The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 474 Cheng Yaojin Asked for Suffering (4 More)

Chapter 474
Following Xue Rengui's command of the Longmen formation, he slowly approached the soldiers led by Li Daming.This made Li Daming's heart tense up.

Not only Yu Chigong hadn't seen it, but Li Daming hadn't seen the moving formation either.So the surprise in my heart, needless to say, you should also know.

"What a boy, you actually used a large dragon gate formation to such a peak." After Yu Chigong said hello to Xue Rengui, he waved the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

Immediately, Tang Jun behind him swarmed towards Li Daming's troops.In an instant, the two armies fought and stood together.

But now the morale of the two armies is very different.One is full of energy with certainty of winning, and the other is low in morale and unwilling to fight.

This has led to an absolute gap between the two.After the battle started, the outcome was soon seen.Fan Bing was beaten and retreated helplessly.

What the retreating Fanbing waited for them was the strangulation of the Longmen formation.All the Fan soldiers who were driven into the Dragon Gate Formation were immediately beheaded by the nine dragon claws.

Seeing all this, Li Daming knew that today might be a complete defeat.Now he no longer expects to capture Li Shimin alive.What he was thinking now, as long as he could escape back to Shicheng alive would be fine.

So Li Daming stepped on the horse with both feet, and rushed towards the mountain on the left.I hope I can escape the strangulation of the Longmen formation, and then escape back to Shicheng.

But at this time, from the mountains on both sides, Tang Jun came out again like a tide.Completely blocked Li Daming's way out.

"God bless me Goguryeo, what kind of enemy did Goguryeo provoke? Is this the vulnerable Tang army they said?" Li Daming sat on the horse and said to himself.

And at this moment, Yu Chigong had already arrived in front of Li Daming.Pointing at the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, he said to Li Tianming: "Ignorant rats, today is the time when fate will return to the underworld."

After finishing speaking, he stabbed forward with the Zhangba spear in his hand.Perhaps Li Tianming knew that there was absolutely no possibility of him surviving.Or just wandered off for a while.

In short, Yu Chigong's spear directly pierced Li Daming's heart.The mountain ax in Li Daming's hand was also thrown directly on the ground.

The corpse paused for a while on the horse, then fell to the ground.A Goguryeo general died in the hands of Yu Chigong.

If it is normal, the enemy's main general will be beheaded.Yu Chigong would definitely yell loudly to make the opponent's soldiers put down their weapons and surrender.

But at this time Yu Chigong didn't do this, but commanded Tang Jun to kill wildly.Because they don't need prisoners today, all they want is the military uniform on the captives.

This battle went straight to the east, and it was considered a complete end.None of the [-] troops led by Li Daming survived, and all died in front of Jili City.

Yuchi Gong ordered people to take off the military uniforms of all the Fanbing soldiers, and asked Tang Jun to put them back on.Led by Yu Chigong himself, they headed towards Shicheng.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin was not to mention depressed, he thought he could have a big fight.In the end, I didn't expect to receive an order saying that all Fanbing had been conferred.

"Tnnd is too dishonest, please save some for my old Cheng. It has been a long time since my old Cheng's gossip Xuanhua ax has seen blood." Cheng Yaojin cursed angrily.

"Grandpa, please calm down first, the marshal has a military order, let us go back and clean up the battlefield." A lieutenant said to Cheng Yaojin.

"Tnnd, it's not up to my old Cheng to do good things. I can't leave Cheng Yaojin to clean up the battlefield every time." Cheng Yaojin said helplessly.

Then Cheng Yaojin ordered the soldiers to withdraw the firelights piled up at the mountain pass again.The road to the mountain pass was cleared.

Then he brought his own men and horses to Jili City.On the way, I happened to meet the fake Fan army led by Yu Chigong.

When Cheng Yaojin saw the opponent, he was wearing the military uniform of Fan Bing Fan General.In an instant, bad water came up, and seeing his feet on the horse, he met Yuchi Gong and killed him.

While charging, he yelled loudly: "Well, you fan dog, you dare to leave so swaggeringly, and put me, Cheng Yaojin Kecheng, in your eyes."

When Yu Chigong saw Cheng Yaojin coming from the opposite side, he thought that Cheng Yaojin mistook himself for a fan soldier.So he shouted loudly to Cheng Yaojin: "Cheng Yaojin is going to do something, open your eyes and see who is this handsome."

"I don't care who you are, I fell into the hands of Cheng Yaojin today, I just took your dog's head and went to ask the marshal for a reward." After speaking, Cheng Yaojin had already come to Yu Chigong's horse.

He swung the Eight Diagrams Xuanhua ax in his hand, yelled and slashed his head, then he and Yu Chigong started fighting.

At this time, Yu Chigong had already seen that Cheng Yaojin was just pretending to be stupid.Otherwise, how could the troops behind him just stand by and watch Cheng Yaojin rush to kill himself.

Because the troops led by Cheng Yaojin were not far in front of Yu Chigong at this time.They didn't make any preparations for battle, let alone any intention of rushing forward.

So Yu Chigong thought to himself: "Well, you Cheng Yaojin, you actually used me in your tricks and tricks. See if I don't teach you a lesson today."

How could Cheng Yaojin be Yu Chigong's opponent? He originally thought that Yu Chigong knew that it was him, so he would never fight back.Taking the opportunity to give Yuchi Gong a few blows is also good for expressing the tone in my heart.

But now that his thinking has been understood by Yu Chigong, how can it let him have good fruit to eat.I saw Yu Chigong knocking out the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

Cheng Yaojin's gossip Xuanhua ax was knocked out.Before Cheng Yaojin was ready to use his next move, Yu Chigong's bamboo-jointed steel whip had already hit him.

Seeing Yuchi Gong's real move, Cheng Yaojin hastily shouted: "Don't do anything, don't do it, I, old Cheng, admitted the wrong person."

But Yuchi Gong didn't intend to stop at all.The whip hit Cheng Yaojin directly in the stomach.He beat Cheng Yaojin right away.

Cheng Yaojin, who was lying on the ground, and Yu Chigong, who was pointing at me, yelled: "A big old man who has been beaten by a thousand knives knows that it is me, but he still hits him so hard. You are not afraid of this whip. Cheng Yaojin Killed."

"It turned out to be Cheng Yaojin. I thought it was Fanbing pretending to be Tang Jun. The attack was heavy all of a sudden, so hurry up and see if you are injured." Yu Chigong said to Cheng Yaojin with a concerned expression.

"Don't play this trick with me there, it's all left over from Cheng Yaojin's play. Fortunately, you still have a bit of conscience, this whipping didn't really force you."

"Otherwise my old Cheng's more than one hundred catties will really be thrown here." Cheng Yaojin stood up, dusted the dust off his body, and said to Yu Chigong.

"Since you have nothing to do, hurry back and clean the battlefield, Hugh is here to joke with this commander." Yu Chigong said to Cheng Yaojin with a straight face.

Then as soon as he urged the horse, he continued to lead the troops forward.But at this moment, there was a smile on Yu Chigong's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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