The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 545 The Subdued Fan Yang Lu Family (4 more)

Chapter 545 Fan Yang Lu's Family Yields (Fourth Update)

Hearing Luo Song's words, Lu Wanda couldn't help being surprised.So he saluted immediately and said: "It's the villain who made a slip of the tongue for a while, please don't blame the king of Yan."

"Although this country of Yan is my king's vassal state, the head of the Lu family is a native of the country. There is nothing wrong with being called a landlord." Li Tai said after stretching out his hand to help Lu Wanda up.

"Thank you King Yan for your magnanimity, Lu Wanda will keep it in mind. If there is anything that needs Lu Wanda's help, please speak up, King Yan, Lu Wanda will definitely support you with all your strength." Lu Wanda said to Li Tai after getting up.

"The king came to your mansion today, and indeed he had something to discuss with Patriarch Lu. I just don't know if Patriarch Lu can give this king this face." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

"Please tell the King of Yan clearly, as long as I, Lu Wanda, can do it, I will definitely do it." Lu Wanda said.

"This king is planning to implement a new policy in the country of Yan. The first point is to nationalize the land. I don't know how Patriarch Lu thinks about this matter." Li Tai said, looking directly at Lu Wanda.

For example, Wanda never expected that Li Tai would actually make an idea of ​​his own land.Land is the most important thing for any aristocratic family.

Without the support of the land, they would have lost their source of income.So Lu Wanda couldn't help being surprised when he heard Li Tai's words.

Seeing Lu Wanda's surprised expression, Li Tai continued: "Why, does Patriarch Lu think that there is something wrong with this king's new policy?"

"Naturally, Lu Wanda would not hesitate to support King Yan's implementation of the New Deal. But this land is the foundation of the Lu family, so I'm afraid the Lu family will cease to exist." Lu Wanda saluted Li Tai.

"This king will not take your land for no reason. This king will give you another way to make a fortune. And this king promises that your Lu family will be even more prosperous than it is now." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

"I wonder how King Yan plans to arrange the Lu family?" Lu Wanda asked Li Tai.

"This king is going to build a large-scale trading market in Youzhou. This king named it Youzhou Daji. You can buy and sell any item here."

"Even people from foreign countries and ethnicities can trade freely here. Of course, the tax that should be paid is indispensable."

"This king is going to hand over the Youzhou Daji to your Lu family, and your Lu family will be responsible for the management. And provide your Lu family with [-] free shops. This king will never collect a cent of tax from the Lu family during his lifetime." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

"King Yan, Taoist priests, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have the lowest status since ancient times. Although he has money, he can't wear silk clothes casually, and even his descendants can't be officials in the court."

"If that's the case, my Lu family will truly be in decline. After a hundred years, Lu Wanda will have no face to meet the ancestors of the Lu family." Lu Wanda said with a troubled expression.

"It seems that Patriarch Lu doesn't know that His Royal Highness King Yan has the right to change his low status." Luo Song said to Lu Wanda with a smile.

"Not only will this king not let the Lu family enter the lowly status, but this king will also let your father make you the county magistrate of Fanyang County, and it will be a hereditary replacement. I don't know what Patriarch Lu thinks." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

Lu Wanda never imagined that Li Tai would grant him the title of Duke of the county.That is a majestic third-rank title.

This can't help but make Lu Wanda a little bit excited, although the five surnames and seven clans have a lot of influence in the whole world.But it's just a big family.

There are quite a few people who really stand above the court.But those who can get the title are very few.After all, the imperial court still fears the five surnames and seven sects.

Now Li Tai has not only given himself a third-rank title, but also one that can be hereditary.This is among the five surnames and seven sects, no one can get it.

Seeing Lu Wanda's tangled expression, Luo Song whispered in Lu Wanda's ear: "Your Highness, this is courtesy first, Patriarch Lu should believe it. Your Highness has a hundred ways to make you hand over the land obediently. "

Hearing Luo Song's words, Ru Wanda was like five thunderbolts.The involuntary sweat drenched the skirt of his clothes.

Because Luo Song is right, even though his own Lu family has five surnames and seven clans.But these five surnames and seven sects are useful to everyone in the world, but they are useless to this one in front of him.

Because there are more than one family with five surnames and seven sects who have suffered under his command.The Taiyuan Wang family that was wiped out, and the Boling Cui family that surrendered all the land planting rights.Those are living examples.

Finally, Lu Wanda got up and knelt down in front of Li Tai.He opened his mouth and said to Li Tai: "Lu Wanda, the head of the Lu family, is willing to hand over all the land of the Lu family to the King of Yan. To help the King of Yan carry out the new policy in the Kingdom of Yan."

"Since Patriarch Lu is so open-minded, this king will definitely not take advantage of Patriarch Lu for nothing. I will never lose my word about the title Xu gave to the Lu family just now."

"The head of the Lu family can choose the outstanding children in the family to this king. As long as they pass the assessment of this king, this king will let them serve in Yan Kingdom." Li Tai said to Lu Wanda.

Lu Wanda was overjoyed by this, and hurriedly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Tai to thank him.I am very grateful to Li Taina.

Some people will say that these five surnames and seven sects are not so easy to handle.They don't even care about imperial power.

There are even rumors that Li Shimin wants to marry his daughter into the five surnames and seven sects.They were all rejected by five surnames and seven sects.

But what is the reason for the five surnames and seven sects to be so arrogant.The reason is that it is difficult for talented people to come out of poor families in the world.The economy of the entire world is almost monopolized by the five surnames and seven sects.

But in small matters, Li Shimin can compromise with the five surnames and seven sects.But if any family dares to raise troops to rebel, what awaits him is definitely a bloody suppression.

The reason why the five surnames and seven sects can stand for thousands of years is that they know what they should do and what they should not do.

Therefore, the emperors of all dynasties can only choose to suppress the five surnames and seven sects.However, iron and blood suppression cannot be carried out. After all, there are many times when the entire country still needs the support of these aristocratic families.

Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, created the scientific examination system to check and balance the five surnames and seven sects.Li Shimin even tried his best to fight them.

But they are the kings of a country, and for the stability of the country, it is difficult to see immediate results.But Li Tai was different from them.

Because Li Tai doesn't need to rely on them at all, and even Li Tai will use iron and blood methods to eradicate them directly at any cost.

This is why Lu Wanda is afraid of Li Tai.Because this Li Tai is an existence that doesn't care.He doesn't care how much influence your five surnames and seven sects have.

As long as you offend him, he will do everything possible to trouble you.If you are caught by him, your family will not be far from being destroyed.

Moreover, everyone with five surnames and seven sects naturally understood that the reason why Li Tai dared to do this was because he had a backer.One who silently supports him in doing so.

This person is none other than Li Shimin, the emperor of the dynasty.So no matter how much trouble Li Tai caused, in the end Li Shimin would play it lightly and cover it up.

How the Taiyuan Wang family disappeared is a bloody example.This is why among the five surnames and seven sects, the Cui family of Boling ranked first.The reason why he was willing to bow his head to Li Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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