The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 769 Sacrifice Option Enabled (4 more)

Chapter 769 Sacrifice Option Enabled (Fourth Update)

It seemed that the person in charge was prepared to treat death as home, but he fell into Li Tai's hands, and it was not an easy task to kill himself for righteousness.

"I really admire your spirit of not being afraid of death, but whether you can stand the test in the end. I still have doubts." Li Tai said with a smile.

"I don't think I am a person who is not afraid of death, but I know that if I am afraid of death, more people will die because of me." The person in charge said with a smile.

It turned out that Li Ke controlled all of his family members in order to worry about his unruly plans.That's why he regarded death as home like this.

"In that case, I will grant you my favor." After Li Tai finished speaking, he gave Luo Huan a look.

Luo Huan directly stabbed the five tiger soul-destroying gun in his hand at the ankle of the person in charge, and Luo Huan broke his hamstrings with two successive shots.

But Luo Huan didn't stop there, and two more shots broke all his tendons.At this time, the person in charge was tortured so much that his facial features were distorted, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

However, he still gritted his teeth and did not intend to compromise at all.This can't help but make Li Tai also admire. A person who is willing to suffer for his family is indeed worthy of Li Tai's respect.

So Li Tai nodded to Luo Huan, and Luo Huan shot the person in charge in the choked throat.Help him end all his suffering.

"My lord, killing him like this, isn't it a waste of our busy life." Xu Tianda said to Li Tai.

"Now everything here has come to naught, even if he said that the mastermind behind the scenes is Shu King Li Ke. We have no other evidence to prove that Li Ke did all of this." Li Tai said with a sigh.

"I didn't expect Shu Wang Li Ke to be so cautious. Now the entire fake money workshop has been suppressed in the mountains. Even if the emperor comes to thoroughly investigate this matter, he may not be able to do anything to Shu Wang Li Ke in the end." Luo Huan said.

"Could it be that we have exhausted all our efforts, and finally this matter can only be left as it is?" Xu Tianda asked Li Tai unwillingly.

"This trip doesn't mean that we have gained nothing. First of all, we know that Li Ke, the king of Shu, really has the heart of disobedience. Secondly, we destroyed this place, which is definitely a great loss to him."

"Let's go to the warehouse and have a look, let me see how many Kaiyuan Tongbao he has made." Li Tai said.

Then Li Tai and the others came to the warehouse, and saw hundreds of wooden boxes piled up in the warehouse.There are seals on all the wooden boxes.

Luo Huan opened one of the wooden boxes and saw that it was filled with Kaiyuan Tongbao.And its manufacturing process has reached the level of real ones.

"My lord, it is estimated that the copper coins contained in this wooden box are a full 20 coins. The sum of these hundreds of wooden boxes is really a huge amount." Luo Huan said to Li Tai in surprise.

"Fortunately, we discovered it in time. If these copper coins are in the hands of Shu King Li Ke, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. There will be immeasurable consequences." Xu Tianda said.

"My lord, what should we do with the money. We can't stay here any longer, right?" Luo Huan asked Li Tai.

The money is indeed a difficult matter. If it stays here, it will definitely fall into the hands of Shu Wang Li Ke in the end.But it is definitely not an easy task to take them away.

Just when Li Tai was helpless, a mechanical notification sounded in his mind.Li Tai's eyes lit up involuntarily with this notification sound.

It turned out that the Qiankun wormhole system reminded Li Tai that the sacrifice option had been turned on, and these copper coins could be used to sacrifice and exchange for a special item to the system.

So Li Tai opened the Qiankun wormhole system and carefully checked the sacrifice options.This sacrifice option is a sub-option generated under the exchange option.

The general content is that valuable resources such as metals and energy can be utilized.Exchange the system for special items.And these special items are all temporarily generated.The conditions of generation appear according to the value of the sacrificed items.

But this time with hundreds of millions of copper coins sacrificed, Li Tai can exchange for three items.There are five magnetic motors, which can generate electricity by hand.

The second item is a certain amount of TNT explosives.And the third item left Li Tai speechless even more, it turned out to be five short-wave transmitters.

It can be said that these three items are definitely things that Li Tai can't dream of.But Li Tai can only get one of them at present.This made Li Tai a little embarrassed.

Finally, after weighing the pros and cons, Li Tai chose the simplest magnetic motor.Because for the current situation, only this magnetic motor is more practical.

Although TNT explosives are also very useful to Li Tai, its weight is limited after all.With the current technology, it is impossible to imitate it.So Li Tai naturally put the TNT explosives away.

