The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 485 Blood Droplet Appears Again (3 More)

Chapter 485 Blood Droplet Appears Again (Third)
"You think I'm a roundworm in the lord's belly. Don't mention me for the lord's thinking. I'm afraid there are not many people in this world who can keep up." Xu Liang said after giving Cheng Tieniu a white look.
"How to let the soldiers and civilians of Goguryeo withdraw from Liaodong City. I have a way. That is to keep Pu from knowing. Now Liaodong City has become an isolated city."

"Even if he stays, he is undoubtedly waiting for death. I don't believe that he will not be able to survive. He will stay in Liaodong City and wait for death." Luo Tong said to everyone after thinking about it.

"I'm afraid this first method won't work. Although when the time comes, Pu Bubu will stay in Liaodong City, and he is undoubtedly waiting to die."

"But as a city guard, there is no order from Gai Suwen. I'm afraid he would not dare to withdraw." Xu Liang said to Luo Tong after thinking about it.

"Second brother is right, so we must give Pu Bu a reason. A reason for him to withdraw the army." Luo Tong said to Xu Liang.

"Only when Pu Bubu received Gai Suwen's order would he withdraw without hesitation. But we can't get Gai Suwen's order." Xu Liang shook his head and said.

"Since we can't let Gai Suwen order Pu Bu to withdraw from Liaodong City, it's better to just let Pu Bu die in Liaodong City." Li Tai said.

"My lord's method, although it is a good method, but it is not a simple matter to put Pu Bubu to death in Liaodong City."

"After all, Liaodong City is now defended like an iron bucket. Even a fly can hardly fly in." Xu Liang said.

"If I send out Blood Droplet, is there any possibility of him surviving?" Li Tai said to Xu Liang with a smile.

Hearing the blood drop, everyone could not help but tremble.This name represents killing, as long as he appears, blood will flow into rivers.

"If Xue Dizi makes a move, not only will he not be able to kill him, but it will not be a problem. Even if blood flows into rivers in Liaodong City, it is not impossible." Xu Liang said in shock.

"My lord mentioned Xuedizi today, but there is one thing I can't understand. Xuedizi's combat effectiveness is obvious to all."

"If the lord sends them out directly to carry out assassination missions, I am afraid that few people can escape their poisonous hands."

"But why, my lord, you rarely use them." Qin Huaiyu asked Li Tai with a puzzled expression on his face.

Li Tai said helplessly, "Although the blood drops are for my use, they are obedient to the instructions. When I am in danger, they will naturally appear."

"But usually, it is not easy to send them to do things for me. Because they are only responsible for my safety. They don't care about other things."

In fact, why didn't Li Tai hope that he could call Xuedizi at any time.It's a pity that Li Tai can't do it at all, because they can only be used once a year.

If it weren't for Li Tai's side, there would be 28 constellations.He really didn't dare to use the blood droplet casually.In order not to lose this life-saving existence at a critical moment.

"No wonder I don't usually see them attacking. That's the reason. But that's good too. After all, their attacking is too bloody. If you use it too much, I'm afraid it will hurt the peace." Xu Liang nodded and said.

"Bullshit, what brothers are doing now is not bloody. Now we are called Shura in hell. I'm afraid it's not much worse than blood drops." Cheng Tieniu said to Xu Liang.

"We are killing people here in Goguryeo. The reason is that they are not from our tribe. Since ancient times, people who are not from our tribe must have different hearts, so there is nothing to consider in killing them."

"But if we are in the Central Plains, we are also killing such inhumane people. Then we will really become hell Shura." Xu Liang said to Cheng Tieniu.

"Second brother is right. A humble nation like Goguryeo has no right to waste this great land." Li Tai nodded and said.

Now, under Li Tai's indoctrination, everyone has no good impression of this Goguryeo.Even in the eyes of everyone, they are not as good as animals.

Of course, there is another country that is even more hated by them.I can't wait to go to that country to kill.

Then Li Tai said: "Tomorrow night, I will implore Bloody Drops to help. I believe that the first time I beg them, they should give me this face."

"However, their goal is not just Pu Bu alone. Xuedizi will also assassinate the generals in Liaodong City."

"And what you brothers have to do is to lead your troops. Lay in ambush on the only way to the Yalu River. Kill those who escaped from Liaodong City destructively."

That night, Qin Huaiyu and others started to act, heading towards their ambush.On the other hand, Li Tai leisurely led the Sky Eye troops towards Liaodong City.


The night gradually deepened, and the entire Liaodong City became extremely quiet.At this time, Li Tai took Gao Kan and appeared on a hill not far from Liaodong City.

Looking at Liaodong City from a distance, Li Tai activated the summoning option.The blood drop card was directly selected.Following Li Tai's choice, the card turned gray and dark.

At the same time, Li Tai took out a bone flute from his pocket, put it to his mouth and played it softly.Soon people came from all directions around Li Tai.

When they came to Li Tai, everyone knelt in front of Li Tai without saying a word.As if waiting for Li Tai's order.

Li Tai opened his mouth and said to Xue Dizi: "The king of Ben summoned you today to ask for something. Now the general commander of Goguryeo, Gai Suwen, provoked a war for no reason."

"In order to maintain the dignity of the Tang Dynasty, we were forced to send troops to conquer Goguryeo. In order to end this war as soon as possible, this king hopes that you can make a move."

"Young master, it stands to reason that we should not fight for you. But today the young master speaks, and I will make an exception. But this time is not an exception." Xue Dizi said to Li Tai.

Li Tai said happily: "Then I will thank you all. What the King wants you to do today is to assassinate the main general of Liaodong City, Pu Bu, and the generals in the city."

As soon as Li Tai finished speaking, the twelve blood drops immediately got up and headed towards Liaodong City.Action is not the slightest sloppy.

All of this is the appearance procedure designed by Li Tai when he summoned the blood drops.The purpose is to let Gao Kan and the Sky Eye troops see.

Seeing that Xuedizi had already set off, Li Tai turned his head and said to Gao Kan: "There will be chaos in the city later, when the time comes, you should prepare the hook ropes and take the opportunity to enter Liaodong City and set fire to it."

"Remember, you must wait until the city is in chaos before finding a dark place to climb over the city wall and enter the city. If you can't do something, don't force it."

"My lord, you can rest assured that I will lead the Sky Eye troops to attack. It will definitely make the city into chaos." Gao Kan said to Li Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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