The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 606 Implementing the Academic Degree Application System (1 more)

Chapter 606: Implementation of the Academic Degree Application System (Part [-])
Seeing Li Shimin's face, there was an expression of displeasure.Wu Meiniang hurriedly opened her mouth and said to Li Shimin: "Father, the most important thing is that the two imperial sisters both have the family hereditary disease of the queen mother."

"Now that His Highness is far away in Youzhou, it is difficult to guarantee timely medical treatment for the two imperial sisters. In order to allow the two imperial sisters to receive timely treatment, the queen mother agreed to them and came to Youzhou with His Highness."

Hearing Wu Meiniang's words, Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction.Then he opened his mouth and said: "You two little girls are here with your imperial brother, you are not allowed to be mischievous."

"Father, we two are very good. How can we be mischievous?" Princess Jinyang said to Li Shimin after sticking out her tongue.

Not long after, Li Tai personally brought a tray, on which were placed eight exquisite dishes, and a pot of Supreme Jade Emperor's Drunk.

"Father, I prepared a few small dishes casually. Today, I will have a few drinks with my father." Li Tai said to Li Shimin with a smile after placing the dishes on the table.

The father and son exchanged cups and chatted while eating. It was a joyful meal.Coupled with two little girls, they stir up the atmosphere from time to time.This made Li Shimin show a long-lost smile.

Li Shimin let the three armies rest in Youzhou City for five days, and then embarked on the road of triumph again.Originally, Li Tai was going to go to Chang'an together, but Li Tai shirked it on the grounds that there were many affairs in Youzhou.

In the end, the generals of the Iron Guard Imperial Army followed the army to Chang'an City.Of course, the imperial guards remained in Youzhou City, led by Li Tai himself.


After sending Li Shimin away, Li Tai held a large-scale meeting.The people who participated in this meeting can be said to cover all the officials in the entire Yan Kingdom.

Even the Patriarchs of the various families of the Mo Sect also attended the meeting.From this we can see how important this meeting is.

"I don't know how the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun are doing during the time I've been away. Please give me a brief report." Li Tai asked everyone.

Afterwards, the governors of the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun reported to Li Tai the development during this time.Basically, the nationalization of land has been completed, and the work of distributing land to households has begun.

At the same time, schools and hospitals in various state capitals, as well as banks, have been established.But it has not been recognized by the people so far, so the effect is not very good.

This was within Li Tai's expectation, after all, it was a new thing that the common people wanted to accept.It will take some time to prove it.

Although Li Tai's hospital and bank had already been set up in Chang'an City.But it didn't get the effect Li Tai wanted.

The key is because Li Tai didn't really want to implement these in Chang'an.The purpose is to let everyone know that these things exist.

It is good to make a preliminary preparation for the implementation in your own country in the future.At least it won't make everyone feel so strange.

After listening to the reports from the governors, Li Tai said, "As for the school, you can post notices after you go back."

"Let's just say that the king has ordered that if a family has eight to ten-year-old children, regardless of gender, who are not sent to school, they will all be disqualified from planting land."

"My lord, if this happens, it will probably cause dissatisfaction among the people. It may even cause turmoil in the country of Yan. My lord, please think twice before acting." Lu Wanda saluted Li Tai.

"Although as the saying goes, a long stream of water can have unexpected effects. But this king doesn't have so much time to wait. This king prefers to cut the mess quickly."

"If anyone refuses to implement the king's decree, or deliberately incites the people to make trouble, once it is found out, all three clans will be killed." Li Tai said with a murderous look.

Hearing what Li Tai said, Lu Wanda also shut up.He knew that Li Tai was determined to do this, no matter how earnest he was, it would be useless.

"With regard to banks and hospitals, we can't act too hastily. We can only let the people accept it slowly. After all, it takes a certain amount of time to accept it. Only then can the people see its benefits." Li Tai said again.

Lu Wanda and the others thought that Li Tai would also use an iron fist policy in hospitals and banks.But unexpectedly, Li Tai chose Huairou over this.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Li Tai said to everyone, "Do you feel that this king's handling of these matters is quite different?"

"Then let me tell you why. Education is the foundation of the century-old plan. Only by letting the people in the kingdom of the king have knowledge can the kingdom of the king be truly prosperous and stable..."

In fact, Lu Wanda and other aristocratic families don't know that the people of the world have knowledge.This is the real foundation that restricts aristocratic families.

If all the people in the world can read and break characters, they will be familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics.Then it would be absolutely impossible for the aristocratic family to monopolize the court.

"Your Highness, people all over the world generally think that even if it is their own child, if they know the characters and have knowledge, it is not of much use."

"Although the scientific examination system has been launched now, this scientific examination system is also controlled by the rich and powerful families. It is impossible for a real commoner's son to pass the scientific examination and make his ancestors proud."

"So the common people feel that it is more affordable for their children to learn a craftsman's craft than to go to a school." Mo Tiannan said to Li Tai.

"This king doesn't know what the people think. But this king will let them know right away that knowledge is the most important thing in this king's kingdom."

"Because in the near future, if you don't have the knowledge, I'm afraid you won't even have the qualifications to be a craftsman."

"Because the knowledge taught in my school is not as simple as the Four Books and Five Classics. There are also various other subjects."

"It can be said that even if you want to learn the craftsmanship of a craftsman, you still need to go to school to learn. Only craftsmen who graduate from school can get more favorable working conditions."

In order to let the common people accept the school, Li Tai plans to apply for academic qualifications.This is nothing new to future generations.

But during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, it was definitely an earth-shattering reform.After Li Tai told in detail, everyone finally understood what Li Tai meant.

"If you follow the master's method, even if you are a farmer in the future, if you don't have knowledge, you will even be disqualified from farming."

"In this way, let's see who dare not send their children to school." Shen Yunfei said to Li Tai excitedly.

"My lord, the most important thing is that people's families don't have any extra money and food to support their children in school. This is the most important thing." Lu Wanda said to Li Tai.

"When did the king say that you need to pay money to study in the school. You immediately explain to all the people that the king will not charge a penny for the children who go to school."

"They only need to buy some textbooks at their own expense. And the price of these textbooks is definitely acceptable to them. You can buy all of them in the store at 33 Chongtian."

"And you can tell them that each state capital has a thousand places. That is, the first thousand students who report to the school, the king will provide them with books." Li Tai announced to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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