The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 731 Preparatory work for implementing Tang Yuan (3 more)

Chapter 731 Preparatory work for the implementation of Tang Yuan (three more)

Li Shimin returned to the harem and told his eldest grandson Wugou the good news.Ever since Li Zhi led his troops to the expedition, Changsun Wugou worried about his son all the time.

So when Li Shimin said that Li Zhi had won a great victory, he was naturally very happy.But when Li Shimin said that Li Zhi was almost bloodless.The eldest grandson Wugou also had some doubts.

So he opened his mouth and asked Li Shimin: "Don't you think this matter is very strange? I'm afraid Li Zhi alone may not be able to have this ability."

"You are not the only Guanyin maidservant who thinks this way, I am afraid that the civil and military men of the whole dynasty also have this idea. It's just that they dare not say it in front of me." Li Shimin nodded and then said grandson Wugou.

"Then I don't know Erlang, what do you think about this matter? Do you believe that this was done by Li Zhi alone?" Changsun Wugou looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"Of course I don't believe it, and as far as I know, after I gave Li Tai 50 taels of gold, Li Tai did not escort a large amount of gold back to Youzhou. Instead, he lived in Yuchigong's residence."

"So, if I'm not wrong, Li Tai must be secretly helping Yu Chigong. Otherwise, how could his Yu Chigong's head be so easy to use all of a sudden." Li Shimin said to his eldest grandson Wugou.

"It seems that Gao Jue is still not at ease with Li Zhi, otherwise he would not have followed secretly. But this has shown me the relationship between their brothers." Changsun Wugou nodded and said.

"Yes, the relationship between Li Tai and Li Zhi is definitely much better than that of Li Chengqian. Moreover, Li Tai will go to such great lengths to help Li Zhi make contributions. This also makes me feel very sad. It's a relief." Li Shimin said happily.

"Erlang, do you think Li Zhi will know that his imperial brother is also in the army and is helping him secretly?" Changsun Wugou asked Li Shimin after thinking for a while.

"I'm not sure yet, but if Li Zhi really can't think of it, I will feel a little disappointed." Li Shimin said uncertainly.


At this time, Li Tai had already returned to Youzhou, and he was not in the mood to care about what the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would think.Not to mention what Li Shimin would think.

Because Li Tai is really busy now, after all, the introduction of paper currency Tang Yuan will be implemented in Yan Kingdom soon.So this preparatory work is naturally the top priority.

First of all, Li Tai set up the headquarters of the Youzhou Branch of Datang Bank in his outer palace of King Yan's Mansion.That is where the treasury of Youzhou Bank is located.

Why did Li Tai call his bank Youzhou Branch, because after all, the first Datang Bank was in Chang'an City.So the banks in the world can only be called branches.Otherwise, someone with a heart will use this as an excuse to make irresponsible remarks in front of Li Shimin.

Li Tai ordered people to make a large display cabinet out of glass.Then put all the gold in the glass display case.In this way, as long as people walk by outside, they can see the gold.

Moreover, the position where the gold is placed is a huge lifting mechanism.Moreover, it is also an institution with an automatic early warning device.If there are parameters outside the settings, or someone hits the glass.The whole mechanism will automatically sink.

In this way, it played a very good anti-theft role. After all, the thieves in the Tang Zhenguan period were not like the current thieves, who had those high-tech theft equipment.

Now Li Tai Gold has reached 80 taels.It is enough to support him to implement paper currency Tang Yuan on the gold standard in his own country.

After preparing everything, Li Tai ordered Zou Fengchi to print banknotes as planned.However, the number of early printing is not very large.And the largest face value is only 20 yuan.

Now Zou Fengchi is not only the Minister of Finance, but also the president of Youzhou Bank.Therefore, he was also responsible for the issuance of this banknote.


"Today, the king has one thing to announce, that is, the king will implement the Tang Yuan in the Yan Kingdom. And the date has been selected. But before the implementation of the Tang Yuan, the people must understand what the gold standard is. So this matter depends on You guys are doing your best to spread the word.”

"Especially in schools, we can instill the principles of the gold standard to the senior students. After all, children with culture will be more receptive." Li Tai said to everyone.

"My lord, it doesn't really matter whether the people agree or not. Because the people don't play a big role in this matter. If the lord can make all the aristocratic families accept this Tang Yuan, then the people will naturally accept it." That's acceptable." Liu Rengui said to Li Tai.

It's not that Liu Rengui looks down on ordinary people, but Liu Rengui is right.It doesn't matter what kind of money it is to the common people, as long as it can be used to buy food for buyers.

But it is different for those aristocratic families, they will have many worries.So naturally there will be resistance.After all, this may involve their vital interests.

After all, holding real money in their hands will make them feel at ease.But a thin piece of paper made them feel uneasy.If one day Li Tai abolished the banknotes, who would they turn to for reasoning?

