The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 398 The Weapon Belonging to Shura

Chapter 398 The Weapon Belonging to Shura

"My lord, since we have decided to participate in this cross-sea conquest, shouldn't we make preparations in advance and make reasonable arrangements?" Xu Liang asked Li Tai.

"Sun Qiang, take the Beast Legion to the area of ​​the Yalu River in Youzhou. You must open our base there." Li Tai said to Sun Qiang, the leader of the Beast Legion.

"My lord, you can rest assured that the three beast legions in our hands all grew up in the severe cold. It is not difficult to open up a base in the area of ​​the Yalu River." Sun Qiang got up and said to Li Tai.

"Gao Kan, you take the Sky Eye troops and set off before the heavy snow closes the mountains. I want a detailed map of the entire Liaodong. I want to detail the location of each village." Li Tai said to Gao Kan.

"Don't worry, my lord. When my lord arrives in the Liaodong countries, my Sky Eye troops will definitely hand over a detailed map to my lord." Gao Kan said to Li Tai.

"Qin Huaiyu, Cheng Tieniu, Yuchi Baolin, Yuchi Baoqing, Luo Tong. During this period of time, your training tasks must be increased, especially the training for fighting in cold weather." Li Tai said to Qin Huaiyu and others.

"My lord, when the emperor said that Ying Meng's virtuous officials appeared, my father predicted that the Liaodong countries would rebel. At that time, brothers, we had already started targeted training."

"Even if he is fighting in the ice and snow now, he may not be able to get a bargain from the soldiers and generals of the Liaodong Kingdom." Xu Liang said to Li Tai with a smile.

"Okay, so the king will be relieved. Now let's talk about the supply of equipment. Shen Yunfei, how many sets of Lu aluminum armor can you provide for the king now." After Li Tai nodded, he turned to Shen Yun Fei said.

"My lord, don't worry, the aluminum armor I have now is enough to equip my imperial army. And there are nearly a thousand sets left." Shen Yunfei said to Li Tai.

Today's King Wei's Forbidden Army still has 5000 external troops.But in fact, if you add the supply unit responsible for logistics.Now the number has reached nearly 5000.

That is to say, in the current King Wei's imperial army, on average, for every soldier, there are two people doing logistical support for him.This also increased the combat effectiveness of Wei Wang's imperial army.

Moreover, these [-] logistics troops are not civilians who push carts to carry burdens.That is definitely a veteran of a hundred battles.

Therefore, the aluminum armor provided by Shen Yunfei naturally also includes the brothers of the logistics and supply troops.So in the past three years, Shen Yunfei has manufactured a total of nearly [-] sets of aluminum armor.

This made Li Tai very satisfied, so he nodded and continued to ask: "The five special weapons that the king wants you to build, can you complete them?"

"My lord, according to your request, we will make [-] sets of each type. They can be equipped for the imperial army of King Wei at any time." Shen Yunfei said to Li Tai.

"Since the equipment is ready, send them there as soon as possible. They must be practiced well before going out." Li Tai nodded and said.

The five special weapons mentioned by Li Tai are not ordinary swords and guns.The first type is equipped with assault spears used by Thunder Dragon Army and heavy cavalry.

Li Tai named this assault spear the Thunder Gun.It is built according to the western knight gun.However, Li Tai made some improvements on this, changing the Western knight's spear, which was originally a cylinder without a blade, into a triangular shape.

It is equivalent to combining the king of modern cold weapons, the triangular army thorn, and the western knight gun.In this way, its lethality has been greatly improved.

The second is the weapon equipped for the Suzaku Flame Army and light cavalry.Named by Li Tai as the Raging Fire Dragon Spear, this weapon does not look much different from a long spear, but it implies a murderous intent.

This Raging Flame Dragon Gun is not just a gun, it is also used with a fuel tank.Usually the fuel tank is placed on the horse's back.

When in use, insert the tail of the flame dragon slaying gun into the fuel tank.Then press the upper mechanism of the flame dragon gun, and flames will be ejected from the top of the gun.

The third type of weapon is the weapon used by the Gale White Tiger Army and light infantry.The shape looks like a bamboo steel whip.

As long as the mechanism is pressed, an iron blade will fly out from the bamboo-jointed steel whip.Its effective attack range is more than one foot.

The flying iron blades are connected by a very thin iron cable.It can be retracted at any time, and the iron blade that flew out is the triangular army thorn.

And it can also be used as a soft whip, so Li Tai named it Gale Wind White Tiger Whip.It can be considered to be consistent with the name of the Gale Wind White Tiger Army.

The fourth weapon, called Ruoshui Mace, is equipped for the Kuangbo Xuanwu Army, a weapon used by heavy infantry.This weak water mace also has organs.

The head of the whole mace is hollow and filled with poisonous water.As long as the mechanism is pressed, the poisonous water will spray out from the top of the mace.

The last weapon is called the Four Spirits Steel Umbrella.It is a special arm combat weapon equipped for the Four Spirits Qilin Army.

This stainless steel umbrella looks like an ordinary umbrella, but the entire umbrella surface is made of fine steel, with a total of 72 pieces combined.

Moreover, the sizes of the stainless steel umbrellas are also different. It can be said that there are four small umbrellas with one big umbrella.All umbrellas have different mechanisms.

The big umbrella plays a protective role and can be used as a shield.Those who have small umbrellas have a variety of mechanisms, which are used as offenses.

It can be said that these five weapons were not completed by Shen Yunfei alone, and Gao Ping also helped them.Because it incorporates mechanism techniques.

Looking at the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Li Tai said with a smile: "I will take you to see the new weapons I prepared for you later."

Hearing Li Tai's words, Qin Huaiyu and others couldn't help feeling curious.After all, the weapons used by the entire imperial army of the king of Wei today.A perfect fit has been achieved.

If the weapon is replaced now, it may affect the combat effectiveness of King Wei's march.So they didn't understand why Li Tai changed weapons for them at this critical moment.

Then Li Tai took everyone to visit the new weapon that Li Tai wanted to equip the Wei King's imperial army.When everyone saw these weapons and learned how to use them.

Puzzled looks appeared on each face, only to hear Qin Huaiyu say: "My lord, these weapons are too fancy, and I'm afraid they may not be of any use when the two armies are actually fighting against each other."

"You're right, but don't forget that this time, our King Wei's Forbidden Army is not acting as the main force. It's a shadow force that doesn't exist."

"So the weapons in our hands must be mysterious and weird. Because this mystery and weirdness can play a great deterrent effect."

"In addition to the pervasive rumors. Then the one who massacred the people of the Liaodong countries will be Asura from the underworld."

"Of course it's not the King of Wei's Forbidden Army, who gave up conventional weapons. Conventional weapons are also carried by the logistics and supply troops. In different situations, the King of Wei's Forbidden Army will issue different combat weapons." Li Tai said to everyone with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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