The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 443 Successfully sneaked into the secret passage

Chapter 443 Successfully sneaked into the secret passage
"Your Highness, General Luo Huan has sent back the news that the city wall of Jinshatan Walled City is indeed a mechanism wall. Now we have found the entrance to the mechanism control room." Li Tianming said to Li Tai.

"Inform him tonight that the control room of the agency must be occupied. When Xue Rengui attacks the city tomorrow, the agency wall will definitely not be able to function." Li Tai said to Li Tianming.

After Li Tianming nodded, he turned and left.Not long after, a carrier pigeon flew out from Huotouying.


"Brothers, the entrance to the control room of the agency is in the handsome hall. We must find a way to sneak in tonight." Luo Huan said to the brothers of the armor-breaking army.

"General, now Peng Tiebao already knows that the entrance to the control room of the agency is in the handsome hall. Then we must deploy heavy troops to defend it. It may not be so easy to get in." A armor-breaking army said to Luo Huan.

"We have no other choice now. The vanguard army will attack the city tomorrow morning. If we fail to destroy the trap, our army's losses will be immeasurable," Luo Huan said.

"General, why don't you think of a way to sneak into the gate of the city, and once the vanguard siege begins tomorrow, we will find a way to open the gate from inside." An armor-breaking army said to Luo Huan.

"With our strength, it's okay to make some small moves. If we storm the city gate, casualties will inevitably occur."

"My lord once said that the life of each of us is priceless. In any case, our main purpose is to ensure our own safety." Luo Huan said after waving his hands.

Luo Huan is not a blind and arrogant person. He doesn't think that with his [-] people, he can cooperate with the inside and outside and open the city gate to the vanguard army.

At this moment, a carrier pigeon landed in front of Luo Huan.Luo Huan hurriedly took Li Tai's secret letter from the carrier pigeon's lap.

After opening it, he smiled and said to everyone: "The lord has already made arrangements. Tonight, he will let the Beast Camp cooperate with us. Make some troubles in the city."

"However, the master agent must occupy the agency's control room tonight. And it must be done without the other party's knowledge."


Now that the organs of the Walled City can be opened, Peng Tiebao's hanging heart has finally let go.However, there was always a doubt in his heart, whether it was right for him to do so.

It can be said that Peng Tiebao doesn't want to fight this battle from the bottom of his heart.He felt that this was King Gao Jianzhuang, and he was very happy with Generalissimo Gai Suwen.Provoking war between the two countries for no reason.

From ancient times to the present, Goguryeo has fought wars with the Central Plains many times, but the final result, which one did not end in defeat.

Even Emperor Sui Yang's three conquests of Goguryeo in the previous dynasty ended in the defeat of Emperor Sui Yang.But the loss of Goguryeo is immeasurable.

But Peng Tiebao was soft-spoken, so how could he persuade King Gao Jianzhuang and Grand Marshal Gai Suwen.

In addition, now my family members are all trapped in Sanjiangyuehucheng.This forced him to try his best to prevent Tang Jun from entering Goguryeo.

Just as Peng Tiebao was sighing, there was a sudden commotion outside.Not long after, Fanbing came to report that the golden eagle that attacked them last time had appeared again.

Peng Tiebao hurriedly took people out of the house to check, and soon Peng Tiebao saw the golden eagle flying in the sky.From time to time, they dropped bottles of kerosene from the sky.

Fortunately, Peng Tiebao has already made preparations, and every household has a water tank for fire fighting.In this way, the fire is controlled and will not cause much damage to the entire city.

"Be sure to check everywhere, any open flames must be extinguished in time." Peng Tiebao ordered.

What Peng Tiebao can do now is to prevent the Condor Army from lighting up the fire.As for shooting down the Divine Condor Army, with the bows and arrows in their hands, they couldn't do it yet.

Although it was prepared early, but for a while, the entire Jinshatan Walled City was inside.It also made people panic.

And at this moment, the granary was ignited again.This made Peng Tiebao very angry, so he ordered people to bring the horses and go to the granary to check in person.

Naturally, it was not the Divine Condor Army in the sky that lit the granary, but the Armor Breaker Army that was lurking past secretly.After the fire was ignited, the Armored Army quickly withdrew from the granary.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and there was no major problem with the granary.This made Peng Tiebao heave a sigh of relief.

But when he saw that Peng Tiehu and Peng Tiebiao were also in charge of putting out the fire in the granary.I couldn't help screaming in my heart that it was not good.

So he immediately urged the horse to rush back to Shuaitang, and dispatched Fanbing to surround Shuaitang with water.Because he felt that he might have been caught in a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

When Peng Tiebao led people into the handsome hall, his hanging heart finally let go.But for the sake of safety, Peng Tiebao is going to go to the agency control room in person to see if there is any accident.

Peng Tiebao ordered Fanbing to surround Shuaitang, and no one else was allowed to enter or leave without authorization.Anyone who enters or exits without authorization will be executed.

After Peng Tiebao turned on the mechanism, he jumped into the secret passage.Then, according to his own memory, he headed towards the agency control room.

But Peng Tiebao never imagined that the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole were behind.Not long after he got off the secret path, a few figures floated down from the main beam of the handsome hall.

According to Peng Tiebao's method, they opened the secret channel mechanism.Then, with extremely fast movement, he jumped into the secret passage.

"Be careful, I'm afraid this secret way will not be that simple." Luo Huan explained in a low voice.

That's right, these black shadows are exactly Luo Huan and the armor-piercing army he brought.Why didn't they enter the secret passage ahead of time? They were worried about being blocked by Peng Tiebao.

But what Luo Huan didn't think of, he found it when he entered the secret path.There are many forks in this secret passage. If you go wrong, let alone reach the control room, it is probably impossible to get back alive.

"General, the roads here are complicated. It seems that it is difficult to find the real passage." An armor-breaking army said to Luo Huan.

"If I had known this earlier, I would have brought a Tibetan mastiff in." Another armor-piercing soldier said with a sigh.

Although it seemed like an unintentional remark, it suddenly made Luo Huan suddenly enlightened.Luo Huan squatted down and observed carefully.

Soon Luo Huan found footprints on the ground. These footprints belonged to Peng Tiebao and the others, who made several trips to and from the control room.

After all, no one has entered this control room for many years.The secret passage leading to the control room was also dusty.So someone passing by will naturally leave some footprints.

"Immediately hide at the top of several other passages. Remember not to leave any traces." Luo Huan said to several other Armor Breakers.

After all, if he can find traces of someone entering, Peng Tiebao may also find it.Therefore, Luo Huan must remove the traces they brought.

After watching the other people hide their figures, Luo Huan walked towards the way in again and cleaned up all the traces left by them.He also hides his body shape.

(End of this chapter)

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