The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 814 Pillow Wind Really Helps (1 More)

Chapter 814 Pillow Wind Really Helps (One More)
Li Tai would rather destroy 33 Chongtian than share the profits with Li Zhi.This couldn't help but make Wu Ze very angry, and scolded Li Tai from head to toe in his heart.

Just when Wu Ze was angry, Li Zhi walked into the Lizheng Hall, Wu Ze's bedroom.Seeing Wu Ze's unhappy expression.

Li Zhi asked, "Why is Zemei so angry? Who made you so angry. Tell me, and I will punish him severely for venting your anger."

"Who else is there, isn't it your imperial brother Yan Wang Li Tai? When the father was alive, Yan Wang Li Tai's 33 heavens had [-]% of the father's profit."

"But now that Father Emperor Dragon Yu Bintian, the third-tier profit that originally belonged to Father Emperor should have belonged to you, Jiulang."

"But Li Tai, King of Yan, took back the three-tier profit. So Ze'er was going to find a way to let him hand over the [-]% profit to Jiulang."

"But I didn't expect that Li Tai, the king of Yan, would directly close the door of 33 Chongtian. Isn't it obvious that Jiulang is not in his eyes?" Wu Ze said to Li Zhi angrily.

"What did I think it was? It turned out to be this matter. The 33rd heaven originally belonged to the emperor, and he gave [-]% of the profit to the father. That is the filial piety of the emperor to the father."

"Now that the emperor father is gone, the emperor brother will naturally take back the profit. How can it be left to me." Li Zhi smiled and said to Wu Ze.

"Do you know how much the 33% profit of the 33rd Heaven is? Without the [-]% profit of the [-]rd Heaven, even if we live in this Daming Palace, we may not be able to build it." Wu Ze said to Li Zhi.

"I think it's better not to get too rigid with Brother Huang, we still have to rely on Brother Huang in many places." Li Zhi said to Wu Ze.

"You rely on him now, and one day he will turn around and bite you. After all, there is only one emperor in the Great Tang Dynasty." Wu Ze said after glaring at Li Zhi.

"The emperor doesn't have any idea about the throne at all. What he hopes is to be a happy prince. So Zemei doesn't have to worry about this anymore." Li Zhi said to Wu Ze.

"Even if King Yan Li Tai has no intention of proclaiming himself emperor, can you guarantee that his civil servants and military generals will agree? Don't forget why the emperor father launched the Xuanwumen incident back then." Wu Ze said.

Li Zhi couldn't help being taken aback by Wu Ze's words.Although Li Zhi was not born when the Xuanwumen Incident occurred.But it also has a deep understanding of this period of history.

Li Shimin launched the Xuanwu Gate Incident, and it is said that he was forced to die by Prince Li Jiancheng.Had to fight back.But there is another reason, which is rarely mentioned by others.

That is the general under Li Shimin's command, who wants to have a chance of promotion.And to have enough room for promotion, then Li Shimin must become the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

And what Wu Ze said today roughly means this.Even if Li Tai didn't want to become the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, one day he would be driven to this position by his civil servants and military generals.

Seeing Li Zhi frowning tightly, Wu Ze secretly rejoiced.He secretly said in his heart: "It seems that this elm bump has finally opened up."

"Zemei, I remember that when the crown prince was established, he tried to weaken his father's power, but in the end not only failed to achieve his goal, but even lost his own life."

"Now I am in the same situation as the prince Jiancheng back then. The only difference is that he is the prince and I am the king. But in the eyes of some people, there is no difference."

"Brother Huang's current strength is just like that of his father back then, with numerous ministers and generals under his command. If I am eager for quick success and quick benefits today, I might follow the same path as the prince built." Li Zhi said with a sigh.

"There are many ways to weaken the opponent's power. It is not necessary to take the power of the opponent into your own hands like Prince Jiancheng. Letting them die gradually is also a good choice." Wu Meiniang said to Li Zhi.

"Now the Tang Dynasty is peaceful, and there is no war at all. What excuse can I use to let the emperor use up his own strength?" Li Zhi asked Wu Meiniang in confusion.

"When you ascended the throne, King Li Ke of Shu did not come to the capital to congratulate you. This is a crime of disrespect. In addition, King Li Ke of Shu did not show up at your father's funeral. This is a crime of disrespect."

"Jiulang can issue a decree tomorrow to change Li Ke, the king of Shu, to be the king of Wu, and serve as the governor of Liangzhou. If he is willing to go to Beijing to accept the canonization, it will be considered a relief from our heart."

"However, if he refuses to come to Chang'an City to accept the order, Jiulang can punish him for the crime of disrespecting the order. At that time, the three crimes will be punished together, and then troops can be sent to punish him."

"The king of Yan, Li Tai, has the right to conquer Baiyan and Huangyue. At that time, Jiulang can hand over the task of conquering Li Ke, the king of Shu, to Li Tai, the king of Yan."

"At that time, both of them will naturally fight to the death. No matter which side wins in the end, it will be a good thing for us." Wu Ze said to Li Zhi.

"Zemei's method is very good, so that we can reap the benefits of fishing. Even if they win in the end, they will definitely lose their troops and greatly reduce their strength." Li Zhi said happily.

"If Li Ke, king of Shu, wins, Jiulang can send troops to conquer him again. At that time, both forces will be removed together. Jiulang's throne will be secure."

"If Li Tai, the King of Yan, wins, Jiulang can forcefully confiscate property from foreign countries in the north. When they refuse to pay the confiscated property, Jiulang can order Li Tai, the King of Yan, to send troops to ask for it." Wu Ze said to Li Zhi.

"In this way, the strength of the emperor's brother will gradually decrease in the battle. In the end, he will completely lose the ability to win the throne."

"I can rest assured that he will be a happy prince. Just like the current emperor brother Li Chengqian. It can be regarded as helping him fulfill his wish." Li Zhi nodded and said.

"As the saying goes, cowardice is not a gentleman, non-toxic is not a husband. In order for Jiulang to secure the throne, Jiulang should secretly send someone to do something secretly when the two sides are fighting."

"It would be best if King Li Tai of Yan and Li Ke, King of Shu, both died in this battle. Only in this way can we truly achieve once and for all."

"And once the King of Shu and the King of Yan are both killed, Jiulang can take over all the forces under their hands. By then, the national power of the Tang Dynasty will be even more prosperous." Wu Ze said to Li Zhi.

Wu Ze didn't want Li Tai to have a chance to survive.After all, as long as Li Tai is alive, Yan Guo will never obey Li Zhi's orders.

Therefore, even if Li Tai suffers a heavy loss, relying on Yan's economic foundation, he will recover soon.So there is only one way to really eradicate it, and that is to let Li Tai die in front of the two armies.

Although Li Zhi didn't want to do this, but now he has been completely persuaded by Wu Ze.He also thought in his heart that one day Li Tai would snatch his throne.

Before Li Zhi became emperor, he really didn't value the throne too much.But since he took the throne for several months, he has already felt the benefits of the throne.

Let him lose the throne now, he will definitely not be willing.Therefore, in the end, between the throne and brotherhood, Li Zhi chose the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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