The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 741 Brother Cui Yongnian Recognizes the Lord (1 more)

Chapter 741 Brother Cui Yongnian Recognizes the Lord (Part [-])
"Then ask the two Patriarchs to lead the convoy and accompany us to change the route. There will be a train waiting for us ahead." Qin Huaiyu said to Cui Yongnian.

After Cui Yongnian nodded, he ordered the gold escort team to divert, and Qin Huaiyu and others led the Imperial Guards to escort them in the direction of the railway.

That night, a train came into view of everyone.Luo Huan jumped off the train and ordered the armor-breaking army to immediately launch a defense.

Then he came to Qin Huaiyu's side and said, "Huaiyu, how are your preparations going? Can you load the car now?"

"Brother, don't worry, everything is ready. The car can be loaded right away, and we can arrive in Youzhou tomorrow morning." Qin Huaiyu nodded and said to Luo Huan.

"Then let the brothers be quicker, and don't forget that you still have tasks to do?" Luo Huan nodded and said to Qin Huaiyu.

Then everyone began to load all the gold into the train.Although the weight of a million taels of gold is indeed not light, there are five to six thousand people carrying it, so it didn't take long to load all the gold on the train.

And this time, there is no need to hide the gold in the floor of the carriage.Just lift the wooden box containing the gold into the train.After all, there were no other passengers in the car.

After the gold was installed, Qin Huaiyu said to Cui Yongnian: "Patriarch Cui, I will leave the rest of the journey to my elder brother Luo Huan. We brothers still have some things to do, so we won't accompany Patriarch Cui."

"General Qin hastened to attend to his own affairs. Now General Luo Huan is in charge of escorting the gold. Naturally, I am extremely relieved." Cui Yongnian nodded and said.

Then Qin Huaiyu talked to Luo Huan a few more times.Then he led the Imperial Guards and headed towards the nearby deep mountains and dense forests.After all, it is necessary to hunt a sufficient amount of wild game in order to truly cheat the sky.

After Qin Huaiyu led the people away, Luo Huan ordered the train to run at full speed and head towards Youzhou City.In order to increase the speed of the train as much as possible, and avoid the trouble of turning around.

So this train has a locomotive at the front and back, and the speed is naturally much faster.Before dawn, he arrived at Youzhou City.And it drove directly into the maintenance factory.

But this time, he didn't pull the gold in a horse-drawn carriage to King Yan's mansion from the maintenance factory.Instead, he entered the secret passage directly from the maintenance factory, and this secret passage leads directly to the Palace of King Yan.Therefore, through the secret passage, all the gold can naturally be transported to the Palace of King Yan.

This secret passage was specially ordered by Jing Wanjun to be built.The purpose is that in special circumstances, Li Tai and the main characters can rush to the maintenance factory through the secret passage.

In the maintenance factory, there will always be a train with only two or three carriages parked.And the locomotive of this train is always in operation.Ready to drive out of Youzhou City at any time.

Cui Changnian couldn't help being shocked by this.Because even if it was the 40 taels of gold last time, there was no need to use a carriage to transport it to King Yan's mansion.Using this secret road, the gold can also be transported away without anyone noticing.

This can't help but make Cui Changnian think that his whereabouts have already been exposed.And the real purpose of people transporting gold in horse-drawn carriages is to let themselves know.

So Cui Changnian said to Cui Yongnian in a low voice: "Brother, with this secret road, there is no need to use a carriage to transport gold. It seems that the last time I entered Youzhou City, someone has already discovered the motive."

"Second brother means that the 40 taels of gold was intended for you to see. Even the news of the 20 taels of gold sent by the Wang family in Taiyuan was intentionally revealed to you?" Cui Yongnian asked in the same shock .

Cui Changnian nodded, indicating that Cui Yongnian was right.This made Cui Yongnian wonder if he had fallen for Yan Wang Li Tai's scheme.Even the 40 taels of gold and the 20 taels of gold from the Wang family in Taiyuan are simply non-existent.

Just as the two brothers were surprised, Luo Huan came to the two of them and said with a smile: "The two Patriarchs are right. The last time the gold was transported in a carriage was indeed for the sake of the Second Patriarch Cui."

"However, one thing is true, that is, the 20 taels of gold sent by the Taiyuan royal family and the 40 taels of gold sent by the emperor are real."

"Since the words have been said, I, Cui Changnian, have nothing to hide. It's just that I don't understand one thing, why does His Royal Highness King Yan know my identity?" Cui Changnian asked Luo Huan.

"Because the people in Youzhou know that not everyone can enter this maintenance factory. Even if we enter and leave the maintenance factory, we must show our identity badges and the seal of the lord. Otherwise, it would be impossible. Let's take half a step into this repair shop."

"So the Second Patriarch Cui wanted to sneak into the maintenance factory, and this move alone has already betrayed you. Although the Lord doesn't know, it was you, the Second Patriarch Cui, who came here. But what can be concluded is that someone has come to Youzhou to inquire about news."

"And no matter who this person is, let him know that we have enough gold in our hands. It is definitely a good thing, after all, it can make those noble families fearful when doing things." Luo Huan said with a smile.

