The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 861 Xue Jinlian vs. Su Baotong (1 more)

Chapter 861 Xue Jinlian vs. Su Baotong (Part [-])
Xue Jinlian and Li Xin gathered 5000 troops, left Suoyang City, and headed for the Xiliang army camp.This time following Xue Jinlian and Li Xin to fight, it was the Liaodong iron cavalry left behind by Li Tai.

When these Liaodong cavalry learned that the man in front of him was the son of Yan Wang Li Tai.One by one seemed so excited.

After all, Li Xin is their young master, so they have already prepared in their hearts.That is to fight to the last person, absolutely not let Li Xin have the slightest mistake.


"Report to Marshal, Tang Jun sent someone to challenge again." A Xiliang soldier came to Su Baotong's tent and said to Su Baotong.

"Can you see who is here?" Su Baotong asked.After all, Su Baotong felt that Xue Rengui was dying now.It should be impossible for Tang Jun to challenge again at this time.

"Marshal, here are two young generals, a man and a woman." The Xiliang soldier said to Su Baotong.

"Hahaha, it seems that there is no one left in the Tang Dynasty. Veterans like Yuchi Gongcheng and Yaojin have long been unable to lift their swords."

"Now we can only send those suckling babies to die. If that's the case, then I will help them." After finishing speaking, Su Baotong ordered someone to lead the horse sword.He led the troops out of the camp.

Seeing the gates of the Xiliang Daying camp wide open, Su Baotong personally led people out to kill them.Li Xin said to Xue Jinlian in a low voice: "Miss Xue, this Su Baotong's throwing knife is very powerful, you must be very careful later."

"The King of Liaodong County doesn't have to worry. No matter how powerful his throwing knife is, it won't help if he meets this girl. Wait a minute and see how this lady accepts his throwing knife." Xue Jinlian said to Li Xin confidently.

After Xue Jinlian finished speaking, she stepped on her horse and came to the front of the two armies.Pointing at the embroidered dragon knife in his hand, he said loudly: "Which one is Su Baotong, Generalissimo of Xiliang?"

Hearing Xue Jinlian speak, Su Baotong laughed and said, "Could it be that Tang Jun has no one, and he is afraid of a little girl coming to die."

"However, I see that you are so delicate. It would be a pity to kill you. Why don't you dismount and surrender now, and warm the bed for me at night."

Hearing Su Baotong's words, Xue Jinlian was so angry that her face turned red.Angrily shouted: "Well, you are a pervert, you dare to speak disrespectfully to this girl. If the Japanese girl doesn't hit you all over the place, you won't know how powerful this girl is."

After finishing speaking, Xue Jinlian tapped the horse with both feet, and charged towards Su Baotong.But Xue Jinlian did not raise her sword to fight.Instead, he put the embroidered dragon knife on the ground with one hand.

Su Baotong also touched his horse with both feet, brandished the red copper knife in his hand, and killed Xue Jinlian.But Su Baotong really didn't plan to kill Xue Jinlian, but was going to capture him alive.

Just when the two horses staggered their stirrups, Su Baotong slashed at Xue Jinlian with the red copper saber.If Xue Jinlian used a knife to fight, then naturally Su Baotong would be given a chance.

At that time, Su Baotong will definitely be able to take the opportunity to capture Xue Jinlian alive by relying on his physical strength.But what Su Baotong didn't expect was that this Xue Jinlian didn't confront him head-on.

Instead, he came directly to hide with a horse bottom, and very cleverly avoided Su Baotong's knife.Just when Su Baotong put away his knife and was about to fight again.The two war horses had already galloped to the sides.

Immediately, Su Baotong turned his horse again, and the second was to kill Xue Jinlian.But what surprised Su Baotong was that there was no shadow of Xue Jinlian on the horse.

It turned out that Xue Jinlian was hanging under her belly, holding her embroidered dragon knife in her right hand, waiting for an opportunity to move.

This made Su Baotong start to pay more attention to this Xue Jinlian.After all, not everyone can hang on the belly of a horse.

It was said that it was late, it was fast that the two horses met again, Su Baotong did not take the lead in making moves.He just stared at Xue Jinlian's war horse, wanting to see what the hell Xue Jinlian was going to do.

At this time, the war horse had already run past Su Baotong, but Xue Jinlian was not seen.Just when Su Baotong was wondering, he felt the horse leaning forward.

At the same time, Su Baotong couldn't sit still on the horse, and fell off the horse directly.Fortunately, Su Baotong was skilled in martial arts, and after rolling a few times on the ground, he stood up again.

Only then did Su Baotong realize that it was the moment when the two horses stepped on the wrong foot.Xue Jinlian actually jumped from the horse to the ground, and then cut off the horse's leg while she was not being cut off by a knife.That's why Su Baotong ended up in such a mess.

This made Su Baotong very angry, and these horses had followed him for several years.Those were definitely a group of top-notch Maxima, but now they were destroyed in Xue Jinlian's hands.

So Su Baotong waved the red copper knife in his hand, and killed Xue Jinlian.At this time, both of them had no horses, so they started a foot battle.

However, Su Baotong was wearing heavy armor, so it was naturally very inconvenient to move.But Xue Jinlian was wearing a full suit, without a helmet at all.

So in terms of action, Xue Jinlian has a certain advantage.After just a few rounds, Su Baotong seemed a little late and out of breath.

After all, this Su Baotong is an immediate general, once he loses his mount.It was like losing an arm.

But this Xue Jinlian is not the same, Xue Jinlian learned from the Holy Mother of the Golden Knife.And this set of sword techniques of the Holy Mother of the Golden Sword can not only exert its power on the horse, but also has a very powerful lethality even under the steps.

At this moment, Xue Jinlian slashed at Su Baotong's neck.Fortunately, Su Baotong reacted in time and sank his body downward, but although he escaped his vital point.But the helmet was chopped off by Xue Jinlian.

At this time, Su Baotong's hair was disheveled, so he must be in a lot of embarrassment.Su Baotong was so angry that he kept yelling.

Seeing that Su Baotong was also in a panic, he stretched out his hand and tore off the armor on his body.He threw it on the ground casually, and killed Xue Jinlian wearing a silk sash.

In this way, Su Baotong moved a little faster, but Xue Jinlian started to fight.Every time he made a move, he would quickly jump away, which made Su Baotong unable to touch Xue Jinlian's shadow at all.

Su Baotong thought to himself, he was no match for this girl at all.So he put the red copper knife in his left hand, and raised his right arm to Xue Jinlian.

You don't need to ask to know what Su Baotong is going to do, and that is to use its nine flying knives.But at this time, there were only eight flying knives left on Su Baotong's body, because the ninth flying knife was with Xue Rengui at this time.

Seeing that Su Baotong was about to use the throwing knife, Li Xin shouted: "Miss Xue, be careful, Su Baotong is going to use his poison throwing knife."

But it was too late at this time, and Su Baotong's throwing knife had already flown out of his right arm.Moreover, three throwing knives flew out at one time.

But looking at Xue Jinlian, she didn't feel worried at all.Holding the embroidered dragon knife in both hands, he stared at the three flying knives flying towards him.

Seeing that the flying knife was about to reach him.I saw Xue Jinlian swung the embroidered dragon knife left and right, and there were three crisp sounds.

The three flying knives that were looking at Su Baotong had all been sucked into the embroidered dragon knife.And Xue Jinlian was looking at Su Baotong triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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