The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 846 The Pioneer Army Arrives at Jietian Pass (3 more)

Chapter 846 The Pioneer Army Arrives at Jietian Pass (Third Change)
"Brother, the Flaming Vermilion Bird Army led by the son-in-law really has extraordinary combat power. With two thousand light cavalry, they can kill nearly ten thousand horses." Li Zhi said to Li Tai.

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, there are many cases of using less to win more. It doesn't necessarily depend on how strong it is in combat. The most important thing is the right time and place."

"Qin Huaiyu took advantage of mental calculations and inadvertently. What he fought was the Xiliang soldiers who were caught off guard. So it is not surprising that he can achieve such a result." Li Tai said to Li Zhi.

Hearing what Li Tai meant, Qin Huaiyu on the side naturally felt like a mirror.Knowing that these Xiliang soldiers were definitely killed by Li Tai, it is unknown which team did it.


As all the corpses of Xiliang soldiers were burned to ashes, Li Tai came to Jietian Pass again.After another two days' journey, Li Tai finally came to five miles outside Jietian Pass.

"Your Majesty, today we set up camp here overnight. Tomorrow morning, I will launch an attack on Jietian Pass. At that time, please lead the battle with your Majesty. I don't know what the Emperor wants." Li Tai said to Li Zhi.

"Everything is arranged by the emperor, as long as the emperor is by my side. Even if it is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, I have no fear." Li Zhi said to Li Tai with a serious face.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that tomorrow's attack on Jietian Pass is nothing more than a matter of hand. It's not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair at all." Li Tai said to Li Zhi with a smile.

"I'm a little curious. I don't know why Brother Huang has such confidence. Could it be that Brother Huang also sent people to sneak into the Tiantian Pass?" Li Zhi asked Li Tai with a smile.

"There is no need to be so troublesome at all. Now Jietianguan is the last barrier of Suoyang City. So there is no need to hide anything. It is time for Su Baotong to know how big a mistake he has made." Li Tai said.

"Your majesty, you don't need to ask this kid. If he tells the emperor now, there will be a lot of surprises missing tomorrow. Why can't the emperor bear with it and see the outcome tomorrow morning?" Yu Chigong said to Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, I am also very curious about how His Highness King Yan will attack the city. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany the Emperor to the front of the two armies, so that you and I, the Lord and Minister, can experience His Highness Yan's method of attacking the city." Xu Mao said openly to Li Zhi said.

Hearing Xu Maogong and Yu Chigong's words, Li Zhi nodded.Then he said to Li Tai: "Brother Huang, let's make arrangements as soon as possible. I will come to see Brother Huang's performance tomorrow morning."


"Master General, the vanguard of the Tang Army has already set up camp five miles outside Jietian Pass." The guard of the Jietian Pass city wall came to the handsome hall and said to Duan Jiuzheng.

"Tell the brothers on the city wall that as long as the other party dares to approach, they will shoot me random arrows. No matter how he fights against the enemy, no one is allowed to go out of the city to fight."

"Bring some troops and bring some earth and sand. Block the city gate from the inside to this general. I'd like to see how he can take me to Jietian Pass." Duan Jiuzheng said.

Hearing Duan Jiuzheng's words, the deputy general couldn't help letting go of his hanging heart.He was really worried that Duan Jiuzheng was going out of the city to fight hand-to-hand with the opponent just like the generals in the previous two levels.

If Duan Jiuzheng really chooses that way, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on to Tianguan.But now that Duan Jiuzheng chose to defend the city, it would not be so easy for Tang Jun to win Jietian Pass in a short time.

After the deputy general let out a sigh, he turned around and followed Duan Jiuzheng's instructions.Block the city gate with sand and gravel.

At the same time, Duan Jiuzheng ordered people to start transporting more rolling wood and thunder stones to the city wall.And mobilize the people in the city to defend the city.

The people in the city have long heard that Jiepai Pass and Jinxia Pass have been slaughtered by the Tang army.If the Tianguan City is broken, I am afraid they will not have the possibility of surviving.

So they naturally agreed to Duan Jiuzheng's request, and climbed onto the city wall one after another.Prepare to defend your home to the death.

There were still some people who believed the rumors and felt that Xiliang had angered the heavens, and now it was the heavens who wanted to punish them through the hand of Tang Jun.

But as long as Duan Jiuzheng finds out, Duan Jiuzheng will behead him without hesitation.Therefore, the spread of rumors was also stopped, which led to the unity of the army and the people in Tianguan today.

To say that [-]% of this period is considered a bit capable, it is more than a little bit stronger than the main players in the first two levels.It's a pity that he met Yan Wang Li Tai.Otherwise, it might not be easy to win the Tianguan.


Early the next morning, Li Tai gathered his generals in the vanguard tent and began to issue orders to attack the city.Accompanied by Xu Maogong and Yu Chigong, Li Zhi set up a Longshu case beside Li Tai.

Li Tai only heard Li Tai say: "Xu Liang listens to the order, this king ordered you to set up one hundred red cannons in front of Jietian Pass. Wait for this king's order."

Xu Liang got up and let out a sigh, then turned and left the vanguard tent.Lead the brothers in the artillery battalion to set up the Hongyi cannon.

Then Li Tai spoke again: "Qin Huaiyu, Cheng Tieniu, Yuchi Baolin, Yuchi Baoqing, Luo Tong. The five of you each lead your troops to stand by in front of the temple. As long as the city wall collapses, you will attack and kill me inside the city."

"Remember, I don't want to die. I hope that when I enter the city, I don't even see a living mouse in Jietian Pass."

The five people got up at the same time, let Li Tainuo say something, then turned around and left the big tent to make arrangements.

Then Li Tai ordered South China and Xu Tianda to lead the headquarters to protect the safety of Li Zhi and Xu Maogong.

He also ordered Gao Kan to monitor the situation in Tianguan at all times, and if he found that the Xiliang army in Jietianguan was about to flee.Li Tai must be notified immediately.

All the generals took their orders and left the vanguard tent, and went to prepare separately.At this time Li Zhi asked Li Tai, "Brother Huang, why haven't you seen General Luo Huan?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, last night I asked Luo Huan to lead the Armor Breaking Army to sneak around Jietian Pass. After arriving at Jietian Pass, set up traps to prevent the Xiliang soldiers in Jietian Pass from retreating towards Suoyang City." Li Tai said. Said to Li Zhi.

"Brother Huang, I heard what you said just now. You are planning to leave no grass in Jietianguan. I don't think that is necessary?" Li Zhi said to Li Tai again.

"Brother Huang, if we don't let Xiliang know how great my Tang is, I'm afraid he will make a comeback one day, and even if that time comes, my Tang will still be able to level Xiliang."

"But your majesty should know that the amount of material consumed to launch a war can definitely be described as innumerable." Li Tai said to Li Zhi.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Zhi had no choice but to shut up.Although he doesn't agree with Li Tai's inhumane style of play from the bottom of his heart.

However, they also think that what Li Tai said is true, after all, these foreign races are all stubborn.I don't know how many times I launched wars to the Central Plains, but in the end I lost the enemy and had to bow my head and surrender.

Seeing that Li Zhi didn't say anything, Li Tai said to Li Zhi: "Your Majesty, if you have no other questions, please follow the commanding platform in the city to watch the battle."

(End of this chapter)

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