadow of a hundred birds facing the Phoenix Gun.

The Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spear did not earn its name in vain. In the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Xiu used the Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Spear to earn his name as the spear king of the Northland.Even Zhang Ren also relied on the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear to serve as the governor of Yizhou.

And the Seven Detective Snake Pan Spear is more lethal than the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear.It is this set of exquisite marksmanship that made Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong the name of the ever-victorious general.

Now that Li Tai has the opportunity to learn, this peerless marksmanship will naturally not let up in the slightest.He stared at Luo Song intently, watching him cast the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun.I am afraid that if I blink my eyes, I will miss the essence of it.

After a long time, Luo Song finally finished playing with the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun.Then put away the gun and stood there, after calming down, he came to Li Tai and said, "The Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun has infinite changes and unpredictable marksmanship, and it cannot be refined in a short period of time. So don't you Be impatient, and you must lay a solid foundation. Otherwise, you will only learn gorgeous moves, but let the essence go forever.”

Li Tai nodded fiercely, and then said to Luo Song: "Master, you can rest assured, this disciple is not the kind of person who can't chew too much. Please also master teach this disciple the seven-detection snake coiling gun."

Luo Song stretched out his hand to help Li Tai who was saluting to him, and then began to teach Li Tai the seven snake-detecting guns.Luo Song used the seven detective snakes to coil their guns, every move and every style.They were all shown in front of Li Tai at a very slow speed.Then he explained to Li Tai in detail the changes that this marksmanship would produce.

Li Tai and Luo Song learned the Seven Detective Snake Coiled Spear for more than half a month.The Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun is divided into two parts, the Seven Detective and the Snake Pan.Seven detectives are seven ultimate moves, which are attack methods.The snake coil is a fast gun, making it look like a snake that is constantly circling. Under the rapid rotation of the gun, it forms an airtight defensive move, which belongs to the skill-type gun technique.

So it was not so easy for Li Tai to learn.Although he has been studying for more than half a month, Li Tai has only mastered the shape of the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun.Didn't really grasp the essence of the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun.

But Luo Song was already extremely satisfied, and warned Li Tai.Don't be in a hurry, upset and angry will not solve the problem, but will make the problem worse.After all, such an exquisite set of marksmanship cannot be learned in a short period of time.

Thinking back to Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, it also took him several years to learn the Hundred Birds and Phoenix Spear from Tong Yuan, the gun prodigy.So Li Tai knew that it would not happen overnight if he wanted to practice the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun well.It takes years of continuous practice to truly master this set of precision marksmanship.

While Li Tai was learning the Seven Detective Snake Pan Gun, the patriarchs of the five surnames and the seven sects all received information from people sent out and sent back.He has fully grasped that the cotton Li Tai bought is Gubeihua.At the same time, I already know the usefulness of this ancient shell flower.

This surprised the patriarchs of the five surnames and seven clans.These people are all old men, so how could they not see the benefits contained in it.So I immediately ordered people to start purchasing, and purchased as much as I could.

As a result, the price of ancient shell flowers in Tianzhu's side suddenly continued to rise.Originally, thirty cents would be enough to buy a load of Gubei flowers.Now it has risen to [-] Wen, and there is no market for the price.

However, the people sent by Zou Fengchi directly increased the price to [-] Wen a load.This made it even more difficult for those who were going to sell Gubei flowers.I dare not sell it easily, for fear that the price will rise again in the future.

And what Zou Fengchi wants is this result, so that people with five surnames and seven middle schools will stop buying Gubeihua.And even though he offered a price of one hundred Wen, he would not be so stupid as to buy a load of ancient bei flowers for one hundred Wen.

In this way, the work of purchasing Gubeihua will be obviously slowed down.This gives others, more time to prepare.Naturally including Li Xiaochang, of course, leaving more time for Luo Huan.

"This Zou Fengchi doesn't know what the hell is going on. He actually offered a price of [-] cents for a load of cotton. Could it be that he is really crazy." This is what all the people who bought Gubeihua said. .

In this way, as expected by Zou Fengchi, the acquisition of Gubeihua stopped.This made the locals panic.They are not the people who grow the ancient bei flowers, they also bought the ancient bei flowers from farmers.

But now that Gubei flowers have a price but no market, this gives them a feeling that they will drop Gubei flowers in their hands.So one after another began to contact people who bought Gu Beihua.And offered a price of fifty Wen a load.But to their surprise, no one bought it, and the Gu Bei flowers in their hands.

Because not long ago, when they transported the Gubei flowers they bought back to Datang.Without exception, all of them encountered thieves, and all the purchased Gubei flowers were looted by them.

So they are currently waiting for the arrangement of the family, or to get through the relationship with the thieves.Or send guards to protect.Otherwise, even if it was given to them for nothing, they would not want it.Because the ancient bei flowers that cannot be transported back can be said to be worthless.

But at this time, Zou Fengchi quietly ordered people to secretly start buying Gubeihua.It's just that the price offered was not even thirty cents a load.

Even so, the people sent by Zou Fengchi still bought a large number of ancient bei flowers.Because in the eyes of everyone, Gu Beihua is no longer worth much.Because no one wants it anymore, if you don’t buy it now, it will fall into your hands in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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