The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 629 Suspicious clouds on the train (3 more)

Chapter 629 Suspicious clouds on the train (three more)
At this time, the dozen or so chefs already showed expressions of despair.They already felt that death was slowly approaching.

Because they already felt that their throats were getting hot, as Hua Nan said.There is a feeling of wanting to vomit blood.

Soon Huanan's words were confirmed, and these chefs began to vomit.But what was spit out was not blood, but mouthfuls of black phlegm.

There is only one chef, and there is no such performance.Hua Nan didn't say anything at all, the sword in Cheng Yaojin's hand was put on the man's neck.

"Li Tai is a weird kid. I didn't expect that these people under him are not ordinary people." Cheng Yaojin said with a big smile.

"Duke Lu praises me, I just followed the lord for a long time in South China. I have learned a little bit about the style of the lord." Hua Nan said to Cheng Yaojin with a smile.

"I didn't expect that I would end up here today. Since that's the case, if you want to kill, you can do whatever you want. There is no man in my Tang Sect who is afraid of death." The chef said to everyone with a look of death.

"If you want to die, I'm afraid it's not that easy. But if you want to leave here alive, I'm afraid you will never have this chance." Luo Huan, who was beside Cheng Yaojin, said grimly.

Before everyone understood the meaning of Luo Huan's words, Luo Huan shot like lightning.In just an instant, all the limbs of the chef were shattered.Even the jaw was removed.

Tangmen disciples are not only masters of using poison, they are also masters of mechanical concealed weapons.That's why Luo Huan treated this Tang Sect disciple like this for safety's sake.

"Your Highness, the person who poisoned us has been found. Please, Your Highness, let this general detoxify us." Master Zhang kowtowed to Li Lizhi.

Hua Nan smiled and said to the chefs: "You don't have to worry, what the general gave you just now is not poison. It's still good for your health."

"Because you have been busy by the stove for many years. You suffer from the smoke every day, and the oil fumes you inhale are countless."

"And because of your chef's special physique, there will be a certain reaction with the pill that the general gave you to swallow."

"That's the feeling that your throat was hot just now, and you thought you were going to vomit blood. And what you spit out is the pill you took just now, and the impurities in your body."

After hearing Hua Nan's words, Chang Sun Chong said excitedly: "Brother Hua Nan is really smart. A disciple of the Tang Sect can pretend to be a chef, but he can't make his body the same as the body that has been affected by oil fume for many years."

"My son-in-law is right, and he already knew that what he took was not poison. So the frightened look on his face is fake."

"This makes me even more convinced that it is a disciple of the Tang Sect. The poison in the food was poisoned by him." Hua Nan nodded and said.

"Hua Nan, are you sure now? Among these chefs, there is no one from the Tang Sect." Luo Huan asked Hua Nan.

"It's confirmed at the moment, but for the sake of safety. In the future, the food and water that Her Royal Highness and King Jin will eat must pass my inspection before they can be eaten." Hua Nan nodded and said to Luo Huan.

"If that's the case, then hurry up and re-cook lunch for me. My sister Wu Ze is already starving." Li Zhi said to the chefs when he saw that the matter had come to a conclusion.


"It seems that the disciples of the Tang Sect have indeed gotten on the train. The man who was found in the kitchen today, has he confessed to his accomplices?" Cheng Yaojin asked Luo Huan.

"The disciples of the Tang Sect can be regarded as heroes. No matter what method I use, I can't pry their mouths open." Luo Huan said with a helpless sigh.

"No matter how many Tang Sect disciples are on this train. As long as we are more careful, they may not be able to cause big waves."

"But now there is one thing that makes me wonder, that is who is the person who sent me the letter." Zhang Sun Chong said to everyone.

Why did Chang Sun Chong stop suddenly, and Li Li told them to eat.The reason was that Chang Sun Chong received a note saying that the food was poisonous.

That's why Chang Sun Chong was so anxious that he ran to the dining car to stop Li Lizhi and the others from eating.Fortunately, it went in time and did not cause any irreparable consequences.

But the origin of this note made Chang Sun Chong feel strange.Who is this person who sent the note to himself?What is his purpose?They all became questions in Chang Sun Chong's mind.

If it is an ordinary person, if they find out about this matter, they will not immediately take credit for themselves.How could he slip a note in a sneaky way.

"It seems that Hua Nan is not the only one who received the note, so the son-in-law also received it." Hua Nan took out a note from his bosom and placed it in front of everyone.

The content on the note is generally the same as Chang Sun Chong's.Not only are the contents identical, but even the notes are written by one person.

"It seems that there are people on this train who don't want us to be plotted against. But what is certain is that he is not from Li Tai." Cheng Yaojin said after thinking about it.

"I said Uncle Cheng, isn't what you're talking about nonsense? If it's someone sent by the emperor, why should he be so sneaky." Chang Sun Chong said helplessly to Cheng Yaojin.

"It seems that things are getting more and more complicated. During this period of time, in South China, you should stay with Princess Changle and King Jin. No matter what happens, don't leave them half a step." Luo Huan said to South China after thinking about it.

"Don't worry, General Protector, I, Hua Nan, will be by the princess and King Jin's side. No one will hurt them at all." Hua Nan nodded and said.

Then he turned around and headed towards Li Lizhi's carriage.Because in the next few days, there will be his own battlefield.

After Huanan left, Luo Huan said to Cheng Yaojin again: "Uncle Cheng, poisoning the food today failed. I'm afraid there will be no peace tonight. So I have to ask Uncle Cheng to be more careful."

"Don't worry, my old Cheng will never give anyone a chance to do things that are not good for Princess Changle and His Royal Highness King Jin." Cheng Yaojin said to Luo Huan.

Then Luo Huan and Cheng Yaojin began to discuss what to do next.After all, there is no room for carelessness at this time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, Chang Sun Chong didn't speak, as if he was deep in thought.Chang Sun Chong didn't even hear what arrangements Cheng Yaojin and Luo Huan made.

Just as Cheng Yaojin and Luo Huan had just finished planning, all the next actions.Zhang Sun Chong suddenly said, "Do you think it is possible for them to destroy the railway? Let our train get off the track?"

"You mean, they might destroy the railway?" Luo Huan asked Chang Sun Chong in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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