The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 615 The Choice of the Great Family (3 More)

Chapter 615 The Choice of the Great Family (Third Watch)
Time passed by in a hurry, and ten days came in a flash.The big family of Yan Kingdom gathered again in the Governor's Mansion of Youzhou.

Li Tai sat on the head seat, smiled and said to everyone: "Ten days have passed, I wonder what the heads of the family are thinking?"

"His Royal Highness King Yan, my Gongsun family has already considered it clearly and plans to set up a workshop, which is the factory that His Highness Yan Wang said."

"At the same time, I hope that I can get one shop in Youzhou Daji, just one shop." Gongsun Tian got up and said to Li Tai.

Although Gongsun Tian already recognized Li Tai as the master, but on this occasion, Gongsun Tian would not call Li Tai the master.Because of his current status, he is Li Tai's trustee.

"This king can agree to the Gongsun family's choice. At the same time, this king will build a factory for you according to the land area handed over by the Gongsun family."

"However, if the Gongsun family wants to produce something, you must say hello to this king in advance. Fortunately, this king will make appropriate arrangements when building a factory for you." Li Tai nodded and said.

"His Royal Highness, our Gongsun family has mainly cultivated the land for thousands of years. If you really want to ask me what products I produce, it really stumps me."

"I also hope that His Royal Highness King Yan can give my Gongsun family a suggestion." Gongsuntian said to Li Tai again.

"This king has thought of this a long time ago, so this king specially organized a brand expo. There will be many products that will appear in this expo."

"Patriarch Gongsun can take a look, and at the same time, you can choose the products that Patriarch Gongsun wants to produce or manage." Li Tai said to Gongsun Tian with a smile.

Hearing what Li Tai meant, not only Gongsuntian smiled.The patriarchs of the big families present here couldn't help being extremely happy.

At this moment, Han Zhi stood up and said, "Patriarchs, I have compiled a new tax law for Yan under the order of His Royal Highness King Yan."

"Now that the compilation has been completed, I would like to take this opportunity to ask the Patriarchs to review it first. See if there is anything wrong with it."

After Han Zhi finished speaking, he handed over the new tax law to Lu Wanda who was sitting in the first seat.Although Lu Wanda is the governor of Youzhou, he is the head of the Lu family of Fan Yang after all.

Naturally, here are the representatives of these big families.So naturally he should watch first, but this is just for show.

After reading it, Lu Wanda stood up and said, "This tax law is really novel. I didn't expect His Royal Highness King Wei to be so sympathetic to the people."

"Lord Inspector, I don't know His Highness King Yan's new tax law. What kind of tax law is it? Why don't Lord Inspector tell everyone here to read it?" Gongsun Tian got up and said to Lu Wanda.

After Lu Wanda nodded, he began to read: "From now on, a new tax law will be implemented in the territory of Yan State, and the original tax adjustment will be cancelled. The new tax law consists of personal income tax, business tax and agricultural tax..."

Afterwards, Lu Wanda read the detailed taxation guidelines of the new tax law to everyone.After hearing this, the patriarchs of the big families couldn't help but start whispering.

After all, they couldn't figure out for a while whether Li Tai had collected more or less of his own taxes by doing so.

Seeing the people whispering to each other, Li Tai smiled and said to them: "The original tax law is mediocre, and the tax is collected on a head-by-head basis. Regardless of your harvest this year, you must pay the tax according to the prescribed amount."

"The three new taxes formulated by the king are respectively aimed at three kinds of people. That is to say, each kind of people only needs to pay one kind of tax."

"And the amount of this kind of tax will change according to your income. That is to say, when you have no income. This king will not collect a penny of tax from you."

Hearing what Li Tai said, most of the Patriarchs present understood.They couldn't help expressing their willingness to support Li Tai and implement the new tax law in Yan State.

Of course, there are still some people who don't quite understand, and there are naturally puzzled expressions on their faces.But he didn't open his mouth to question Li Tai.

Seeing that most people expressed their support, Li Tai said again: "According to my promise, the factories or shops opened by the owners will not need to pay business tax for 30 years."

Hearing what Li Tai said, everyone made choices one after another.Some choose to set up factories, and some choose a large concentration of shops in Youzhou.Of course there are those who choose both.

Most choose to set up factories, or families who choose both.They are all prepared for their own production and distribution.But those families who choose shops are going to be charter companies.

After all, according to the new tax law promulgated by Li Tai, and the ratio of the shops they got.Even if you are a charter company, your income may not be less than farming land.

So until now, most of the Patriarchs are very satisfied.There has also been a considerable change in the perception of Li Tai.

But people are always different, and there are also people who are vain and submissive.They didn't dare to refute Li Tai on the surface, but they had many plans in their hearts.

But Li Tai didn't care so much, after all, he didn't show it.So I can't make wild guesses about others.


Youzhou Governor's Mansion.

"Today, I have gathered you all in Youzhou. This king is going to announce a new decision. That is to implement a new tax law in Yan Kingdom." Li Tai gathered the civil and military officials of Youzhou to Youzhou Mansion, and opened the An important meeting.

After Li Tai made the announcement, Han Zhi explained to everyone in detail what the so-called new tax law is.

After Han Zhi finished speaking, Li Tai said again: "I think everyone should have some understanding of the new tax law. Then let's talk about the second thing."

"Everyone is serving as civil and military officials in my king's country of Yan. That is my courtiers, so this king will naturally pay you all."

"Today, let's decide how much money you should get. But this king has said something beforehand, and you will definitely get more than before."

"But this king also said the ugly words first, if someone dares to take money and pervert the law again, don't blame this king for not being sympathetic."

Then Zou Fengchi read out to everyone the amount of annual salaries for officials at all levels.Even the leaders of the fast horses at the gate of the yamen, Li Tai also clearly stipulated the annual salary.

However, Zou Fengchi also emphasized that all officials, including officials, must pay personal income tax.The method of payment shall be implemented in accordance with the Personal Income Tax Collection Tax Law.

Although they heard that Li Tai asked them to pay taxes, these officials were naturally unwilling.But compared with that high salary, paying some personal income tax is nothing.

Seeing everyone's joyful faces, Li Tai couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough, money is good! Even these officials who hold a lot of power. When they see money, they also smile happily."

(End of this chapter)

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