The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 859 Xue Dingshan Temporary Marshal Position (2 more)

Chapter 859 Xue Dingshan Temporary Acting Marshal Position (Second Update)
That night, Li Zhi called Li Xin into his palace.It is claimed that the uncle and nephew will have a long talk all night, so there are only two uncles and nephews in the palace.

Li Zhi opened his mouth and asked Li Xin: "My nephew came to Suoyang City alone, did the emperor's brother and sister-in-law know about this?"

"Your Majesty, after my nephew returned to the Central Plains, I went to Youzhou to visit my father and mother. It's a pity that my father was not in Youzhou city at that time..." Then Li Xin explained his itinerary to Li Zhi in detail over again.

It turned out that after Li Xin returned to Datang, he went back to Youzhou to meet his parents.It's a pity that Li Tai was not in Youzhou at that time, so he only saw his mother Xuanhua.

And from Xuanhua's mouth, he learned that Li Tai was fighting in Xiliang.So Li Xin decided to go to Xiliang to find Li Tai.

But before Li Xin arrived at the boundary of Xiliang, he met Li Tai who had returned to Youzhou.After the father and son met, it was inevitable to ask questions.

In the end, Li Tai decided to let Li Xin go to Suoyang City.And told Li Xin that Suoyang City was probably besieged by Xiliang soldiers at this time.And told Li Xin how to defeat the enemy.

So Li Xin came towards Suoyang City, and happened to meet Xue Dingshan on the way.So the two came to Suoyang City together.

As for why Xue Dingshan came to Suoyang City, it was not due to the clever calculation of Wang Ao's ancestor.Instead, Li Tai Feige sent a letter to Wang Ao's ancestor, telling Wang Ao's ancestor that Xue Rengui was afraid of the evil of flying knives.

That's why Wang Ao's ancestor sent Xue Dingshan down the mountain to save his father.Not only the ancestor Wang Ao received Li Tai's letter from Feige, but also the Holy Mother of the Golden Knife.

So at this time, Xue Dingshan's twin sister was also on her way to Suoyang City.It's just half a step behind Xue Dingshan and Li Xin.

Hearing Li Xin said that Li Tai taught him the method of defeating the enemy, Li Zhi hurriedly asked, "I wonder what kind of method the emperor entrusted to my nephew, which can destroy the millions of Xiliang soldiers outside Suoyang City."

"Your Majesty, when the father left Jietian Pass, he left a lot of fierce oil in Jietian Pass. Once this fierce oil encounters fire, it will burn quickly."

"Furthermore, the fire oil is very viscous, so the adhesion is naturally very strong. Once it is ignited, it is difficult to extinguish it."

"As long as the emperor orders Jietianguan to lie in ambush on the outskirts of the Xiliang army. And use a catapult to throw fierce fire oil into the Xiliang army camp."

"Combined with the red-clothed cannon and grenades left behind by the father, we can set fire to the Xiliang soldier company. At that time, the siege of Suoyang City will be lifted." Li Xin said to Li Zhi.

Hearing Li Xin's words, Li Zhixuan's heart was finally relieved.He happily said to Li Xin: "It's really embarrassing for the emperor, and I really tried my best for this Great Tang Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, when my nephew came, my father gave special instructions. He said that someone might harm the emperor." After Li Xin finished speaking, he took out a letter written by Li Tai from his body.

Li Zhi opened the letter and read it, and couldn't help being very angry.He said angrily: "I didn't expect that the remnants of the Tang Sect would be so rampant, and they were going to secretly give the emperor brother and Zhen to take that five stone powder."

"Your Majesty, my father said that in order to achieve the effect of playing hard to get, I hope the Emperor can cooperate with my nephew in a play." Li Xin said to Li Zhi.

"Don't worry, nephew, I know what to do. But I just feel wronged by the emperor and my nephew." Li Zhi nodded and said.


