Chapter 577
Just when everyone was talking about whether Li Tai had the ability to solve the siege of Sanjiangyuehucheng.Suddenly someone came to report that Gai Suwen was challenging in front of the city.

"It seems that Gai Suwen can't wait any longer. If that's the case, let me go out and meet him for a while." Xue Rengui said to everyone with a smile.

"Although Marshal Xue goes out of the city, I will watch the enemy formation on the city wall for you." Li Shimin nodded and said to Xue Rengui.

So Xue Rengui put on his helmet and pierced his armor and burqa belt, and asked people to carry the silver scissors and halberd, and led the lightning white dragon horse.When all the soldiers and horses were ordered, they broke out of Sanjiang Yuehu City.

When Xue Rengui came outside the city, he saw Gai Suwen sitting on a horse, holding a red copper knife.He was looking at himself majestically.

Xue Rengui touched the horse with both feet, and came to the front of the two armies, pointed at Gai Suwen with the silver scissors in his hand, and said, "You are a sinister and cunning dog. Those with sharp swords and spears dare not fight with our army. Use this empty city plan behind your back."

"Have the guts to fight this commander for [-] rounds today. If you can defeat the silver scissors in my hands, this commander will recognize you as a hero."

"Mr. Xue Manzi is not going to show off his tongue. Today, the commander called for battle, not because he wants to fight alone with you. Instead, he is going to make a bet with you. I don't know if you dare to accept it." Gai Suwen said to Xue Rengui said.

"As long as you dare to draw the Dao, I dare to bet with you. I'm afraid that if you lose the bet, you will not admit it." Xue Rengui said with a disdainful expression.

"The commander-in-chief has set up a large formation around the Sanjiang Yuehu City. As long as you can break this large formation, my lord Gao Jianzhuang will definitely hand over the letter of surrender. From now on, he will be a minister every year and pay tribute every year, and he will never do it again. The territory of the Tang Dynasty is not a single bit."

"But if you can't break through this big formation, then submit the letter of surrender as well. Pay tribute to my lord, King Gao Jianzhuang, and give up the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to my lord." Gai Suwen said to Xue Rengui .

"What's so great about a mere large formation? I see that your formation has not been completed yet. When your formation is completed, it will be time for me to lead the troops to break the formation." Xue Rengui said to Gai Suwen.

"Xue Manzi, since ancient times when the two armies gambled, the side that broke the formation had to enter the formation to watch. Naturally, I can't break this rule. I don't know, Xue Manzi, how dare you enter my commander's formation." Gai Suwen laughed and said to Xue Rengui.

"I thought that you were afraid that I would understand your formation and would not let him enter. Since you invited me to watch the formation, you should quickly open the gate of the formation and let me enter. " Xue Rengui said with a disdainful expression.

"Okay, then please wait for a moment. This commander is going to open the gate of the big formation. You can bring a few generals into the formation with you, so that you can't understand it alone." Gai Suwen said with a big smile.

Xue Rengui transferred the horses and returned to the main formation, and said to Luo Huan first: "Hurry up and invite Qin Qiong, Duke Protector, Chi Gong, Duke E, and Xu Maogong, the military advisor, to come over. Let's enter his formation together and take a look at his formation. Inside, what's the difference?"

After Luo Huan nodded, he steered his horse back to Sanjiang Yuehu City.Not long after, he brought Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong and Xu Maogong to the front of the two armies.

At the same time, Gai Suwen has already opened the gate of Zhu Xian's formation.Xue Rengui saw that the gate of the formation had opened, so he said to Qin Qiong and the others: "The three old princes, follow me into the formation to have a look."

After finishing speaking, Xue Rengui took the lead and walked in the front.Behind him were Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, Xu Maogong, Luo Huan and eight imperial soldiers.

Everyone entered the big formation, only to see that the big formation was very quiet.I only saw a pair of Fanbing in formation, walking back and forth in the formation.Others found no difference.

But the quieter it was, the more shocked Xue Rengui was.Because such a large formation definitely has hidden murderous intentions.

Now the organs, traps and ambushes have not been opened, so it looks very mediocre, and there is nothing surprising about it.

Xue Rengui led the crowd to go through Zhuxian Formation, Killing Immortal Formation, Trapping Immortal Formation, and Absolute Immortal Formation.Then they went out of the big formation and returned to the front of the two armies.

At this time, Gai Suwen was waiting in front of the formation of the two armies, and saw Xue Rengui leading people out of the formation.Then he laughed and asked Xue Rengui: "Xue Manzi, do you know what is the name of this big formation? What is the name of the big formation?"

"Hahaha, I thought you were Gai Suwen, and set up some kind of ancient formation. It turned out that it was just a fake Zhuxian formation in the name of Zhuxian formation." Xue Rengui said with a disdainful expression.

Gai Suwen never imagined that his Zhu Xian formation would be spotted by the other party.Could it be that the opponent has the formation map in his hand?

But after thinking about it, Gai Suwen felt that this was impossible.My master once said that this Zhuxian formation was born from the ancient Zhuxian formation.Although it does not have the power of the ancient Zhuxian formation, it is not something that ordinary people can break through casually.

The most important thing is the formation diagram of the Zhuxian Great Formation.Already in the pre-Qin period, it was already destroyed.Even the array map in his master's hands is a manuscript.

"Xiu is showing off his tongue here, I wonder when you will break the commander-in-chief's formation?" Gai Suwen asked Xue Rengui.

"I see that your big formation is not perfect, so hurry back and perfect your big formation. At that time, my commander will definitely come to break your big formation. lest people say that this commander is taking advantage of others." After Xue Rengui finished speaking, he Take people back to Sanjiang Yuehu City.

At this time, Gai Suwen couldn't help feeling a little worried, if this Xue Rengui, he would really understand the Zhuxian formation.Then I'm afraid this big formation really can't trap others.

In the end, Gai Suwen decided to go to Mount Zhupi again to meet his master Taoist Mujiao.He was going to invite Taoist Mujiao down the mountain to help him direct the Zhuxian formation.

Gai Suwen returned to the camp, and after explaining to King Gao Jianzhuang, he rode his horse towards Zhupi Mountain.Not a day later, he came to the high mountain and met his master Mujiao Taoist.

"Teacher, why did you come back not long after you left? Could it be that your willow-leaf flying knife was confiscated again?" Seeing Gai Suwen enter the cave, Taoist Mujiao asked.

Gai Suwen came here not long ago, in order to ask his master for another nine Willow Leaf Flying Knives.Because his nine willow leaf flying knives have been taken away by Li Tai.

Naturally, Taoist Mujiao couldn't let his apprentice go for nothing.So he personally took action and forged another eighteen willow-leaf flying knives for Gai Suwen.In order not to be confiscated by others, I have to come to the mountains to beg myself.

Gai Suwen knelt in front of Taoist Mujiao and said: "This time, this disciple came to see Master, not because the Willow Leaf Flying Knife was confiscated. After the disciple left last time, he followed what Master said. He used the empty city strategy to capture Tang Tong Li Shimin was trapped in the Sanjiang Yuehu City."

"And it was set up outside the city, the Great Formation of Immortals passed down by Master. The formation has been set up in sevens and eighties today, so according to the rules, I invite Xue Manzi from the Tang camp to enter and close the formation."

"But what I never expected was that this Xue Manzi actually recognized the Zhuxian Great Formation. That's why my apprentice was worried that Xue Manzi had the map of the Zhuxian Great Formation in his hand. That's why I came back, and I was going to ask my master to come down the mountain to help my disciple. "

(End of this chapter)

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