"General Luo, since it is to let the dignitaries of the aristocratic families who are trying to subvert the implementation of Tang and Yuan know that His Royal Highness King Yan has enough gold. Then why did he transport it to King Yan's mansion from the secret passage this time?" Cui Yongnian was puzzled. asked Luo Huan.

"Because the lord knew that Patriarch Cui had sent 100 million taels of gold. The lord's plan changed. From wanting to get through this crisis safely, to wanting to make those aristocratic families dignified, so that they can no longer be in the country of Yan. It's making waves in the territory." Luo Huan said with a smile.

Cui Yongnian is not someone to wait for, otherwise he would not be able to become the head of the Qinghe Cui family, the head of the world's aristocratic family.So he naturally understood the meaning of Luo Huan's words.

So he couldn't help but say to himself: "It seems that my Cui family of Qinghe made a wise choice to be an enemy of such a person who must take revenge. The final result will definitely be bloody."

"What's more, this person who is bound to revenge has absolute strength in his hands. No family in the world can fight alone. Even if they join forces, if the other party does not care about the consequences, I am afraid that there will be no chance of winning in the end."


This tunnel is not unimpeded, and at intervals, Luo Huan needs to show his token and Li Tai's seal.Otherwise, there is no way to move forward.

Because the secret passage is full of mechanism traps, unless the person who is secretly waiting for the secret passage turns off the mechanism.Otherwise, even the Immortal Da Luo might not be able to pass through this secret passage.

At the exit of the secret passage in King Yan's Mansion, Li Tai had already been waiting there.And standing behind him, the civil servants and generals of the Yan Kingdom.It can be regarded as the highest courtesy to welcome the two heads of the Qinghe Cui family.

After Luo Huan left the secret path, he saluted Li Tai and said, "My lord, according to your instructions, the two heads of the Cui family and 100 million taels of gold have been successfully brought to the Yan Palace."

"Let the brothers transport the gold directly to the vault and give it to Zou Fengchi. Then let the brothers go back to rest. After all, it has been a whole night." Li Tai nodded and said.

At this time, Cui Yongnian and Cui Changnian also came out from the secret path.Seeing this young man in a four-claw python robe standing in front of him, he knew he must be Yan Wang Li Tai.

So the two brothers hurriedly saluted Li Tai, and said: "Cui Yongnian (Cui Changnian), the Patriarch of the Cui family in Caomin Qinghe, see His Royal Highness King Yan."

"The two Patriarchs, please hurry up. It is the king who should give the gift. What the two Patriarchs did today not only helped the king a lot. It also brought hope to the people of the world, so the two Patriarchs please accept My king bows." After Li Tai helped Cui Yongnian and his brothers, he bowed deeply to them.

The Cui Yongnian brothers, how could they feel Li Tai's gift.Hastily knelt down on the ground again, and said to Li Tai: "His Royal Highness Yan Wang must not do it. Doing things for the people of the world is the duty that my Qinghe Cui family should do. How dare you take credit for His Royal Highness Yan."

"Let's not pay homage here. The two Patriarchs should go to the Yin'an Hall together with the king. After all, this is not a place to talk." Li Tai said to the Cui Yongnian brothers with a smile.

Then everyone followed Li Tai to the Yin'an Palace. After Li Tai ordered people to move seats for the Cui Yongnian brothers, he said to them: "Since the two Patriarchs have come to Yan Kingdom, they will play here for a few days. It won't be too late to return to Xingzhou."

"His Royal Highness Yan, we two brothers have a sympathy. I wonder if His Royal Highness Yan can agree to our two brothers." Cui Yongnian got up and said to Li Tai.

"Patriarch Cui can say whatever you want, as long as this king can do it. It will definitely satisfy Patriarch Cui." Li Tai said to Cui Yongnian with a smile.

"As the saying goes, a good bird chooses a tree to rest, and a good minister chooses a master to serve. Today we two brothers want to recognize His Royal Highness King Yan as the master. I wonder if His Highness King Yan thinks that we two brothers have the qualifications?" Cui Yongnian He opened his mouth and said to Li Tai.

In fact, when Li Tai learned that Cui Yongnian and his brothers were going to give him 100 million taels of gold.He already knew about the decision of Qinghe Cui's family.So Li Tai wasn't surprised at all at this time.

He just smiled and said, "I am really lucky to have the two patriarchs agree with each other. With the support of the Qinghe Cui family, this king will surely be like a tiger with wings added."

Hearing what Li Tai said, Cui Yongnian and his brother hurriedly knelt down on the ground.After paying the master-servant gift to Li Tai, he said: "I, Cui Yongnian (Cui Changnian), swear a poisonous oath here today, and my Qinghe Cui family will definitely follow His Highness King Yan's lead. The two of us are willing to go through fire and water for His Highness King Yan. If we violate this I swear to destroy the world."

At this time, among Li Tai's retainer options, two retainer cards were generated at the same time.They represent Cui Yongnian and Cui Changnian respectively.But the two cards are quite different.

Cui Yongnian's retainer card is just white.This didn't surprise Li Tai, after all, Cui Yongnian considered himself the master, only for profit, and there was no loyalty at all.

(End of this chapter)

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