"Liu Xiang is right, but it is not easy to get the aristocratic family to accept it. Even if they agree to the lord on the surface, they will inevitably do something behind the scenes." Xu Liang said to Li Tai.

"My king has decided that from the date of implementation of the Tang Yuan, all industries in the 33 heavens within the Yan Kingdom will no longer be accepted for copper coins and silver transactions, and will only be purchased with gold and Tang Yuan." Li Tai said to everyone.

It can be said that this subordinate industry of 33 Chongtian is definitely a place for people with status to consume.If copper coins and silver are rejected here, those aristocratic families can only choose Tang Yuan and gold to buy the items they need.

In this way, forcing them to accept Tang Yuan is considered extremely contradictory in their hearts.It is also impossible.Unless they are willing to take out the gold at home and come to 33 Chongtian to buy items.

However, the face value of gold is too large, so there will naturally be a problem of changing.And it was definitely Tang Yuan who was found by 33 Chongtian.So in this way, those aristocratic families will have no way to reject Tang Yuan.Unless they give up consumption at 33 Chongtian.

"My lord's method is good. At least to a certain extent, it can restrict those aristocratic families. Let them use Tang Yuan helplessly."

"It's best that the Lord can use gold and Tang yuan as the transaction currency for all state-owned enterprises. This will force them to use Tang yuan even more." Liu Rengui said to Li Tai.

"I have thought about it before, but I can't eat a fat man in one bite. So I can only develop step by step. I believe that it will not be long before the Tang and Yuan transactions will be carried out in all Yan kingdoms." Li Tai said.


Time flies by, and soon it will be the day when Li Tai is going to implement Tang Yuan.During this period of time, the streets and alleys of this country of Yan were really bustling.The topic they talked about was the upcoming Tang Yuan.

However, most of the people are repelled, after all, for them.It is still safe to hold heavy copper coins in your hands.

But they also know that they have no way to interfere with Tang Yuan's implementation.Because they are so insignificant.

However, some people are very supportive, because they think it can be more convenient.There is no need to hold that heavy copper coin when trading.

However, the opinions of those aristocratic families were very unified, and they all resisted the implementation of Tang Yuan.They even held secret gatherings several times, preparing to unite to resist Tang Yuan's implementation.

But they didn't dare to do it blatantly, because they knew what kind of person Li Tai was.If anyone dares to stand on top of the wind and waves, Li Tai promises that he will die worse than anyone else.

On this day, many people came from the outer palace of King Yan's mansion.These people are either officials from the state capitals of the Yan State, or dignitaries from the various state capitals of the Yan State.

Although some people didn't want to come, they dared not refuse Li Tai's invitation.So I had no choice but to come.But they are only going to go through the motions, it does not mean that they will support Li Tai when they come.

Li Tai finally appeared in front of everyone, accompanied by important officials of Yan State.When everyone saw Li Tai appearing, they greeted Li Tai one after another.

"You don't need to be so courteous. The king invited you here today, and there is one thing I want everyone to witness. That is, the king is going to implement Tang Yuan in the country of Yan from today."

"As for the method of promoting Tang Yuan, everyone must have known it for a long time. That is to use gold as the currency standard to promote Tang Yuan."

"Since gold is the currency standard, this king should have enough gold in his hands. This is to ensure that those who own Tang Yuan can exchange Tang Yuan for gold with this king at any time." Li Tai said.

Although everyone has long understood the definition of the gold standard, everyone has always been skeptical.Because they really didn't believe that Li Tai would own such a large amount of gold.

Although everyone had great doubts in their hearts, no one opened their mouths to say anything to Li Tai.Because they were already prepared when they came, that is, no matter what Li Tai proposed, they would not object.

But those who don't object to it are not opposed to it, and they will also not implement it.Even if Li Tai is unhappy at that time, there is nothing he can do about them.

How can Li Tai not know what everyone thinks, so he said with a smile: "In order to prove that this king is capable, he implemented Tang Yuan with gold as the currency standard. So today, this king invites you to visit my gold mountain. Waiting for everyone to see it." After Jinshan, I must know whether this king has this ability."

After Li Tai finished speaking, Zou Fengchi stood up and said: "Everyone from the Yan Kingdom, I am the president of the Youzhou Bank. I am also the person in charge of the Tang Yuan issue. Now I will lead you to visit Take a look at the Jinshan of His Royal Highness King Yan."

As soon as Zou Fengchi finished speaking, he looked at the Youzhou Bank vault which was originally covered with a red cloth.Someone lifted the red cloth, and a huge treasury appeared in front of everyone.

This vault does not look so reassuring, because the entire vault is surrounded by huge glass windows.Even from a distance, you can see the gold in the vault.

This was enough to make the people present extremely shocked. They did not expect to see such a mountain of gold today.However, some people also began to doubt whether the gold was fake.

(End of this chapter)

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