Chapter 423

At noon, Zhang Shigui, supported by He Zongxian, came to the big tent of the Chinese army.He saluted Li Shimin first, and then paid his respects to Yu Chigong.

Seeing Zhang Shigui approaching, Yu Chigong asked, "The time has come, I wonder how your plan for landing is prepared."

"Reporting to Marshal, the last general really doesn't have that ability. Fortunately, the last general's son-in-law, He Zongxian, is well-versed in military books and war strategies. So the last general asked him to write a plan for him." Zhang Shigui said to Yu Chigong.

"The virtuous son-in-law you mentioned is this He Zongxian. Why didn't I see how he looks like a well-read military man?"

"Tell me, is it the Emperor Ying Meng's virtuous minister who is hiding in your vanguard army? You forced him to write down this landing plan for you." Yu Chigong asked angrily.

"Marshal, you are slandering the last general. The last general has already told the emperor. There is no one named Xue Rengui in Longmen County, Jiangzhou, Shanxi. The emperor's virtuous minister Ying Meng is the last general's son-in-law He Zongxian." Zhang Shigui Said to Yuchi Gong.

"Why are you so arguing about it? Whether He Zongxian is a good minister of Yingmeng or not, we will know the truth if we fail the test." After Xu Maogong finished speaking, he took the proposal from Zhang Shigui.

After opening it, he began to ask He Zongxian questions non-stop.Let him explain the proposal on the landing plan.

But Zhang Shigui had already made preparations and asked Xue Rengui to explain it in detail.So at this time, He Zongxian was being tested, so naturally he couldn't be tested.

Seeing that Xu Maogong has come to speak, He Zongxian has gone.Zhang Shigui on the side couldn't be happier.He secretly said in his heart: "This time, I see that none of you dare to say that my son-in-law is not Ying Meng's virtuous minister."

"Your Majesty, from the current point of view, this plan should indeed be written by He Zongxian. Moreover, this plan is very feasible." Xu Maogong said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"According to what the military adviser said, doesn't that mean that this He Zongxian is my virtuous minister Ying Meng?" Li Shimin asked Xu Maogong.

"I'm afraid it can't be confirmed based on this alone, but General He Zongxian is in the forward battalion. When the two armies fight, the emperor will naturally see his performance."

"As long as He Zongxian is the emperor's virtuous minister Yingmeng, he will be invincible along the way." Xu Maogong said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"The military master is right. Is it not too late for my minister Yingmeng? After crossing the sea and conquering the east, after my Great Tang has pacified his Eastern Liao kingdoms, it will not be too late to award him." Li Shimin pointed. After nodding his head, he said.

"Since the emperor thinks this plan is feasible, then Zhang Shigui, you go down and make arrangements according to the plan. The warship must be rebuilt within seven days, and the commander will board the ship and cross the sea in ten days." Yu Chigong said to Zhang Shigui.

At this moment, Zhang Shigui was indescribably happy, nodded his promise to Yu Chigong, and left with his son-in-law.

Seeing Zhang Shigui and He Zongxian leaving, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help laughing loudly.Then he laughed and said: "This is the so-called self-righteousness. I always feel that what I do is perfect. But I don't know that I have already seen through everything."

"I'm talking about Cheng Yaojin. If Li Tai hadn't been able to plan this matter, you can guess that Xue Rengui is hiding in Zhang Shigui's army."

"I'm afraid you've been fooled by others for a long time." Yu Chigong said to Cheng Yaojin with a look of disdain.

"Now Zhang Shigui already feels that he has managed to hide the truth. If so, then we will follow his plan." Xu Maogong said with a smile.


When Zhang Shigui returned to the Pioneer Camp, his joy did not fade away.He ordered people to take ten altars of wine and fifty catties of pork, and sent them to Huotouying to reward Xue Rengui.

Zhang Shigui's doing this was not because of his conscience, and he wanted to thank Xue Rengui for his help.Instead, he was planning to win over Xue Rengui with small favors and favors.

After all, Xu Maogong has already said that in the next big and small battles across the sea.It also depends on the performance of his son-in-law He Zongxian.

How could Zhang Shigui not know that his son-in-law is very different.So he had already made up his mind, ready to let Xue Rengui and He Zongxian sing the double reed for Li Shimin.

While Zhang Shigui settled Xue Rengui, he began to modify the warship.The modification method of this warship is actually very simple.

That is to add a layer of waterproof layer at the bottom of the transshipment.In this way, the opponent can avoid sending water troops to sneak under the ship and cut through the ship and warship.

So it is not very troublesome to modify.It was completed ahead of schedule in only six days.And made a report to Yuchi Gong.

Now that the battleship has been built, the next step is to board the ship and cross the sea.From Dengzhou to Liaodong across the sea, the sailing time will take three to five days.

Zhang Shigui commanded more than 50 warships and led the vanguard to go to sea first.After all, [-] troops cross the sea at the same time, and the ships they need are not even a single star.

Therefore, the landing plan provided by Xue Rengui is to land in batches and echelons.The first to land was naturally Zhang Shigui's vanguard.

After the pioneer army successfully landed on the Golden Beach, the fleet came back to meet the main force.Plus the remaining hundreds of warships in the hands of the main force.Then everyone can be transported to the Eastern Liao Kingdom at one time.

Looking at the warships slowly going away, Yuchi Jingde asked Xu Maogong: "I said military division, how long do you think they will be able to occupy the Golden Beach?"

"It takes at least three to five days of sailing from here to the golden beach on the other side. However, it is not an easy task to successfully capture the golden beach." Xu Maogong said while tying his beard with his hand.

"If you don't know, just say you don't know. It's not ashamed to say that you can't figure it out. Why bother playing tricks there." Cheng Yaojin said at the side.

"I can't figure it out, can you figure it out, then you tell the marshal, tell the emperor. How long will it take Zhang Shigui to occupy the golden beach!" Xu Maogong looked at Cheng Yaojin and said.

"If I could pinch and count, I would have become a military adviser not long ago. What are you doing with your old man." Cheng Yaojin said confidently.

"Cheng Yaojin, Cheng Yaojin, how many times have I told you that you have to go through your brain before you speak, and it's too late for you to refute after someone has finished speaking?" Qin Qiong looked at Cheng with a helpless expression. Biting gold said.

Hearing Qin Qiong's words, Xu Maogong smiled and said, "If I'm not wrong, it's as many as ten days in a month. Zhang Shigui will definitely win the Golden Beach."

"Military division, I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed at this time. The other party has already known that we are going to conquer the east across the sea. And this golden beach is the first battlefield that bears the brunt of it."

"Could it be that King Gaojianzhuang doesn't know the importance of that place? Even if King Gaojianzhuang doesn't know, how can the Generalissimo of the Eastern Liao Kingdom, Gai Suwen, not know about it?" Li Shimin said incredulously.

"Your Majesty, you should understand when you look up." Xu Maogong pointed to the sky and said to Li Shimin with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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