Chapter 496
Zhang Shigui did not expect that Xue Rengui would come back at this time.But Zhang Shigui was not worried at all, instead he looked at Xue Rengui with a smile on his face.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "You are Xue Li. Some people say that you were the one who gambled with Gai Xianmo on horse whip shooting in front of Phoenix City. I wonder if this happened?"

"Pioneer General may have identified the wrong person." Xue Rengui got off his horse and said after saluting to everyone.

Hearing Xue Rengui's words, Zhang Shigui couldn't help secretly delighting.With a provocative expression on his face, he looked at Yu Chigong.It seems to be telling Yu Chigong that he is not some virtuous minister of Yingmeng.

But when Zhang Shigui was complacent, Xue Rengui continued to speak: "The villain is not some Xue Li, but Longmen County, Jiangzhou, Shanxi, so is Xue Rengui."

This time Zhang Shigui was not calm, the original grim smile froze on his face in an instant.Then he looked at Xue Rengui in front of him with unbelievable eyes.

"You are Xue Rengui, so why does no one in Huotouying know about you. Instead, everyone says your name is Xue Li?" Yu Chigong asked Xue Rengui.

"Reporting to the Marshal, when the villain joined the army, he was rejected twice. Later, all the brothers complained for Xue Rengui. In the end, the vanguard general had no choice but to recruit me into the army."

"However, General Pioneer told the villain that the emperor occasionally had a dream. In the dream, the villain was a traitor who overthrew the Tang Dynasty. The emperor is arresting the villain all over the country."

"That's why I refused the villain to join the army over and over again. In the end, I asked the villain to change his name to Xue Li, so he stayed in the Huotou camp." Xue Rengui said to Yu Chigong.

"Then why did you reveal your identity again today? Aren't you afraid that the emperor will want your head?" Yu Chigong asked Xue Rengui loudly.

"Just now, the villain saw that the Marshal gathered all the brothers from Huotouying. If I don't tell the truth today, it will be very difficult for all the brothers to escape unscathed."

"How can a villain ignore the safety of everyone because of his own safety?" Xue Rengui said to Yu Chigong again.

"What a loving and righteous man who doesn't care about personal safety. How would you know that you are not the rebellious minister in the emperor's dream, but I am the virtuous minister in the emperor's dream."

"It's Zhang Shigui who wants to use his son-in-law to replace you as the emperor's virtuous minister Ying Meng. That's why he made up this nonsense." Yu Chigong said to Xue Rengui.

"It's no wonder that every time the two armies kill the enemy in front of the formation, the vanguard general wants a villain to report He Zongxian's name. So that's what happened." Xue Rengui said angrily.

At this time Zhang Shigui was extremely helpless, he never thought of it.At the critical moment, Xue Rengui disregarded the safety of his wife and children for his own fame and wealth.

But what can Zhang Shigui do, don't say that Liu Yinhuan's mother and child are not in his hands.So what if it is in his hands?Killing them will not change this reality.

"Zhang Shigui, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, I will definitely kill you." Li Shimin said to Zhang Shigui with a cold snort.Then he turned around and left Huotou Camp.

"Xue Rengui, would you like to go to the Shuai Hall with me to confront Zhang Shigui and He Zongxian face to face." Yu Chigong said to Xue Rengui.

"The villain is willing to go, but he was deceived by not knowing the truth in the past. Now that he knows the whole story today, he naturally wants to ask for an explanation for himself." Xue Rengui said to Yu Chigong.

"Zhang Shigui, go and take He Zongxian to the Shuaitang. Today, I'm going to break up the commander. This is a true and false minister who should be a dreamer." After Yu Chigong finished speaking, he turned around and took Xue Rengui away from Huotou Camp.

With a helpless expression on his face, Zhang Shigui turned around and walked towards the Pioneer Camp.At this time, he was already very passive towards him, but Zhang Shigui was not the one who would sit still.

When he saw He Zongxian, he said to He Zongxian: "Damn Xue Rengui, he didn't care about the safety of his wife and children. Openly admitted that he is Xue Rengui in front of the emperor."

Hearing Zhang Shigui's words, He Zongxian felt as if five thunders had struck the top for a moment.Standing there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

After all, it is the crime of deceiving the emperor, but it will implicate the nine clans.So it was impossible for He Zongxian not to be afraid, and he was so scared that he peed his pants right now.

"Look at your bear, remember, I will see Yu Chigong and the emperor later. You insist that all of this is due to you."

"No matter how much Yu Chigong favors Xue Rengui, he can't do anything about it. We can't just punish us regardless of the reason." Zhang Shigui said to He Zongxian.

Hearing what Zhang Shigui said, He Zongxian felt relieved to some extent.Then after stabilizing the mood.

He said to Zhang Shigui: "Father-in-law, don't worry, my son-in-law will definitely bite him to death when the time comes, all of this is what my son-in-law did."

He Zongxian naturally understood that this was his last way out.If he can't survive this catastrophe, what awaits him is a decapitated body.


Yuchi Gongduan sat on the commander-in-chief, and Li Shimin sat behind the Longshu case.Both the monarch and the minister looked at Zhang Shigui and He Zongxian with their faces sinking like water.

"Bold Zhang Shigui, dare to lie to the emperor. Said that Xue Rengui is not in your vanguard camp. Now that Xue Rengui is in your vanguard camp, how do you explain it?" Yu Chigong asked Zhang Shigui angrily.

"This person's surname is Xue and his name is Xue Li. He is not Xue Rengui at all. He must have heard that the emperor's worthy minister Ying Meng might be called Xue Rengui. That's why he pretended to be Xue Rengui." Zhang Shigui said eloquently.

"Xue Rengui, Zhang Shigui said that you have ulterior motives to impersonate him. I don't know how you can prove that you are Xue Rengui." Yu Chigong asked Xue Rengui.

"Reporting to Marshal, the villain is not the only one who joins the army with the villain. There are also the villain's eight sworn brothers. They can all confirm that the villain's real name is Xue Rengui." Xue Rengui said.

"Since they are your sworn brothers, they will naturally speak for you. I'm afraid you have already conspired against others, and you have to wait until today." Zhang Shigui said to Xue Rengui.

"Actually, I want to prove whether Xue Rengui is an imposter. It's not very difficult, as long as he can prove the military exploits along the way."

"It was all established by him, so it can be proved that he is the emperor's worthy minister Ying Meng." Xu Maogong said with a smile.

"Reporting to Marshal, the villain defeated Dai Lipeng at Heifeng Pass, and then Peng Tiebao at Jinshatan..." Afterwards, Xue Rengui told everyone in detail about the military exploits he had made along the way.

At this time, He Zongxian, who was standing aside, said to Yu Chigong: "Marshal, these achievements are made by the last general who fought bloody battles. What has it to do with Xue Li."

"The two of you are sticking to your own words, saying that the credit was done by you. It's really hard to distinguish at the moment." Yu Chigong said helplessly.

"Marshal, what's so difficult about this, I have a way. I can tell which one is the emperor's virtuous minister Ying Meng, and which one is the impostor and traitor." Xu Mao on the side opened his mouth and said to Yu Chigong.

(End of this chapter)

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