As for the short-wave transmitter, it is indeed of great use to Li Tai.But it would be useless without electricity.

So Li Tai chose this magnetic motor, and Li Tai believed in Momen's ingenuity.It must be possible to imitate this magnetic motor.At that time, as long as I have electricity, everything will be much easier.

Of course, some people will say that Li Tai has already created a steam engine.Now that there is a steam engine: is it still difficult to generate electricity?

But things are definitely not that simple, because even if Li Tai has a steam engine, it is impossible to generate electricity without a generator.And this magnetic motor will possibly solve Li Tai's problem.So Li Tai chose the magnetic motor without hesitation.

But now the problem comes again, that is how to get under the eyes of Luo Huan and others.Sacrifice these hundreds of millions of Kaiyuan Tongbao.After all, let these Kaiyuan Tongbao disappear in front of everyone in an instant.That would be a bit appalling indeed.

But now Li Tai really can't think of any way to persuade Luo Huan and the others.So he began to think hard, because Li Tai had to think of a reasonable reason.

But Luo Huan and Xu Tianda didn't think that Li Tai was trying to fool them.Instead, he felt that Li Tai was racking his brains, thinking about how to dispose of these copper coins.

"My lord, it's actually not difficult. Didn't you bring a lot of gunpowder bombs? Just fill this warehouse with explosives and detonate them." Luo Huan looked at the pensive Li Tai and said. .

It can be said that it is not a secret that Li Tai has storage space.After all, Li Tai had already given a reasonable explanation. Although it was just nonsense, it achieved the desired purpose.

Luo Huan's words made Li Tai think of a solution, so he said, "I really don't want to part with these gunpowder bombs. After all, I didn't bring a lot of them when I came out."

"The most important thing is that even if they are all blown up, it may not be possible to scrap them all. I am afraid that some of them can continue to be used."

"My lord, this is already the best way. And the power of those gunpowder bombs is estimated. It is enough to blow up and collapse this warehouse."

"Even if Li Ke, King of Shu, wants to dig them out by then, it will definitely not be an easy task." Luo Huan said to Li Tai.

So Li Tai pretended to sigh and said: "It's the only way to do it now. Now you help me put all the gunpowder bombs in this warehouse."

Then Li Tai took out hundreds of gunpowder bombs and placed them all in the warehouse.After placing them in the warehouse, Li Tai asked everyone to place gunpowder bombs in other locations.

But Li Tai stayed in the warehouse alone, and began the process of using these Kaiyuan Tongbao to sacrifice to the Qiankun wormhole system.

Li Tai originally thought it was such a cumbersome thing, but what Li Tai never expected was that.With Li Tai's sacrifice, it all ended.

Looking at the empty wooden box in front of him, and then at the hundreds of gunpowder bombs placed there.Li Tai really felt a little distressed.

So he said to himself: "Using my treasures to blow up your wooden boxes is really a bit overkill."

Then Li Tai walked out of the warehouse, and the rest was how to detonate these gunpowder bombs.And then get out of here safe and sound.

It's a pity that Li Tai didn't have a fuse on him, so detonating these bombs was really a hassle.For a while, Li Tai really had nothing to do.

Seeing Li Tai standing there in a daze, Luo Huan said to Li Tai: "My lord, you are not going to detonate the gunpowder bomb here, right? We really can't get out that way."

"Brother, do you think this king is really that stupid? Isn't this king thinking of using something instead of the fuse?" Li Tai said helplessly to Luo Huan.

"My lord, you are really smart. I was confused for a while. All the lighting in this cave uses kerosene. As long as we pour gunpowder from the warehouse all the way out on the ground, and then ignite the kerosene, it will replace the fuse." " Luo Huan said to Li Tai.

Li Tai never expected that such a simple question would be complicated by his own thinking.So he gave Luo Huan a helpless look and said, "Then hurry up and do it."

Afterwards, everyone started to get busy.Even the Xingxiu dark guards led by Li Tianming showed up to help.

Finally, after working for about a stick of incense, I finally poured kerosene on everything from the warehouse to the exit.

And for safety reasons, he will also place a gunpowder bomb at intervals.

After preparing everything, Li Tai led the crowd to retreat a long distance, and used a rocket to ignite the fire oil.

Then Li Tai led the crowd and began to quickly retreat to the distance.After walking a few hundred meters, I heard a muffled sound in the mountains.Then the whole body collapsed.

After all, the location of the warehouse is on the edge of the mountain, so the landslide caused was not that serious.However, it achieved the effect of completely covering up this place.

(End of this chapter)

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