The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 624 Night talk between mother and daughter (2 more)

Chapter 624 Night Talk Between Mother and Daughter (Part [-])

"However, I think that if the two of them really have this idea, we can help them." Changsun Wugou said to Li Shimin.

"I don't think we need to worry about this matter, if it's what you think. It won't be long before that kid Li Tai will mention it. At that time, we can just be a favor." Li Shimin smiled to his eldest grandson Wugou Said.

"Erlang is right. Gao Jue may be more concerned about these younger brothers and sisters than us parents." Changsun Wugou said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"So what we should study now is the matter between our husband and wife. Maybe we can add another object of concern to that kid Li Tai." Li Shimin said to his eldest grandson Wugou with a smirk.

"I have given birth to seven children to Erlang, can't you let me rest? Pregnant is a very hard work, do you know that?" Changsun Wugou said shyly after giving Li Shimin a white look.


Early the next morning, to Yang's surprise, Changsun Wugou proposed to send them to Mozhou City himself.This made Yang very excited.

She never expected that her mother and daughter would receive such an honor.But Yang knew in her heart that all this was not due to her status.It was the honor brought to him by his son-in-law Li Tai.

So Changsun Wugou accompanied Yang's mother and daughter, and took the train from Chang'an to Mozhou City.The three mothers and daughters who took the train for the first time felt extremely novel.

Especially Wu Meiniang's younger sister, Wu Ze, was extremely happy.Either running in the carriage for a while, or leaning on the window to look outside.In short, there is no 1 minute of silence.

But what is even more unbelievable is that Jin Wang Li Zhi has always been careful and protected by Wu Ze's side.I was afraid that Wu Ze would accidentally fall down.

Seeing the happy expressions of the two children, a smile appeared on the face of Changsun Wugou.At the same time, I also thought of Li Tai's words in my heart, only living myself can be called true happiness.


When the train arrived in Mozhou City, Princess Changle Li Lizhi and Mozhou Governor Sun Chong.I have already brought people to wait at the train station.

After seeing the train coming into the station, he hurriedly boarded the train to meet his eldest grandson Wugou.After seeing the eldest grandson Wugou, he first performed the grand ceremony of the emperor and his ministers.

Then he smiled and said to his grandson Wugou: "I received a letter from my father this morning, saying that my mother will personally send my younger brother to Mozhou City. Erchen and Changsun Chong have been waiting here for a long time."

"Mother's mother came to Mozhou City today not only to send them here. There is also an important matter to explain to you." After the eldest grandson Wugou stretched out his hand to help Li Lizhi up, he whispered to Li Lizhi.

Hearing Changsun Wugou's words, Li Lizhi was a little puzzled for a moment.But following the eyes of the eldest grandson Wugou, he instantly understood the cause and effect of the matter.

So he smiled and said to the eldest grandson Wugou: "Mother, I don't know whose family this little girl is from. Little Li Zhi cares so much."

"He is your imperial brother's sister-in-law, named Wu Ze. He is two years younger than Li Zhi. Since the two met yesterday, they have been getting bored with each other. He has even ignored my mother, the empress." Eldest grandson Wugou whispered to Princess Changle.

"It seems that our little Li Zhi has grown up and knows how to be courteous to little girls." Princess Changle said to her eldest grandson Wugou with a smile.

"After you have something to say back to the mansion, it's not too late for the princess to talk to the queen slowly. After all, standing here is not a place to talk." Eldest Sun Chong on the side said to the mother and daughter who were whispering.

So Changsun Wugou and his party followed Changsun Chong to Huaqing Palace.If it was just the mother and daughter of the Yang family, it would naturally be impossible to live in the Huaqing Palace.

But now that the Empress's eldest grandson Wugou is here, he is naturally qualified to live in the Huaqing Palace.But just when they were about to arrive at the Huaqing Palace.

The eldest grandson Wugou said to Li Lizhi with a smile: "It's better for this mother, Ben Gong, to live in her daughter's house today. I don't know if our Princess Changle welcomes her."

As the eldest grandson Wugou said, he pointed to the son-in-law's mansion near the Huaqing Palace.Because there is only a wall between Huaqing Palace and Prince Consort's Mansion.

"Lizhi is naturally what you want. Since the queen mother has decided, let's go home with Lizhi." Li Lizhi smiled and said to the eldest grandson Wugou.So the group of people turned to go to Prince Consort's Mansion.

After arriving at the son-in-law's mansion, Chang Sun Chong arranged for a sumptuous banquet.One is to entertain his mother-in-law, Wugou, the eldest grandson of the current empress.

The second is to take care of Li Tai's mother-in-law, Mrs. Yang, by the way.So this table can't be too simple.Although there is no dragon liver and phoenix marrow, it can be called top-level configuration.

Right at the dinner table, Jin Wang Li Zhi did not forget to make friends with Wu Ze.Non-stop for the little Wu Ze all kinds of delicacies.

Even from time to time, after putting it near my mouth to cool it down, I put it in Wu Ze's bowl.And Wu Ze never refused anyone who came, and all of them readily accepted.

At the same time, she will pick up some dishes that she thinks are delicious and put them in the bowl of Jin Wang Li Zhi.Even the dishes that Li Zhi usually doesn't eat, he eats with relish now.


That night, Changsun Wugou proposed to share a room with Li Lizhi.So Chang Sun Chong had no choice but to go to another room to rest.

After the mother and daughter lay on the bed, the eldest grandson Wugou said to Li Lizhi: "You saw it today, I'm afraid your younger brother really has a crush on her."

"The empress mother is right. The younger brother really has such a heart. But Li Zhi seems to have a good impression of the younger brother when she sees Wu Ze." Li Lizhi nodded and said.

In private, Li Lizhi always called Li Zhi his younger brother.Li Zhi also called Li Lizhi the eldest sister.Only in public occasions will they become the emperor's sister and brother.

It can be said that Li Lizhi is among her brothers and sisters.Apart from Li Tai, Li Zhi has the best relationship with him.So naturally, he paid more attention to Li Zhi's affairs.

"Empress Mother also mentioned this matter to your father, and your father's intention is to let nature take its course. If they want concubines, your father will definitely fulfill them." Changsun Wugou said to Li Lizhi.

"Then why didn't the father directly issue a decree to bestow the marriage, wouldn't that make the younger brother even more happy?" Li Li was puzzled, and asked her eldest grandson Wugou.

"Your father said that we don't need to worry about this matter. If it's a matter of course, your brother Li Tai will definitely speak up. At that time, your father will naturally do favors." Changsun Wugou said to Li Lizhi.

"Lizhi now finds out that Emperor Father is really unceremonious when he plots against Brother Huang." Hearing the words of eldest grandson Wugou, Li Lizhi sighed helplessly.

"What are you talking about, kid? When did your father plot against your brother again?" Changsun Wugou said after glaring at Li Lizhi.

"Mother, do you think that if the matter is brought up by the emperor, why would the father not allow the emperor to prepare a generous dowry for his sister-in-law?" Li Lizhi said to the eldest grandson Wugou.

(End of this chapter)

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