Chapter 87

When Li Xiaochang heard Chi Ying's words, he couldn't help but nodded.Because Li Xiaochang knew that Wei Wang Li Tai and Wang Yushi had a sworn feud.It can even be said that Wei Wang Li Tai and the five surnames and seven sects all have indissoluble feuds.

And Li Xiaochang was preparing to rebel, so he was naturally very concerned about Chang'an City's every move.So when he heard that the person who came was Wang Wen, the housekeeper of Wang Yushi, he couldn't help believing it.

Of course, if Li Xiaochang knew that Wang Yushi had sent Wang Wen to contact Phantom to assassinate Li Tai.In the end, it led to Wang Wen's death.It is estimated that no matter what, I will not believe the identity of the person opposite.

Even so, Li Xiaochang will not trust the visitor easily.So he looked at Chi Ying with a questioning look, and then said, "I don't know what happened in Chang'an City. I'm just curious, why did you find me?"

"The reason why I was able to find the prince is very simple. Today, in front of Ming people, I will not tell lies. Back then, my master sent me to contact the killer and assassinate Wei Wang Li Tai. Unfortunately, the matter did not succeed in the end. Fortunately, I found out in time and used the method of stealing the beam to exchange the pillar." A trick, so that I can get away. And by chance, I discovered a secret about the prince." Chi Ying pretended to be mysterious, and said to Li Xiaochang.

Hearing Jiying's words, Li Xiaochang couldn't help opening his eyes wide.Glaring at Chi Ying, he said, "You discovered a secret."

"Why does the prince have such an expression? I have already said it. I once assassinated Wei Wang Li Tai, which also shows that I am now a person who can't see the light. So you don't have to worry, I will leak the news I know." Chi With a smile on his face, he looked at Li Xiaochang on the opposite side and said.

"This king has not done anything disloyal, so why should I be afraid of you spreading it." Li Xiaochang said to Chi Ying with a disdainful expression on his face.

On the surface, what Li Xiaochang said is awe-inspiring.If it weren't for his hand to keep pressing on the sword that he carried with him.It is estimated that people will really believe that what he said is the truth.

But this simple action made Chi Ying even more convinced.Li Tai's inference about Li Xiaochang's preparation for rebellion.Maybe Chi Ying couldn't give Li Xiaochang a perfect explanation.It is estimated that Li Xiaochang will pull out the sword from his waist at the first moment, making Chi Ying a dead soul under the sword.

"King Yi'an said that, but he doesn't regard people as friends at all. You should know a word, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. So we are now, standing on the same front. Otherwise, my master would not, let I'm here to see the prince." Chi Ying said without changing his expression.

"This king really doesn't know what you're talking about, why don't you tell me and listen to it. It can be regarded as giving this king a lot of insight." Li Xiaochang said to Chi Ying with a smile on his face.

"My lord, move your hand away from your sword. Even if you kill me today, it is impossible for your conspiracy with the eldest grandson Anye and others to be known. Because don't forget, I am just a housekeeper " Chi Ying said to Li Xiaochang with a smile.

Hearing Jiying's words, Li Xiaochang really let go, holding the hand holding the sword.Because he knew that what Chi Ying said was true.He is just a steward of the censor, even if he is killed, it will not help.

And when he heard Chi Ying say the name Changsun Anye.Li Xiaochang already knew that his plot had been leaked.

Looking at the surprised Li Xiaochang, Chi Ying smiled and said: "My lord, why do you have such an expression, my master is from the royal family in Taiyuan. The five surnames and seven sects only care about the interests of their own family. They never care about who sits in the world. "

What Chi Ying said made Li Xiaochang nod involuntarily.Because what Chi Ying said is correct, the five surnames and seven clans are families that have been passed down for hundreds of years.They have experienced countless court rises and falls.No matter who is the emperor, they will get their own family benefits from it.

Therefore, what the five surnames and seven sects value is only the interests of their own family.As long as it is beneficial to them, they will help with money.Even if they feel that the other party is not worthy of their support.They will also choose to turn a blind eye, because that will bring them the benefits they want.

"We've already reached this point, so please clarify what you mean by wealth." Li Xiaochang said to Ji Ying.

"You should have heard of 33 Chongtian in Chang'an City. It was the business of Wei Wang Li Tai. Now 33 Chongtian has sent a large number of people to various places to buy Gubei flowers. But what they claim is that they are buying cotton..." Immediately afterwards, Chi Ying then told Li Xiaochang about Gu Beihua.

When Li Xiaochang heard that this ancient shell flower can be used to make military uniforms to keep out the cold.There was an involuntary look in his eyes.

Seeing Li Xiaochang's reaction, Chi Ying waved his hand and said: "My lord, this Gubei flower is not available to you at the moment. Even if you get it in your hand, you can't take it out, because you will be the first to expose it." .”

"Since the king has taken it, you can't use it. Then what's the use of it if the king wants it." Li Xiaochang asked puzzled.

"No matter how good this ancient shell flower is, it can only protect the soldiers from the cold. But silver can allow the prince to expand his army again." Chi Chiying smiled mysteriously, and said to Li Xiaochang.

"You mean to say that this king robbed these ancient bei flowers. Then it's impossible to sell them." Li Xiaochang said after thinking about it.

Hearing Li Xiaochang's words, Chi Ying couldn't help shaking her head secretly.He secretly said in his heart: "No wonder the lord didn't take him seriously, he turned out to be such an idiot. How can such a person achieve great things."

However, there was no look of contempt on Chi Ying's face.On the contrary, he nodded in agreement and said, "Although this method of the prince is good, it is not as good as the other method. That is to use the ancient bei flower in his hand to demand more ransom from Li Tai."

"Why do we have to let Li Tai redeem these things, we sell them directly, wouldn't it be simple and convenient." Li Xiaochang asked puzzled.

"We don't know the origin of these things. If the prince sells them, the price will definitely be severely suppressed. And Wei Wang has already boasted in front of the emperor. If he can't get these ancient shell flowers, he will I can't do business in front of the emperor." Chi Ying said with a smile.

"You're right, in this way, Li Tai will want to get these ancient shell flowers at any cost. Then he will be able to beat him hard." Li Xiaochang said with a big laugh.

At this time, Li Xiaochang seemed to have seen that a large amount of money was sent to him by Li Tai, and then he used the money to arm his army and recruit more soldiers

In that way, I will have more confidence to pull Li Shimin down from the throne.Then it's up to him to take his place.Perhaps this is typical daydreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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