The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 462 The Veteran General Shows His Power in Front of the Battle (4 More)

Chapter 462

"From my birth to today, Yu Chigong, how many people wanted my life. It's a pity that they all died in the hands of my Yuchigong. I think you won't be able to go back today." Yuchigong said with a big smile.

"The reason why you can live today is because you didn't meet me, Zhou Qianya, otherwise you wouldn't even have the chance to become a marquis or a minister. Come and fight me for three hundred rounds." After Zhou Qianya finished speaking, she touched her horse with both feet, and turned to Yuchi Gong came to kill him.

Yu Chigong didn't neglect either, waving the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.Then he went up to Zhou Qianya.The two horses fought in the same place.

One of these two is the unparalleled general of Goguryeo, and the other is the Duke of E of the Tang Dynasty, the general of the three armies.The weapons in the palm danced vigorously, it was really a battle between dragons and tigers.

To say that Zhou Qianya really has two brushes.He was actually evenly matched with Yuchi Gong.With a mace in his hand, he danced like a whirring sound.

The Zhangba Snake Spear in Yuchigong's hand did not show any weakness, and he hit Zhou Qianya's vital points every time.However, the mace in Zhou Qianya's hand was heavy, and Yu Chigong really didn't dare to confront him head-on.

On the battlefield, anyone who uses an axe, a hammer, a stick, or a mace is a general of strength.

If you compete with him in strength, you will definitely suffer the loss in the end.Yuchi Gong is a veteran in the battlefield, how could he not know this truth.

Therefore, the Zhangba Snake Spear in Yuchigong's hand was very tricky every time it attacked.Try to avoid colliding with the mace.

Zhou Qianya was so angry that he screamed, but Yu Chigong's Zhangba Snake Spear danced like a spirit snake, so he couldn't catch it at all.

While the two were talking, they fought more than [-] rounds, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.However, Yu Chigong is getting old after all, if he continues to fight like this, I'm afraid it will be bad for him.

Therefore, Yu Chigong had to choose a quick battle and a quick decision, only to see Yuchi Gong raised the horse forward.The Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand stabbed directly at Zhou Qianya's chest.

Zhou Qianya saw that Yu Chigong's moves were already used up, and it was impossible for Yu Chigong to change his moves now.So he knocked outward with the mace in his hand.

There was only a crisp sound, and the spear in Yu Chigong's hand was knocked so hard that it almost flew out.At this time, the two of them had already missed the horse transfer, and it was too late to make a move.

But at this moment, Yu Chigong suddenly took out his bamboo-jointed steel whip from behind.At the moment when the two horses staggered their stirrups, they directly hit Zhou Qianya in the back.

Zhou Qianya didn't expect that Yu Chigong actually had the unique skill of whipping a spear.When he didn't pay attention for a while, he was hit by Yu Chigong.

This whip hit Zhou Qianya right on the back.After beating Zhou Qianya so hard, he swayed three times on the horse.

Although Zhou Tianya barely sat on the horse and did not fall, he obviously suffered internal injuries.With a cry in desperation, five thousand cavalrymen rushed towards Yuchi Gong in an instant.

At this time, Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin, who were watching the enemy's formation for Yu Chigong, would just watch Yu Chigong suffer.I saw Qin Qiong raise the furnace spear in his hand with one fell swoop.

Then he commanded the army to kill them too. The army led by Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin was not ordinary soldiers.

It was Li Shimin's ace troop, the Xuanjia Army. The combat effectiveness of this Xuanjia Army must be known to everyone.Now add the aluminum armor that Li Tai gave them.This doubled their combat effectiveness.

I saw that the Xuanjia army was like a torrent, directly killing the five thousand soldiers.Although both sides are cavalry, the gap is not a little bit.

Coupled with Zhou Qianya at this time, it is impossible to fight again.Already under the protection of the cavalry, they withdrew towards the gate of Jili City.

Although the Xuanjia Army only had more than a thousand cavalry, the power it displayed was not something that five thousand soldiers could resist.As soon as they met each other, Fan Bing was killed to death.

They were all wearing heavy armor, and they protected their bodies very tightly.Most importantly, these aluminum armors are very light.

This allowed the Xuanjia Army to exert a stronger combat effectiveness.In addition, Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong, plus Cheng Yaojin, were leading the team.

This Xuanjia army, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killed those five thousand soldiers crying for their father and mother.There is no chance of even going back.

Just when Zhou Tianya stumbled and fled back to Jili City.His five thousand cavalry were also almost lost.Less than a hundred riders fled back with him.

Fortunately, Xiao Yang on the city wall responded in a timely manner and immediately ordered the archers to open their bows and release their arrows.It was only then that the Xuanjia army was blocked back, otherwise it was really possible to take down the city gate in one fell swoop.

Although the Xuanjia Army's body was covered with armor, they didn't care much about the arrow rain's attacks.But the war horses under their crotch did not achieve full protection.Bows and arrows still have fatal damage to them.

I saw Yu Chigong waved his hand and stopped the Xuanjia Army.Then Yu Chigong pointed at Xiao Yang on the city wall and said, "I will give you a day to think about it, if you don't open the city and surrender tomorrow. This commander promises that when the city is destroyed, no one will be left behind."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chigong and the others led the Xuanjia Army back to their camp.This battle played out the domineering spirit of the Marshal of the Three Armies of the Tang Dynasty, and this battle once again made the name of the Xuanjia Army resound throughout the world.

At this time, Li Shimin was already outside the tent of the Chinese army, welcoming the three of Yu Chigong.After seeing Yu Chigong and the others come back, he hastily stepped forward and said, "Thank you three brothers."

"Your Majesty, we are waiting for the king's salary, so naturally we have to share your worries. It is my duty to kill the enemy on the battlefield." Yu Chigong saluted Li Shimin.

"But I have something to remind Brother Qin, don't forget how you promised Li Tai. If there is another time, Brother Qin can only obediently stay with me in the camp." Li Shimin had a reproachful expression on his face. , looked at Qin Qiong and said.

At this time, Qin Qiong finally thought that he was in a hurry just now, so he took the lead and killed them.He had promised Li Tai that he would never go into battle to kill the enemy.

So he said to Li Shimin with a guilty face: "Your Majesty, the last general couldn't hold back his itch for a while, this time is not an example."

"If you want me to say, you can't let Second Brother Qin go to the front of the two armies. Otherwise, he will rush out again regardless of his skills." Cheng Yaojin said after giving Qin Qiong a white look.

"Brother Cheng's words are reasonable. From now on, Brother Qin will be by my side. Let the other brothers kill the enemy on the battlefield." Li Shimin nodded and said.

Looking at Qin Qiong's murderous eyes, Cheng Yaojin said without hesitation: "The emperor is holy, long live my emperor, long live long live long live long live."

"I'm talking about Cheng Yaojin, when did you learn that kid Li Tai's compliments so proficiently?" Yu Chigong, who was on the side, said to Cheng Yaojin with a smile.

"Is our emperor not holy enough? Shouldn't it be long live? In my opinion, our emperor should be, long live, long live. This is the desire of all the courtiers in the world." Cheng Yaojin said with a big smile.

(End of this chapter)

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