The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 765 Yizhou City Without Beggars (4 More)

Chapter 765 Yizhou City Without Beggars (Fourth Update)
Li Tai was not in the mood to care about others, and now he was sitting in the carriage, talking and laughing with Wu Meiniang and coming to Yizhou.

In order not to attract attention, Li Tai reduced the number of people around him again.Now only Li Tianming is left to drive the carriage for him, and the rest are all hidden in the dark.

So now on the official road, there is only one carriage driving slowly.Of course, there are two horses tied to the back of the carriage.It was reserved for Li Tai and Wu Meiniang to ride for a ride when they have nothing to do.

So Li Tai's outfit really couldn't make others think of him.After all, this is indeed a bit too low-key.


After walking for several days, we finally arrived at Yizhou City.The city wall of Yizhou City can already be seen from a distance.Li Tianming, who was driving the carriage, said to Li Tai in a low voice: "Your Highness, Yizhou City is ahead."

Hearing Li Tianming's words, Li Tai pushed aside the curtain of the carriage and walked out.After looking at it, he said: "I have arrived in Yizhou so soon, it's really a long way to go."

"Your Highness, after entering the city, will we still live in the VIP building at 33 Chongtian?" Li Tianming asked Li Tai while driving the carriage.

"This time we won't stay in the VIP building, so we'll find an inn with a smaller facade to stay in. This will help us move forward." Li Tai shook his head and said.

After Li Tianming nodded, he drove the carriage into Yizhou City.After entering Yizhou City, Li Tai found that the whole city was very prosperous.

And the defenders on the city wall are all in high spirits.You can tell at a glance that it is a well-trained army.It's not like the defenders in ordinary state capitals.

In the end, Li Tai found a place to stay in the city, and settled everything.Li Tai opened his mouth and said to Li Tianming: "Let the shadow guards from Yizhou City come to see this king, and by the way, let Luo Huan, Hua Nan and Xu Tianda come together at night. Remember, don't be discovered by others."

As soon as Li Tai finished speaking, he heard someone knocking on the door outside.And the man still said outside: "Objective, I'm the waiter of the shop, come here and ask the guest officer if there is anything I need?"

This can't help but surprise Li Tai, because with Li Tai's sense of hearing, it is impossible for someone to walk under the window without noticing the other party.

So this waiter is definitely not an ordinary person, so Li Tai said, "It's the waiter, I was looking for you. Now that you're here, come in quickly."

Immediately, the waiter opened the door and walked in, seeing the vigorous steps of the waiter.Li Tai confirmed his conjecture even more, this shop waiter is not an ordinary person.

But before Li Tai could say anything, the waiter knelt down on one knee in front of Li Tai.Then he said: "The person in charge of the Yizhou Shadow Guard, see Your Highness."

Li Tai never expected that this inn he was staying in.Dian Xiaoer turned out to be the person in charge of the shadow guard, which really surprised Li Tai a bit.

However, seeing the token that the shopkeeper took out, Li Tai believed it at least [-]%.But for the sake of safety, Li Tai said: "Did you admit the wrong person, I am just a person on the road."

The waiter naturally understood that Li Tai didn't believe his identity.So the waiter put his hands on his body and made more than a dozen gestures in a row.And he opened his mouth and said to Li Tai: "Shadows all over the world, guards who live in the dark."

This time Li Tai believed it completely, because the gesture made by the waiter in the shop was the special contact method of the shadow guard.It was also formulated by Li Tai following the example of later Hongmen.

What I'm afraid of is that if the token is lost, it will be faked as a shadow guard after being obtained by others.As for the incision, it is also an expression of the identity of the shadow guard.

"I didn't expect that the shadow guard turned out to be the waiter of this inn. This is indeed something that I didn't expect." Li Tai said to the shadow guard with satisfaction.

"I thought the lord knew that this inn is the contact point of our shadow guards. Otherwise, why the lord could not hug the VIP and instead came to our inn." The shadow guard said to Li Tai.

"It seems that this king lived in his own house by mistake. This is indeed too coincidental." He said to the shadow guard with a smile.

"My lord, this is my lord's unannounced visit to Yizhou. Do you have doubts about Li Ke, king of Shu?" the shadow guard asked Li Tai.

"You're right. When I was in Luoyang City, I spotted Shu King Li Ke. So I was worried that he was plotting something, so I changed my way to Yizhou City." Li Tai nodded and said. .

"The King of Shu, Li Ke, is very cautious. His subordinates have sent people to try to infiltrate the Palace of the King of Shu more than once. But in the end they all failed, so they lost a few brothers." The shadow guard said with a sigh.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong. This Shu king, Li Ke, is indeed planning something. Do you have any valuable information?" Li Tai asked the shadow guard.

"It can be said that on the surface, there is no difference in the whole Youzhou. It is just a little more prosperous than other state capitals. But there are really dark currents in it."

