The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 571 Anxious Cheng Tieniu (7 more)

Chapter 571 Anxious Cheng Tieniu (Seventh)

At this time, Gai Suwen already knew that he had been tricked, so he immediately sent someone to look for Hua Nan and the others.But where can I find it?

Gai Suwen was so angry that he lost his temper, and finally beheaded the guard of the company.

But no matter how angry Gai Suwen was, no matter how many defenders he killed, it would be useless.Because he knew that it would not be long before Datang's reinforcements would arrive.

So Gai Shuwen had to once again recruit soldiers from the Eastern Liao countries, so that they had to gather 50 troops in a short period of time. .

Moreover, Gai Suwen also decided to personally go out and take back all the cities south of the Yalu River that were in the hands of the Tang army.

Then, with the Yalu River as a natural barrier, 50 troops were stationed.In case of reinforcements from the Tang army, come to relieve the siege of Sanjiang Yuehu City.


After they changed into the military uniforms of Goguryeo soldiers in South China, they left the opposing company's company without hindrance.Directly towards the residence of Cheng Tieniu and others.

At dawn the next day, Huanan took Cheng Yaojin to the valley where Qin Huaiyu's army was stationed.The place where Qin Huaiyu stationed his army was an extremely hidden valley.It is nearly a hundred miles away from Sanjiang Yuehu City.

As soon as Huanan and the others approached, they were discovered by the secret sentry.The secret sentry saw a group of Fan Bingbing in Goguryeo uniform.He was approaching in his direction, so he sounded the alarm.

Qin Huaiyu, who was in the station, soon received the news.So he brought people out of the valley, wanting to see who it was
Not long after, Qin Huaiyu, Luotong and others arrived outside the station.When they saw that there were only a few dozen Goguryeo soldiers.

It feels like something is wrong, because it is impossible for a small group of Fanbing to appear here.So Qin Huaiyu ordered to surround them secretly.

"Remember, no one is allowed to act without the order of the general. Those who violate the order will be punished by military law." Qin Huaiyu ordered everyone.

Afterwards, everyone moved towards South China and surrounded them.And they in South China naturally discovered that they were already surrounded by others.

So Hua Nan stood still and laughed and said, "General Qin Huaiyu, I didn't expect you to be very vigilant. The secret whistle has been deployed so far."

Hearing Huanan's voice, Qin Huaiyu naturally knew who it was.So there was no need to hide his figure anymore, he walked out and laughed and said, "Brother Huanan, how could it be you."

"Now Sanjiangyuehucheng has been completely surrounded by Gai Suwen. I was ordered by the emperor and the generalissimo to protect Lu Guogong and return to the country to move troops."

"Unfortunately, at the last moment, I was discovered by the other party. Fortunately, I managed to escape, but it's a pity that Duke Lu was hit by Gai Suwen's throwing knife." Hua Nan said to Qin Huaiyu with a sigh.

Hearing that Cheng Yaojin had been hit by Gai Suwen's throwing knife, Cheng Tieniu rushed over directly.He knelt directly in front of Cheng Yaojin, who was lying on the stretcher, dying.

"Father, what's wrong with you? Speak up, I'm your son Cheng Tieniu." Cheng Tieniu shouted to Cheng Yaojin heartbreakingly.

But no matter how Cheng Tieniu shouted, Cheng Yaojin still kept silent.The color of the lips is also black and purple, and it can be seen that they have been poisoned.

"Brother Huanan, what is going on here? Why is my father poisoned?" Cheng Tieniu came to Huanan and asked.

"The nine willow-leaf flying knives of Gai Suwen are really extraordinary. Duke Lu has a golden silk soft armor given to him by the lord."

"But I still can't resist, the flying knife is sharp. But fortunately, with the help of the golden silk soft armor, the flying knife didn't go deep."

"It stands to reason that Duke Lu should only have suffered skin trauma. It's a pity that damn Gai Suwen was poisoned by the flying knife."

"Now I can only temporarily use medicine to suppress the poison on Duke Lu's body. But I can't detoxify it." Hua Nan said helplessly.

"Does Brother Huanan know how to cure my father of this poison?" Cheng Tieniu asked Huanan worriedly.

"If I'm not wrong, the antidote for this flying knife must be in the hands of Gai Suwen. As long as we can defeat Gai Suwen, we can get the antidote for Lu Guogong." Hua Nan said to Cheng Tieniu.

Hearing Huanan's words, Cheng Tieniu said to Qin Huaiyu: "Brother, you give the order. Let's go to Sanjiang Yuehu City and find Gai Suwen to avenge my father."

"Don't be impatient for Tieniu, first listen to Brother Huanan's detailed explanation. How is the situation in Sanjiangyuehucheng now, and then it's not too late to make a decision." Qin Huaiyu said to Cheng Tieniu.

Hearing Qin Huaiyu's words, Waiting Tieniu couldn't help but nodded.Then he walked into the valley with everyone.

When he came to the station of the Iron Guard Imperial Army, Cheng Tieniu arranged Cheng Yaojin in his barracks.This will also make it easier for him to take care of Cheng Yaojin in the future.

Now Li Tai has become the king of Yan, the king of the country of Yan.Therefore, the name Wei Wang's Forbidden Army can no longer be used.

So now the army of Qin Huaiyu and others is called the Iron Guard Forbidden Army.A total of 5000 people and horses.

When they came to Qin Huaiyu's tent of the Chinese army, all the brothers surrounded Huanan and carefully asked about the situation of Sanjiangyuehucheng.

After knowing what had happened, Qin Huaiyu said, "150 million troops besieged Sanjiangyuehu City, it really is not a small feat."

I heard that Sanjiang Yuehu City hoarded 150 million Fanbing from the Liaodong countries.Cheng Tieniu stopped shouting and went to seek revenge on Gai Suwen.

Because he knew that relying on the 5000 people of the imperial guards, there was nothing they could do.If you go, you will undoubtedly die.

So he opened his mouth to Huanan and asked: "The marshal asked Brother Huanan to protect my father and return to the country, what can I say?"

"I and Lu Guogong rushed out of the company camp. The purpose of Lu Guogong is to see you, Cheng Tieniu. However, I am going back to the country to meet the lord. Let the lord be the second marshal, and come to Sanjiang Yuehu City to rescue him." South China said to Cheng Tieniu Said.

"Brother Huanan, Uncle Cheng is seriously poisoned now. I'm afraid you don't have time to ask the lord. I don't know how to steal the antidote." Qin Huaiyu asked Huanan.

"Actually, my lord has already figured it out. Gai Suwen will be trapped in Sanjiangyuehucheng with his troops. And he will also set up a grand battle to kill immortals."

"That's why the lord has already explained the method of breaking the Zhuxian formation in the last kit he left behind. It just needs the help of one person." Hua Nan said to Qin Huaiyu.

"I don't know who can break this Zhuxian formation? I will invite him in person right now." Cheng Tieniu asked Hua Nan.

"The person who can break through the Great Formation of Immortal Execution is far away in the sky and right in front of you. It is none other than Tieniu, your wife, Zou Qingyun." Hua Nan said to Cheng Tieniu.

"Although Qing Yun also has martial arts, how can she have the ability to break through the Zhuxian formation?" Cheng Tieniu asked Hua Nan in puzzlement.

(End of this chapter)

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