The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 454 Soldiers Arrive at Jili City (2 more)

Chapter 454 Soldiers Arrive at Jili City (Part [-])

Even Zhang Shigui was a little confused, for some reason, Cheng Yaojin always spoke for him during this time.No matter why, Zhang Shigui was quite grateful in his heart.

"I didn't expect that it was He Zongxian who came up with such a perfect solution. Then this commander will credit He Zongxian with the credit." Yu Chigong said with a happy expression.

Hearing Yu Chigong's words, He Zongxian hurriedly knelt on the ground, saluted Yuchigong and said, "How can the last general be praised by Marshal Lao."

"Anyone who has made meritorious service should be rewarded, and whoever made a mistake should naturally be punished. Only in this way can rewards and punishments be clearly defined. Therefore, this commander decided to promote Any Zongxian to be the deputy pioneer of Zhengyin in the front." Yu Chigong knelt on the ground He Zongxian said.

This made He Zongxian very happy, and hurriedly thanked Yu Chigong.So he obediently stood by Zhang Shigui's side.

"Golden Beach is now under the control of our army. The vanguard general Zhang Shigui, you take the vanguard and march towards Jili City." Yu Chigong said to Zhang Shigui.

"The last general takes orders, and the vanguard generals will dispatch to Jili City tomorrow morning." Zhang Shigui said after saluting to Yuchi Gong.

"I don't know how many days you plan to take Jili City, when will the commander and the emperor lead the Chinese army to go there." Yu Chigong asked Zhang Shigui.

"Now our army doesn't know the situation of Jili City. So the general dare not guarantee to the marshal right now. But the general will definitely do his best to take down Jili City as soon as possible." Zhang Shigui saluted Yuchi Gong.

"Marshal, what the vanguard general said is true. After all, Jili City is no better than Jinshatan Walled City. It is the first big city we face when we enter Goguryeo."

"So for the sake of safety, I think the army should follow up as soon as possible, so as not to lose the vanguard." Xu Maogong stood up and said to Yu Chigong.

Hearing Xu Maogong's words, Yu Chigong nodded and said: "Zhang Shigui, this commander ordered to set up a joint camp outside Jili City. In three days, this commander and the emperor will personally lead the army to Jili City."

"Marshal, please don't worry, the general will definitely get the camp ready. Waiting for the emperor and marshal to arrive." Zhang Shigui said to Yu Chigong.

In fact, in Zhang Shigui's heart at this time, he was very reluctant.After all, if the Chinese army also arrives in Jili City, it will not be so easy to do that stealthy business.

But I can't speak out to stop it, so I can only warn myself to be more careful.So as not to be seen as strange.


Early the next morning, three cannons rang out in Golden Beach.Zhang Shigui led the vanguard army out of the Jinshatan Walled City.Go to Jilicheng, the first big city that entered Goguryeo.

Zhang Shigui led the forward army, and Xiaoxing stayed overnight for more than ten days.Then he saw Jili City from a distance.

So Zhang Shigui ordered the vanguard army to choose a place to set up camp ten miles away from Jili City.And built fortifications.

The battalion that was set up this time was no small matter, and it stretched for dozens of miles.Otherwise, it is really not enough for 50 troops to live in.

At the same time, around the entire camp, there are tall horse-rejecting antlers.And a temporary fence was built with logs.And built watchtowers and arrow towers.

Such a camp cannot be built in a day or two.Fortunately, Yu Chigong led the Chinese army and set off three days later than the vanguard army.

In addition, the marching speed of the army is much slower than that of the vanguard.This also left enough time for Zhang Shigui to set up camp.

On this day, the construction of the camp was almost finished.And the scouts also sent back news that Wang Junke was guarding outside the Golden Beach.

Others have followed Li Shimin to Jili City.Now it is estimated that there are still about two days before Zhang Shigui built the big camp.

Inside the vanguard army tent, Zhang Shigui said to Xue Rengui: "Our army has arrived in Jili City for a few days. It's time to fight them twice."

"The vanguard general is right. At least we can take this opportunity to find out their truth. If the vanguard general believes in me, Xue Li, I, Xue Li, are willing to lead the battle for the vanguard general." Xue Rengui said to Zhang Shigui.

In fact, Xue Rengui knew in his heart, even if he didn't take the initiative to invite Ying.After going around in a big circle, he was definitely the one who led the troops to fight in the end.

Since the results are the same, it is better to choose an active way.So as not to see their father and son singing oboe there.

"The general is indeed a good general. If so, please lead the troops to Jili City to scold the enemy." Zhang Shigui happily said to Xue Rengui.

After Xue Rengui let out a sigh, he turned around and left Zhang Shigui's vanguard tent.Turn around and go back to the Huotou army to dispatch troops.

After returning to the Huotou army camp, Xue Rengui immediately ordered Zhou Qing and Xue Xiantu to gather all the soldiers and horses to prepare to leave the camp.

At this time, Li Tai also followed the Huotou army to Jili City, and is now resting in his tent.Hearing that people were gathering outside, he led Li Tianming out as well.

Now Sun Qiang has already led the Beast Battalion, lurking around Laijili City.Even Luo Huan had already led the armor-breaking army and penetrated into Jili City.

"Today, I will go with you and watch the enemy's formation for you from the rear." Li Tai said to Xue Rengui.

After Xue Rengui nodded, he turned on his lightning white dragon horse.Holding the silver scissors and halberd, he led the Huotou army to Jili City.

The chief general in Jili City has been strengthening the city wall for the past few days.Prepare for the next big battle.

There is no doubt that the general of Jili City is named Jin.With an iron rod in the palm, there is also unstoppable courage.Moreover, there are many soldiers in Jili City, and there are more than 5 Fan soldiers who originally guarded the city.

In addition, some time ago, Gai Shuwen was in order to reinforce Jinshatan.The [-] troops sent here are now living in Jili City.

The reason was that by the time they arrived, the Golden Sands Walled City had already fallen.So he stayed in Jili City directly, and cooperated with Jin Buyi to guard Jili City.

At this time, Jin Buyi was on the city wall, inspecting the fortifications.Suddenly saw an army killed on the opposite side, and knew it was Tang Jun without asking.

"It's been a few days since I've been here, and today I finally want to fight the general. Come, prepare the horse and carry the stick for the general." Jin Buyi said loudly.

When Xue Rengui led his troops to Jili City, the gate of Jili City had already been opened.Jin Buyi led 3000 troops to fight out, and set up a battle formation on the bank of the moat.

After Xue Rengui ordered the soldiers to line up for battle, he tapped the lightning white dragon horse on both feet, and came towards the front of the two armies.

At the same time, pointing at the silver scissors in his hand, he shouted to Fan Bing: "This general is the vanguard of the Tang Dynasty, He Zongxian, the deputy vanguard under General Zhang Shigui. Anyone who is not afraid of death, come and fight this general for three hundred rounds."

"Who is willing to take back the dog's head of the barbarian from the Tang Dynasty for this general?" Jin Buyi said loudly to the general.

As soon as Jin Buyi finished speaking, a general appeared beside him.The man clasped his fists to Jin Buyi and said, "The general is willing to go."

After finishing speaking, he touched the horse with both feet, and waved the spear in his hand.He rushed towards Xue Rengui, and while running, he shouted loudly: "The barbarians of the Tang Dynasty come with their lives."

(End of this chapter)

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