"There are many descendants of important ministers from the previous dynasty who have appeared in Yizhou City. However, they have not been found to have done anything radical. Therefore, the subordinates do not know whether they are here for Li Ke, King of Shu."

"However, the subordinates have sent people to investigate secretly, but the progress is very slow. So far, we haven't got any useful clues." The shadow guard said to Li Tai.

"It seems that this king underestimated me, the third brother, and didn't expect him to have such a city." Li Tai said to himself.

At the same time, Li Tai also understood a problem in his heart, that is why even the history books said that it was the eldest grandson Wuji who used Zhao Wang Li Yuanjing's rebellion to frame Shu Wang Li Ke.

Because it is this Shu king Li Ke who is really secretive in his work, and has not let the world see the slightest doubt.But it should be discovered by Changsun Wuji, and Li Zhi finally bestowed the death of Shu King Li Ke.

"You go down, remember that this king has arrived in Yizhou City, even if it is your own people, don't tell me. You just need to continue with your previous life, and this king will handle the rest by himself." Li Tai said to that The famous shadow guard said.

After the shadow guard made a promise, he turned and exited Li Tai's room.But Li Tai said to Li Tianming: "Let the brothers visit the Shu Palace tonight."

After Li Tianming sighed, he turned and left Li Tai's room.To arrange the next thing.But now there are Li Tai and Wu Meiniang remaining in the room.

So Li Tai smiled and said to Wu Meiniang: "I'm afraid it will take a while for the waiter to deliver the dinner. How about we make a game."

"You little pervert, you won't let go of such a short time. But this girl puts the words here, and you can do whatever you want. This girl is not in your mood." Wu Meiniang said after giving Li Tai a white look.

"I was just talking about playing a game with you. Where did you think you were? You always keep calling me a pervert. I think you are a big dirty woman." Li Tai said to Wu Meiniang with a teasing smile.

This made Wu Meiniang so angry that she threw herself directly at Li Tai.The two wrestled together in an instant and began to play on the bed.

After a long time, the two sat up out of breath, but they were just tired from playing and playing.Didn't do anything inappropriate for children.

"Qingque, we have been out for a few months, when will we return to Youzhou? I miss my sisters a little bit." Wu Meiniang asked while lying in Li Tai's arms.

"Hurry up, I'll take you back to Youzhou after I've finished the tasks at hand. After all, no matter how good the outside is, it's not as good as home." Li Tai said with a sigh.

Li Tai and Wu Meiniang chatted like this for a while, then they heard the waiter's knock on the door.It turned out that Li Tai's dinner was ready and had been brought over for Li Tai.

After Li Tai and Wu Meiniang had dinner, Huanan and the three of them came.Li Tai told Wu Meiniang to rest first, and then took them to the next room.

After closing the door, Li Tai said, "Sure enough, as I expected, Li Ke, King of Shu, has hidden evil intentions. It's just that he has kept things very secretive, and there is no doubt about it at all."

"My lord, after entering the city, I found that something was wrong. I felt that there was something wrong with Yizhou, but I couldn't tell it. It seemed that something was missing. In short, it made my subordinates feel that something was wrong." Xu Tianda said. Said to Li Tai.

Hearing what Xu Tianda said, Li Tai asked, "You feel that there is something missing in Yizhou City. Why does it make you feel something is wrong?"

"This is something my subordinates have never figured out, but my subordinates really feel it. And this feeling is getting worse and worse. I don't think it will take long before my subordinates will figure it out." Xu Tianda said to Li Tai.

"I didn't find anything wrong with this city of Yizhou. If there is anything special, it's that the people in the city are very rich. I haven't even seen a single beggar." Luo Huan said.

"Yes, there are only beggars in this city. Although we are in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, people all over the world have no worries about food and clothing. However, beggars still exist. Even in Chang'an, the capital city, and our Youzhou, there are beggars."

"But in this city of Yizhou, I didn't even see a beggar. This is absolutely unreasonable, and that's why I feel uncomfortable." Hearing Luo Huan's words, Xu Tianda finally knew that he felt that something was missing. .

"Xu Tianda, are you being too cautious? Even if there are no beggars in the city, you don't have to worry so much, right?" Hua Nan asked Xu Tianda.

"Don't look at those beggars, they are all lazy. Often they know secrets that others don't know. So sometimes, people in Jianghu often ask these beggars for information."

"This shows that beggars exist for a certain reason in a state capital. Because beggars don't necessarily become beggars for the sake of begging." Xu Tianda waved his hand and said to Hua Nan.

What Xu Tianda said reminded Li Tai of an organization, which is the largest beggar gang in the world in later generations.The beggar gang is definitely the most well-informed gang, so what Xu Tianda said is not unreasonable.

"Then what do you think is the reason why there are no beggars in the city?" Li Tai asked Xu Tianda.

"I'm afraid these beggars are all controlled by others. That's why we can't see beggars in the city. The purpose of controlling these beggars is definitely not to give them a stable life." Xu Tianda said to Li Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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