The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 565 Li Shimin's Bing Pro 3 Jiangyue Tiger City (1 more)

Chapter 565
How did Li Yuanchang know that Li Chengqian was using him, he thought Li Chengqian was willing to help him.So he thanked Li Chengqian and left.

Looking at Li Yuanchang who left, Li Chengqian said to Chang Sunxiang: "This time you and the King of Han are going to Yan Kingdom, the main task is to find out the truth."

"Explore the thoughts of Fan Yang and Lu's family. If he and Li Tai seem to be in conflict, then tell them my thoughts."

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured that I will go to Yan Kingdom this time. I will definitely bring His Royal Highness's thoughts to Fan Yang's Lu family." Chang Sunxiang said to Li Chengqian.


Outside the Sanjiang Yuehu City.

"Your Majesty, we have finally arrived at Sanjiangyuehucheng. It won't be long before we return to the imperial court." Cheng Yaojin laughed and said to Li Shimin.

"It's been nearly three years since we left, and now Sanjiang Yuehu City is just around the corner. Success or failure lies in this final battle." Li Shimin said with a sigh.

It has been three years since Li Shimin crossed the sea to conquer the East.Finally came to Sanjiang Yuehu City.As long as the Three Rivers and Tiger City are captured, the capital of Goguryeo will be broken.

Since Li Tai left, he hasn't encountered any strong enemies along the way.All the cities along the way have been captured by Xue Rengui.

And the last battle is Sanjiang Yuehucheng.But what makes Xue Rengui feel strange is that this journey seems to be too smooth.

"Your Majesty, after crossing the Yalu River, there seems to be no generals in Goguryeo. Our army is invincible wherever it goes."

"This makes me feel a little strange. Although Gaisuwen lost nearly 50 troops in the battle at Phoenix Mountain, the Goguryeo people are nomads."

"They grew up on war horses since they were young, so there should be no shortage of soldiers in Goguryeo. Because every Goguryeo person can mount a horse and kill the enemy." Xue Rengui said to Li Shimin.

"Does Marshal Xue think that Gai Suwen is up to some tricks?" Li Shimin asked Xue Rengui.

"Does the emperor remember Muyang City in Beifan? I feel that Gai Suwen may also use the plan of emptying the city." Xue Rengui said to Li Shimin worriedly.

"I said Marshal Xue, you are too careful. I'm afraid that even if Gai Suwen has that idea, he may not have the strength." Cheng Yaojin said with a look of disdain.

"I said Cheng Yaojin, why do you think Gai Suwen doesn't have this ability. I, Yu Chigong, think that this possibility is very high." Yu Chigong said to Cheng Yaojin.

"I'm talking about Da Lao Hei. How can you say that he was a Marshal of the Three Armies. Why are you so ignorant of the military situation?" Cheng Yaojin said to Yu Chigong with a heartbroken expression.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Yuchi Gong quit.He stood up and said to Cheng Yaojin: "You can understand the military situation, so today you can have a good talk with the emperor. What is the current military situation?"

"Yu Chigong is right, since you can already plan a strategy, then it doesn't hurt to listen to it." Xu Maogong said to Cheng Yaojin with a smile.

"Then let me, Lao Cheng, let you gain insight today. Don't always say that I am a brave and foolish person. Surviving on the battlefield is just a blessing." Cheng Yaojin dismissed After pursing his mouth, he said.

Not to mention, Cheng Yaojin's analysis is really clear and logical.Cheng Yaojin said that in Goguryeo today, there are not many available soldiers.

Even Goguryeo people, everyone can mount a horse and kill the enemy.At best, a few hundred thousand people will be organized.And it is absolutely impossible to besiege Sanjiang Yuehu City without millions of soldiers.

And even if you have millions of soldiers, you may not be able to surround Sanjiangyuehucheng.The reason is that the terrain of the Sanjiang Yuehu City is very complicated.

The reason why the Sanjiang Yuehu City is also called Sanjiang is because it is at the junction of the three rivers.So the terrain is very open.

In this way, the entire Sanjiang Yuehu City can become a key place to break through everywhere.So if you want to besiege Sanjiang Yuehu City, you must surround Sanjiang Yuehu City completely.

Rather than besieging several main outlets like Muyang City, the purpose of besieging the city can be achieved.

After hearing Cheng Yaojin's analysis, Yu Chigong couldn't help giving a thumbs up.Smiling and said to Cheng Yaojin: "It seems that we, Cheng Yaojin, still have some strategies."

"Although that's the case, it's just to prevent accidents. After we capture the Sanjiang Yuehu City tomorrow, I will protect the emperor and enter the Sanjiang Yuehu City."

"Qin Huaiyu, Luo Tong and others led their own troops and hid outside Sanjiang Yuehu City. If Gai Suwen really besieged Sanjiang Yuehu City, there should be someone to take care of him." Xue Rengui said.

Knowing that the three rivers cross the tiger city, it is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.Why did Xue Rengui suggest that Li Shimin go to the city with him.

The reason is that within the Sanjiang Yuehu City, I am afraid it is safer than outside the Sanjiang Yuehu City.At least Sanjiangyue Tiger City still has city walls for defense.

And if he stays outside Sanjiang Yuehu City, then Li Shimin will be exposed to the attack of Goguryeo cavalry.

The most important point is, if Gai Suwen really has a million soldiers.Entering the Sanjiang Yuehu City with the danger of the city wall, resisting Gai Suwen may not be the best choice.


"Generalissimo, now we have 150 million troops in our hands. Even if we fight the Tang army head-on, he can't be our opponent."

"Why do you need to go to such lengths to set up an empty city plan this time?" King Gao Jianzhuang asked Gai Suwen puzzled.

Gai Suwen said to King Gao Jianzhuang: "My lord, you don't know. Although our army has 150 million troops, if we really want to fight the Tang army, I'm afraid it may not be the wisest choice."

"Even if we win the Tang army by then, we will suffer heavy losses and even lose our vitality. Will the Liaodong kingdoms still follow your orders?"

King Gao Jianzhuang couldn't help but nodded when he heard Gai Suwen's explanation.Because Gai Suwen's analysis was good, although the 150 million troops were sent jointly by the Liaodong countries.

But nearly one million of them belong to Goguryeo.If it is exhausted within this stop, those small countries that were originally obedient.I'm afraid it won't be so low-key anymore.

"Thanks to the foresight of the Generalissimo, otherwise I, Goguryeo, would be in danger." King Gao Jianzhuang said to Gai Suwen after heaving a sigh of relief.

"General Marshal, what should we do when Tang Tong enters Sanjiang Yuehu City?" Gai Suwen's deputy, Sun Fu, asked Gai Suwen.

Gai Suwen laughed and said: "This commander will surround the Sanjiang Yuehu City tightly. Then he will set up a large formation in front of the Sanjiang Yuehu City."

"If Xue Rengui leads the troops to break the formation, I will definitely cut them into the formation. If they can't defend the city, they dare not come and break the formation. Then we will starve Tang Tong to death in Sanjiang Yuehu City .”

"Then I don't know what's so famous about this big formation that the marshal has set up?" Jiao Shiwei, another lieutenant general of Gai Suwen, asked Gai Suwen.

(End of this chapter)

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