The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 65 Li Shimin's Successive Surprises

Chapter 65 Li Shimin's Successive Surprises
With this retainer option, Li Tai can better observe the loyalty of others to himself.Instead, Li Tai felt that this was more useful than a lottery.

Early the next morning, Li Tai ordered someone to carry a grand master's chair, and went into the palace with him to meet Li Shimin.Li Tai is going to give this grand master chair to his father.It can be regarded as being filial to oneself.In order to save my father from sitting on the crescent bench to review the memorials every day.

When Li Tai came to the palace, Li Shimin was presiding over the court meeting.So Li Tai first went to see his mother and grandson Wugou.It stands to reason that Li Tai should also listen to the government, after all, Li Tai is the king of Wei in the Tang Dynasty.But this kid is lazy by nature, so he really can't do it if he gets up early every morning.

So Li Tai would always make excuses, telling Li Shimin that he was young.I don't know anything about military and political affairs, and it's useless to go there, so I can only stand there.Might as well stay at home and sleep.

Although Li Shimin was very disapproving of Li Tai's choice.But looking back, if Li Tai is really not interested in military and political affairs.Maybe it's a good thing too.

In the Jinluan Palace, Li Chunfeng came out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, since I took office in Wei Wang's mansion, I have more contact opportunities with Wei Wang. This allows me to learn a set of special numbers and calculation methods from Wei Wang." Then Li Chunfeng told everyone about Tiansuan in detail.

This made Li Shimin's eyes brighten, so he said: "If this day is counted as the popularization and development of the Tang Dynasty, it will be a matter of benefiting the country and the people, both for the court and the people. I don't know what you think about it. Promote."

"Your Majesty, although King Wei invented the day calculation, it is very helpful for calculation. However, it may not be so easy to implement it in the world. After all, his calculation method is too complicated, and it is difficult for the world to accept it in a short time." Prime Minister Pei Ji said to Li Shimin.

"Your Majesty, the King of Wei invented a tool for calculation in order to allow people who don't know how to calculate quickly to use it proficiently. King Wei named it the abacus." After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, he will He took out the abacus that Li Tai gave him.And demonstrated it in front of everyone.

The prime minister, Pei Ji, didn't dare to say anything more.Because he has also seen the advantages of Tiansuan, if he speaks out to obstruct the promotion of Tiansuan.He will be charged with the crime of public revenge.So he chose to keep silent.

Seeing that Prime Minister Pei Ji remained silent, Li Shimin smiled secretly.So he said in a good mood: "The king of Wei has painstakingly created the abacus and the abacus, which is a tool for calculation, for the people of the world. This is something that benefits the country and the people. I have ordered the Ministry of Households to promote it in the Tang Dynasty. The King of Wei, Li Tai, rewarded him heavily."

"Your Majesty, the King of Wei has not only created the fortune teller. He is still researching how to make the students of the world better read and write. Now that he has made great progress, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can be in the world. Promotion." Li Chunfeng said again.

Hearing Li Chunfeng's words, Wang Yushi said disdainfully: "Students all over the world can learn to read and write, nothing more than ten years of learning from a famous teacher. In terms of learning, how can there be a shortcut to take it. It's a bunch of nonsense."

After Prime Minister Pei Ji, this Wang Yushi jumped out to fight against Li Chunfeng again.Now Li Chunfeng is working in Wei Wangfu, but Li Shimin makes Li Chunfeng go to court every morning.The reason is to replace Li Tai to listen to the government and convey the affairs of the court to Li Tai.

"There is no need to argue about right and wrong here. Didn't Li Chunfeng say that the King of Wei has made great progress now. After he comes up with a complete set of plans, we can discuss the feasibility of the plan." Li Shimin said.

After the morning dispersal, Li Shimin left Li Chunfeng behind.And asked in detail what Li Tai was doing.After all, Li Shimin also felt that Li Chunfeng's words were a bit exaggerated.

In Li Shimin's imperial study, Li Chunfeng said to Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, the king of Wei has developed a special character called pinyin. The number of pinyin is very small, only 63 characters. As long as you know how to read them, then By combining them, you can read all the Chinese characters in the world."

This surprised Li Shimin, he didn't expect that Li Tai could use 63 characters to interpret the world's characters.If what Li Chunfeng said is true, then Li Tai's actions will be remembered forever.

Seeing Li Shimin's surprised expression, Li Chunfeng continued: "Your Majesty, the king of Wei has continuously created 63 pinyin characters. He also created [-] sentence break symbols. Using them to break the text in the article, even if there is no famous teacher Teaching. You can also know the meaning of the article.”

This time Li Shimin could no longer be calm, if it was true what Li Chunfeng said.That day, all the people in the world can study and study, and the court no longer needs to be controlled by aristocratic families.Because reading will no longer be exclusive to the family.So Li Shimin said excitedly: "Immediately ordered someone to call Wei Wang to me, and said that I have something urgent to find him."

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, the eldest grandson Wugou led Li Tai into Li Shimin's imperial study.And he opened his mouth and said to Li Shimin: "I don't know why the emperor is so eager to see Li Tai. He came early this morning and brought a gift to the emperor."

As soon as Changsun Wugou waved his hand, someone brought the Grand Master chair in.After putting the Taishi chair in place, Li Tai said to Li Shimin: "Father, you sit on the crescent stool every day to review the memorials, and you will inevitably suffer from back pain. Qing Que sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart. So after thinking hard, he made a This thing."

After hearing Li Tai's words, Li Shimin sat up with a curious expression.As soon as he sat on the Taishi chair, Li Shimin felt the comfort of the Taishi chair.So he said to Li Tai in a good mood: "Qingque is indeed a filial child, and he prepared such a gift for the emperor. I just don't know what it is called."

"Qing Que remembered what Father said. Qing Que was only focused on getting him out quickly, but neglected to give him a name. So I asked Father to give him a name." Li Tai pretended to suddenly realize expression, said to Li Shimin.

"This object was made by Qingque for me to express my filial piety. This act is a model for children in the world. Since this thing was born because of Qingque's filial piety, let Qingque name it." Li Shimin thought After thinking about it, he said.

"Isn't it just a stool? Why do you father and son praise you so much? I really don't understand you." The eldest grandson Wugou said with a puzzled expression.

"Mother, using a stool to describe it, Qing Que felt that it was not accurate. Qing Que saw that the emperor was sitting on it, and could lean on the backrest at the back, so why not call it a chair." Li Tai pretended to be a chair. Said with a thoughtful expression.

"The name is good, so let's call it a chair. But I want to add two words in front of this chair. This is to let the world know that this chair was created by my emperor's son, Wei Wang Li Tai." Li Shimin laughed and said.Immediately, Li Shimin picked up the imperial pen and wrote the words "Tai and Wei" on the chair.

(End of this chapter)

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