Early the next morning, Li Zhi took Xue Rengui's place in the general hall.After all, although the poison on Xue Rengui's body has been removed at this time, his body is still very weak.

If you want to go to the front of the two armies to command thousands of troops, I am afraid it will not be possible in a few months.But these three armies cannot be without a master for a day, and a new commander of the three armies must be elected.

"Today, I summoned all the generals in the commander's hall in order to elect a person to be the temporary marshal. After all, the three armies cannot live without a commander." Li Zhi said.

"Your Majesty, Big Brother Hei was the commander-in-chief of the three armies when he crossed the sea to conquer the East. Why don't you let Big Brother Hei take over as Marshal temporarily." Cheng Yaojin said.

"Although Yu Chigong can lead the three armies, he is probably not the most suitable candidate at this time." Xu Mao said openly to Li Zhi.

"Then I wonder who the military adviser thinks is more suitable to be the interim marshal?" Li Zhi asked Xu Maogong.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, there are talents from generation to generation. It's time for us old guys to retreat to the second line."

"I feel that Xue Dingshan, the son of Marshal Xue, is more appropriate to temporarily take the position of marshal. After all, Xue Dingshan's teacher is the ancestor of Wang Ao."

"This Patriarch Wang Ao is proficient in military tactics. The disciples he has personally trained are definitely qualified for the position of Marshal." Xu Mao said openly.

"It's just that Xue Dingshan is still young, so I'm afraid the three armies will not accept Xue Dingshan's temporary position as marshal?" Li Zhi said.

"It's very easy at this time. As long as Xue Dingshan can break through the siege of Suoyang City, it will be enough to deter the three armies." Xu Mao said openly to Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, my nephew talked with Brother Xue along the way, and felt that Brother Xue is a man with great ambitions. My nephew believes that Brother Xue is definitely capable of defeating the Xiliang army outside the city." Li Xin said to Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, what the military advisor said is right. We old fellows should abdicate as well. If Datang can't train a new marshal."

"One day we old fellows will go to see the first emperor. Who should guard the emperor for the Tang Dynasty?" Yu Chigong said to Li Zhi.

"In this case, Xue Dingshan listened to the decree. I will now enshrine you as the son of King Pingliao, temporarily acting as the marshal of the three armies. When the siege of Suoyang City is lifted, I will definitely reward you heavily." Li Zhi said.

Xue Dingshan knelt on the ground respectfully, and said to Li Zhili: "Chen Xuedingshan will definitely live up to the emperor's high expectations, and he will unlock the siege of Yangcheng within ten days."

"I believe you can do it, and I look forward to serving you wine to celebrate." Li Zhi said happily.

Afterwards, surrounded by everyone, Xue Dingshan took the position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies.It can be regarded as the temporary marshal of the three armies.

Then Li Zhi said again: "Nephew Li Xin, although you are not the eldest son of the emperor's brother, you are also the eldest son of the emperor's brother."

"According to the rules of the royal family, you are not qualified to inherit the title of the emperor's brother. But I think of your loyalty to the Tang Dynasty, and today I can make you the king of Liaodong County." Li Zhi said to Li Xin.

Xue Dingshan temporarily took the post of marshal, and some people might discuss it in private.But no one would think it inappropriate to designate Li Xin as the King of Liaodong County.

After all, this Li Xin is of the royal blood, and it is only natural that he should be crowned king and prime minister.There is nothing more ceremonial about conferring him the title of Prince of Liaodong County today.

However, Li Xin said: "My nephew is very grateful to the emperor, but how can my nephew be able to accept the position of the king of Liaodong County because of the important task of preaching the Manichaeism."

"If my nephew becomes the king of Liaodong County, he will be an official of the Tang Dynasty. As an official of the Tang Dynasty, how can he preach in the world. So I ask the emperor to withdraw his order."

Hearing Li Xin's words, Cheng Yaojin laughed and said, "What kind of father and son are you? The father and son really have the same temper, and they don't even care about this honor."

(End of this chapter)

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