The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 810 The Loyal Nine Guards of the Big Dipper (9 more)

Chapter 810 The Loyal Beidou Nine Guards ([-]rd)

Li Tai looked around, and found that the entire tomb was smaller than the main tomb, but there were quite a lot of funerary objects stored in it.

Although there is no gold, silver and jewelry, there are countless antique calligraphy and paintings.There are also some rare rare treasures.

Li Tai couldn't help thinking to himself, if people in the 21st century excavate Li Shimin's Zhaoling, will they be able to find the real tomb?


Then Li Tai walked towards the coffins of Li Shimin and his eldest grandson Wugou.When Li Tai came to the coffin, he began to observe the platform carefully.

But no matter how Li Tai observed it, he didn't find the slightest problem.If Jing Wanjun hadn't told Li Tai in advance.I'm afraid Li Tai would never have thought that this platform turned out to be the most important organ.

After looking at it, Li Tai took out the equipment he had prepared earlier from the storage space.In fact, it is a tripod with a pulley on the tripod and an iron chain under the pulley.

This iron chain is divided into four iron chains, and each iron chain has an iron hook.Hang the iron hook directly on the coffin lid.He began to pull the iron chain on the pulley.

Soon the coffin lid was hoisted up, and then gently placed beside it.Now came the most critical moment, which was to lift Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou out of the coffin.

Seeing Li Tai's feet touch the ground, the whole person soared into the air.Then both feet were hung on the iron chain, and an upside-down golden hook came.

Then he slowly helped Li Shimin up.At the moment when Li Tai picked up Li Shimin.An iron block with the same weight as Li Shimin fell directly into the coffin.

Just like that, Li Shimin was directly lifted out of the coffin by Li Tai.Then he used the same method to lift his grandson Wugou out of the coffin.

After doing everything, Li Tai put the coffin lid back on.Then he took out the antidote from his bosom and fed it to Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou.

After the two took the antidote, they slowly opened their eyes not long after.Seeing Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou opened their eyes, a smile appeared on Li Tai's face.

So he opened his mouth and said: "Father, Queen Mother, you have suffered here. My son is here to pick you up and go home."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "It seems that no matter how good the tomb is, it is useless in front of the expert. I have spent decades building this Zhaoling, but I am afraid I will not be able to escape in the end. The one who opened the tomb one day."

"Father, this place is too dark and not a place to stay for a long time. You should leave here with your son." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin nodded and wanted to stand up.But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stand up.After all, their bodies have not recovered yet.

Li Tai saw that Li Shimin was about to stand up, so he said, "Father, let the servants carry the father and mother out of here."

After Li Tai finished speaking, he took out two stretchers from the storage space.Prepare and Luo Huan and others to carry Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou out of Zhaoling.

But at this moment, someone said: "His Royal Highness, leave the task of carrying the emperor and Empress He to us."

Then, nine people appeared in front of Li Tai.These nine people are none other than Li Shimin's Beidou Jiuwei.Li Tai did not expect that they were also in the tomb.

Originally, Li Tai thought that they should stay by Li Zhi's side.But I didn't expect them all to be here.It can be seen from this how much their loyalty to Li Shimin has reached.

If Li Shimin is the real Dragon Yu Bintian, I am afraid that the Nine Guards of the Big Dipper will also stay and be buried for Li Shimin.This is the real loyal bodyguard, no matter in the world or in the world, they must guard Li Shimin's side.

"Then I will thank you all." After Li Tai nodded, he said to Beidou Jiuwei.

Afterwards, the Big Dipper Nine Guards carried Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou, following Jing Wanjun's command.They left the tomb one after another.


When everyone passed through the tomb passage and came to the crack where they came in, Li Tai said, "This place is as smooth as a mirror when we came in, how do we go up from here now?"

"My lord, don't worry, there are bumps on the stone walls here. As long as we grasp the bumps, we can climb up slowly." Jing Wanjun said to Li Tai.

Afterwards, Li Tai observed carefully and found that there were many protrusions and depressions on both sides of the crack.But this can only make people climb up.

But if you want to carry a stretcher and climb up, I'm afraid it's really impossible.Just when Li Tai didn't know what to do, Jing Wanjun took out two leather pockets from his body.

Then he opened his mouth and said to Li Tai: "My lord, I can only let the emperor and queen feel wronged first. Let them enter this cowhide pocket, and then we will use ropes to pull them up."

This is the only way to do things so far, so Li Tai could only nod his head.Then he ordered the Beidou Nine Guards to put Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou into the cowhide pockets.

In this way, Li Shimin and the others left the tomb passage and reappeared in the space of Broken Dragon Stone.But fortunately, there is no trap for leaving here, so everyone came to the exit very smoothly.

Jing Wanjun slapped the stone wall again, and the exit appeared in front of everyone again.But after this period of tossing, the sky outside is now about to light up.

So everyone quickly jumped out through the exit.Then put Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou on the stretcher again.Carried by the Beidou Nine Guards, he quickly left Zhaoling.

Without anyone noticing it, Li Tai rescued Li Shimin and his eldest grandson Wugou from Zhaoling.

After leaving Zhaoling for a while, a carriage that Li Tai had prepared a long time ago appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, in the carriage, Wu Meiniang and Xuan Hua were anxiously waiting for Li Tai.I'm afraid that Li Tai will encounter some danger in Zhaoling.

When Wu Meiniang saw that Li Tai was back, she threw herself on Li Tai excitedly.Two tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

"Father and mother are still watching, don't let father and mother laugh at you as a daughter-in-law." Li Tai said to Wu Meiniang with a smile.

Only then did Wu Meiniang remember that Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou were also there.So he hurriedly and obediently joined Xuanhua Chili to greet Li Shimin and his eldest grandson Wugou.

"There is no need to perform these etiquettes anymore, from the moment I was sent to Zhaoling. There will be no more Li Shimin in this world."

"From that moment on, Guanyinbi and I are just a pair of ordinary parents. We are a pair of old people who need respect from their children." Li Shimin said kindly to Wu Meiniang.

Afterwards, Wu Meiniang and Xuan Hua helped Changsun Wugou change the shroud on his body.At the same time, Li Tai also helped Li Shimin change into ordinary clothes.

And Li Tai put all the two sets of shrouds into his storage space.Then let Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou get on the carriage.

A group of people came to Mozhou City like this.Because at this time Li Lizhi was anxiously waiting in Mozhou City.I don't know if Li Tai has successfully rescued Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou.

(End of this chapter)

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