Chapter 802
In Yining Square near Kaiyuan Gate, there is a house that is brightly lit.There were still seven or eight people sitting in the room, as if they were waiting for something.The whole room was quiet, and no one spoke.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.This could not help but surprise everyone in the room.Subconsciously grabbed the weapon beside him with his hand.

And asked in a vigilant voice: "Who is it? What's the matter so late?"

"Hurry up and open the door, I'm here." The person who knocked on the door said in a low voice.

Hearing the knocker's voice, everyone finally let go of their hanging hearts.And someone quickly went to open the door.

"Master, what happened to call us here so urgently?" the people in the room asked.

That's right, the person who came in was Tang Aoshan, and the people waiting for Tang Aoshan in the house were the remnants of the Tang Sect.Today they were ordered by Tang Aoshan to gather in Yiningfang.

Although seven years have passed, the imperial court has never stopped arresting Tang Sect disciples.Therefore, all Tangmen disciples who did not want to belong to Gongshang's family lived in hiding.

"I brought you here today because I have something important to tell you. Seven years ago, the Tang Sect was destroyed by King Li Tai of Yan. From that moment on, Li Tai has become the Tang Sect's enemy."

"Unfortunately, he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty. In our own country, we can't do anything to him. But today's opportunity finally came." Tang Aoshan said to everyone.

"Master, could it be that Yan Wang Li Tai left Youzhou? But even if he left Youzhou, there would definitely be many people around him to protect him. Since we have less than a hundred people, I'm afraid we may not be able to win him." The person who opened the door just now That person Tang Aoshan said.

"The master of the Qinglong hall is right. With the current strength of our Tang Sect, even if Li Tai leaves Youzhou, it is impossible for us to succeed."

"However, this time Li Tai went to Chang'an City to visit the emperor. In order to avoid arousing the suspicion of His Royal Highness, he did not lead too many people."

"So this is an opportunity given to us by God, let us avenge the hundreds of dead souls of the Tang Sect." Tang Aoshan said through gritted teeth.

Although the current situation of Tang Sect is gone, even if Tang Aoshan has succeeded to the position of Tang Sect Master.And re-established the four guardians and the four hall masters.

Today's Tang Sect is nothing more than an empty shell.After all, there were not many original Tangmen disciples left, and most of them belonged to Tang Qiang's subordinates.Became a disciple of Momen Gongshang's family.

The remaining people loyal to Tang Aoshan are only a dozen or so.It's not that they don't want to belong to the Gongshang family of Momen.After all, no one wants to live a life of displacement.

But their hands were stained with too much blood, even if they wanted to surrender to the Momen Gongshang family.There won't be any good results in the end, after all, there are lessons learned from the past.

Li Tai asked Tang Qiang and the elders of the left and right to gather Tangmen disciples from all over the world.But not everyone will accept it.Even if those disciples of the Tang sect whose hands were stained with the blood of the common people were willing to surrender, Li Tai would not take them in.

So the dozen or so people had no choice but to continue to follow Tang Aoshan.And they were all appointed by Tang Aoshan to become the top management of Tangmen.And let them continue to recruit disciples secretly.

But now the Tang Sect has become a street rat, even if someone wants to join them, they will feel timid when they hear the word Tang Sect.

But in the end, there are people who are desperate and willing to belong to the Tang Sect.So in seven years, Tang Aoshan recruited some Tangmen disciples.But the number is only close to a hundred people.

"Master, if this is really the case, then it is a god-sent opportunity. Now we will summon the brothers to Chang'an City." The head of the Qinglong Hall said to Tang Aoshan excitedly.

"This time we will not only get rid of Li Tai, King of Yan, but also Li Chengqian, King of Zhongshan. They are all sinners of our Tang Sect."

"Only with their blood and souls can they redeem the crimes they committed against the Tang Sect." Tang Aoshan said.

"Master, it's not that the subordinates don't want to avenge the dead souls of the Tang Sect. But if we really do this, I'm afraid we will suffer a bigger blow from the court."

"At that time, the remaining power of our Tang Sect will probably be uprooted. So please think twice, the head of the Tang Sect." The head master of the Vermillion Bird Hall said to Tang Aoshan.

"How could I not know this truth? If it weren't for someone supporting us behind our backs, how could I have been impulsive and trapped Tang Sect in a place where there will never be redemption." Tang Aoshan said.

Hearing that Tang Aoshan said that there is someone supporting Tangmen behind his back, everyone present couldn't help but feel refreshed.So the Great Protector asked Tang Aoshan: "Sect Master, who is the person who supports our Tang Sect behind the scenes?"

After all, the identity of the person who supports the Tang Sect is extremely important.If it's just ordinary civil servants and military generals in the court, I'm afraid they may not be able to settle the matter.

"The person who supports our Tang Sect is none other than the person who has sheltered me for the past seven years. He lives in the East Palace." Tang Aoshan said mysteriously.

Hearing that the protectors of the Tang Sect lived in the East Palace, everyone naturally thought of the present prince Li Zhi.After all, the East Palace is the prince's bedroom.

"The head of the sect is talking about the current crown prince. If that's the case, there is hope for the revival of our Tang sect. Now that the emperor is near the end of his life, His Royal Highness the crown prince will soon ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor."

"At that time, our Tang Sect will no longer have to linger on like this. Brothers will no longer have to live a life of wandering." The Great Guardian said to Tang Aoshan excitedly.

"Therefore, we must complete His Royal Highness's account. Whether it is King Li Tai of Yan, or King Li Chengqian of Zhongshan, they are all threats to His Royal Highness' enthronement."

"That's why His Royal Highness asked us to find a way to get rid of these two together. Clear the way for him to ascend the throne." Tang Aoshan said to everyone.

Tang Aoshan did not tell everyone that the person behind him was not Prince Li Zhi.It was Wu Ze, the concubine of Prince Li Zhi.

After all, the name of the princess is not as famous as that of the prince.Using the name of Prince Li Zhi will naturally make Tangmen disciples feel more at ease.

"Sect Master, you can arrange it anyway. Should we intercept and kill Yan Wang Li Tai on the way, or poison him to death after he arrives in Chang'an City?" The second guardian asked Tang Aoshan.

"If King Yan Li Tai dies on the way, I'm afraid his subordinates in Youzhou will be suspicious. At that time, it may affect the important affairs of His Royal Highness."

"So this matter must be done in Chang'an City, and in the palace. It is best for him to die in front of the emperor's bed." Tang Aoshan said.

"Sect Master, if you do it on the way, the success rate will be higher. The palace is not something we can come and go casually. If we are not careful, we will never return." The guardian said worriedly.

Tang Aoshan shook his head and said to the guardian: "Only by letting King Yan Li Tai die in the palace, can His Royal Highness the Crown Prince find a way to appease King Yan Li Tai's subordinates in Youzhou."

"As for how we get into the palace, we don't need to worry about it at this time. His Royal Highness will give us a legitimate identity. Let us walk into the palace dignifiedly."

(End of this chapter)

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