The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 445 The Difficult Moat (2 more)

Chapter 445 The Difficult Moat (Part [-])
With the cover of the shield, the soldiers went very smoothly and threw the sandbags into the moat.However, a small amount of sandbags is tantamount to reclamation for the moat.

Moreover, it is impossible for the Fanbing on the city wall to see that Tang Jun filled up his moat.As a result, arrow rain like migratory locusts fell from the sky.

Although soldiers were constantly shot and killed by arrows, this did not affect the progress of filling the moat in the slightest.Waves of soldiers carried sandbags, protected by shield soldiers, and threw sandbags into the moat.

In any siege battle, there will be a lot of casualties in the process of filling the moat.And it will waste a lot of time.

So there are many battles, and the siege side will not choose to fill up the moat.They will choose to build a pontoon bridge over the moat.

But that is not conducive to the passage of soldiers, while the soldiers pass the pontoon.You will be violently attacked by soldiers on the city wall.

In addition, Li Tai deliberately explained to Xue Rengui that there might be something strange in the moat.This made Xue Rengui even less likely to build a pontoon bridge.

Peng Tiebao on the city wall said angrily: "Damn the barbarians of the Tang Dynasty, they actually want to fill up the moat. Open the gate immediately and wash away the sandbags they threw in."

Following Peng Tiebao's vitality, Fan Bing began to turn the winch.With the slow rotation of the winch, a large amount of seawater poured into the moat.

It turns out that this foot plate controls a water gate, which is connected to the sea.Usually a lot of seawater will be hoarded.

When necessary, as long as the sluice is opened, a large amount of seawater will rush into the moat.If a pontoon bridge were to be erected, the consequences would be even more conceivable.

Even if there is no pontoon bridge erected, the sandbags just thrown into the moat.I was also blamed by the rush of water, and I didn't know where to go.

After being busy for most of the day, now it's a busy day, which makes Xue Rengui extremely anxious.But at the same time, I was secretly glad.

If Li Tai hadn't reminded himself, he probably would have chosen to build a pontoon bridge for convenience.In that case, the loss would be really heavy.

"Bring me more sandbags, but don't throw them into the moat yet. Use them on the bank of the moat to build up fortifications for me." Xue Rengui gave an order decisively.

Following Xue Rengui's order, the soldiers piled the sandbags on their bodies by the moat.Slowly formed a natural barrier.

Soldiers hid behind sandbags, like archers on the walls.Don't even think about hurting them.

Although this ensures the safety of the soldiers, it cannot allow the soldiers to move forward half a step.But this is only Xue Rengui's first step.

Seeing that the sandbags had reached a certain amount, Xue Rengui ordered again to throw the sandbags into the moat.

Because a large number of sandbags are hoarded beside the moat, the speed of filling the river is much faster than before.Slowly the moat, there are always a lot of sandbags.

It is estimated that in a while, the moat will be filled with a channel.But at this moment, Peng Tiebao ordered Fan Bing to stir the winch again.A large amount of sea water poured into the moat again.

Although the number of sandbags this time is much more than before.But in front of the rapid current, he still seemed so helpless.

At this time, Li Tai was standing far away on a high place, looking at everything that happened in front of him.Li Tai did not expect that the moat would have such an effect.

"It seems that if you want to fill up the moat, you must find a way to destroy the winch. Only by making the sluice unable to open can it be possible to fill up the moat." Li Tai said to himself.

"Your Highness, let me take the brothers up." Li Tianming, who was beside Li Tai, said to Li Tai.

"There is no need for this now. I believe that Xue Rengui should have a countermeasure. Otherwise, he will not be able to afford it. This is the word Yingmeng Xianchen." Li Tai said after waving his hand to Li Tianming.


At this time, Peng Tiebao on the city wall was extremely happy to see Tang Jun's efforts go to waste time after time.

At the same time, Peng Tiebiao had returned to Shuaitang, and Peng Tiehu and Peng Tiehu left with troops respectively according to Peng Tiebao's arrangement.

At this time, the mechanism division in the mechanism control room was observing the entire battlefield through the lookout port.Be ready to activate the organ wall at any time.

But at this moment, the stone door behind him slowly opened.This can't help but make the mechanism engineer feel strange.

When he just turned around, a flying knife actually shot him between the eyebrows.Before he even had time to scream, he fell to the ground.

It turned out that at the moment when the stone gate opened, Luo Huanbian used his armor-piercing technique to the extreme.A small flying knife shot through the gap in the stone gate, directly killing the organist.

After Luo Huan entered the agency control room, he was stunned by what he saw.He said to himself: "I always thought that the Gao family's mechanism was already vicious enough. I didn't expect the mechanism here to be even more vicious."

Just when Luo Huan was feeling emotional, the armor-breaking army beside him said, "General, you see the vanguard army is blocked by the moat."

Hearing what the armor-breaking army said, Luo Huan hurried to the observation port to observe.Luo Huan had a panoramic view of everything that happened on the battlefield.

It's a pity that the control mechanism of this sluice is not in this mechanism room.So Luo Huan had nothing to do for a while.

But if Xue Rengui can't lead people through the moat, then the matter of occupying the control room of the agency by himself will soon fail.

At that time, all his efforts would be in vain, which made Luo Huan feel extremely nervous.But he was in a hurry and couldn't use his strength.

At this time, Xue Rengui was observing the moat.I hope that we can find its flaws so that we can pass through the moat smoothly.

Suddenly Xue Rengui discovered that the entire sluice was controlled by two iron locks as thick as the mouth of a bowl.When the winch is stirred, the iron chain will be slowly stirred up, and then the water gate will be opened.

Xue Rengui felt that as long as the two iron locks could be cut off, the sluice gate would not be able to be opened again.

So Xue Rengui said to Zhou Qing who was beside him: "I leave this place to you, let the brothers continue to hoard sandbags by the moat."

After Xue Rengui finished speaking, he urged the horse to go directly to the upper reaches of the moat.The target is the two iron locks of the sluice gate.

This gate is on the upper reaches of the moat, and it uses the rising water level during high tide to store a large amount of seawater.

In order to prevent the sluice from being destroyed by the enemy, the sluice was built on the cliff.Want to destroy this sluice.

First of all, you have to cross the moat, and then climb up the cliff more than three feet high.Only then can you come to the top of this sluice.

And there are still a large number of fan soldiers stationed here, so they want to destroy the sluice.It is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

But in Xue Rengui, he was ready to give it a try.As soon as he mentioned that he sat down on his horse, he jumped into the moat.

(End of this chapter)

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